Sports – health and longevity.

Sports – health and longevity.

I would like to tell you about the positive impact of sports on human health. Every person in life would like to have perfect health, constant efficiency and endurance. And, as a person who has lived only in sports since the age of 5, I can assure you 100% that it is possible. The answer to this question is sport! Another question is: professional or amateur? Everything according to the capabilities and abilities of the person. One thing I can say with certainty: “Every person should go in for sports!” If we talk about professional sports, then there may be conflicting opinions. Some say: “This is great!”, Others say: “A person in old age suffers from many diseases from such sports!”. I will say that in professional sports, the pros cover all the cons. Not only the body rejoices, but also the soul. Through sports, a person forms not only his body and his physical health, but also his soul. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport you are doing or just trying to do, the principles are the same everywhere: to shape the body, gain health and, of course, be in harmony with yourself. I believe that no person in the world will deny this. Every person, at least once in his life, thought about going in for sports. And this is a fact. Whether it is professional sports, medical gymnastics or to correct the beauty of your body, sports have one goal: “Harmony of body and soul.” Think about how many positive qualities sport forms in a person, especially if he starts from childhood. Discipline, punctuality, responsibility. You can go on and on, but now, it seems to me that you need to confirm your theory with facts and once again prove that sport is not only useful in all its manifestations, but also really has a beneficial effect on health and life expectancy. And in order for sport to really bring benefits, and to feel the results, systematicity is required. Without it, all efforts are useless.

So, let’s begin. Let’s start with a medical point of view about sports. What efforts does the body have to make while playing sports? This is primarily the musculoskeletal system, since only muscles can perform such functions. Sports activities also affect the respiratory and cardiovascular system. And, the main thing is not to forget about the metabolism. Well, now let’s consider what effect sport has on these body systems, because they are the main ones.


Musculoskeletal system

The main burden in sports falls on this system. Only muscles, joints and tendons can perform any human movement. But we must not forget that every human movement provokes the brain. Without a brain impulse, not a single human movement will occur. Therefore, the nervous system gets tired first, and then the musculoskeletal system. This is why the athlete is given, during strong efforts, the so-called doping, which activates performance. Every day we even unconsciously perform two types of activities: psychological and physical. Psychological activity is communication, emotions and intellectual work. Physical activity is responsible for movement. During psychological stress, only some of the body’s systems operate, and during physical stress, absolutely everything. Based on the foregoing, if physical activity does not exceed physiological, then the body adapts and adapts to daily stress. But, if, roughly speaking, we “force ourselves”, then numerous violations of the human body may occur. As the sages say: “everything should have a golden mean.” Also, lack of physical activity can lead to diseases such as obesity, bad habits, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes.

The cardiovascular system

This system regulates blood circulation and oxygen supply to body tissues. When we exercise, we promote, through daily exercise, the thickening of the heart muscles, which leads to greater endurance. Just think, why do trained people, at rest, have a slower heartbeat than those who do not go in for sports? Because a trained heart can pump more blood than an untrained heart. And the walls of blood vessels in athletes are more resilient and elastic. If exercise is moderate, then diseases such as thrombosis, varicose veins are prevented, and the number of red blood cells increases.

Respiratory system

Athletes’ lungs differ significantly from those of untrained people. Additional “air sacs” open in the athlete’s lungs, increasing the lung capacity. The athlete’s lungs are more supplied with blood.

Basically, sports are recommended to everyone. You just need to understand what you want from the sport. And the most important thing is to choose the kind of sport that will bring you the greatest pleasure, spiritual and physical development. The main thing is not to exceed your body’s capabilities!

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