Sports for those who do not want to lose weight

When a fat person runs or squats, people around him conclude without hesitation: he is dissatisfied with his weight. However, sports are needed not only for weight loss. What prevents us from enjoying it? What types of activity are suitable for full and how to stop paying attention to stereotypes?

Oddly enough, not all people with magnificent forms strive to lose weight. They feel comfortable in their weight. They are mobile and flexible. Parameters other than “ideal” do not prevent them from loving physical activity.

After all, sports not only help to lose weight. It also gives a boost of energy: during training, endorphins, dopamine, serotonin are released, which help us feel happy and satisfied. Since the brain is actively saturated with oxygen, it is during classes that we think so well on abstract topics.

Sport is a drive, the joy of communicating with like-minded people. Some people like company, fun outings. Physical activity helps maintain and restore health.

“There was an operation on the knee – they removed the meniscus. I thought I would never ride a bike, and I can’t run … Nothing at all! Then, slowly, she began to work. And now three years have passed, the knee does not bother, and I ride a bike, run, swim and feel great, ”shares Maria, 38 years old.

“I have a genetic disease. At the age of 35, all the doctors said that I needed to forget about physical exertion forever and get used to the pain. At first I believed them, and then the first time I came to the climbing wall – and disappeared. Now I work out two or three times a week, and I almost forgot about back pain, ”says Elena, 40 years old.

You don’t have to be a fitness model to be healthy and enjoy your body.

“Exercise three to five times a week has significant benefits in reducing anxiety levels, elevating mood, and reducing the severity of panic attacks compared to irregular workouts. According to the results of studies, in patients with depressive disorder, the effect of physical exercise was generally comparable to the results of drug treatment,” says sports psychologist Maria Ogurtsova.

The main thing is that the sport you have chosen really likes you, gives you strength and inspiration. There is no point in going out for a morning run just because it supposedly helps you lose weight. It doesn’t help if you don’t know how to do it right, if it’s hard, uncomfortable and tormented by the thought: “I wish I had signed up for dancing.”

It is not necessary to be a fitness model or have the figure of a professional athlete in order to be healthy, enjoy your body and sports loads. It is not necessary to run marathons or lift heavy weights to build muscles and not choke when climbing stairs.

Everything seems to be clear. But many are afraid to exercise. And often this is due to the assessment of others – coaches, relatives and just passers-by.

Why are obese people embarrassed to play sports?

“Once I went for a run, and some teenager shouted after me: “Don’t try, aunt, you won’t lose weight anyway.” This made me very angry. After all, what right do they have to judge me?” – says Svetlana, 30 years old.

Despite all the advantages of the sport and the great desire to engage in it, many overweight quit it as soon as they start, or do not dare to come to the first lesson. After all, the weight does not go away as quickly as we would like. Why then run, swim, ride, dance?

It is difficult to find motivation when, under the influence of false beliefs, a person is simply embarrassed to go on a track or sign up for yoga. “Sport is for slim people,” we think. “So, everyone will evaluate how I run, how I perform exercises, how I look on a bike or in a swimsuit.”

It is very difficult to get rid of all this and just enjoy the process. Many need the approval and support of others, and this is precisely what is lacking.

“The level of competence of trainers, even in the fitness industry, does not always allow them to treat everyone with attention and understanding of motivation,” notes Maria Ogurtsova.

“When I came to the first lesson, the coach did not even notice me, he paid attention only to those who immediately managed to complete the exercises. I asked him to give me a task, and he waved it off: “Well, go sit down.” As if everything is clear with me right away – nothing will work out for me. It was very insulting, I immediately felt clumsy, fat, hopeless. I never went to this coach again, ”says Evgenia, 43 years old.

People are sure that they will be looked askance at. And, unfortunately, they are often right. “Well-wishers” consider it their duty to speak out about the weight of even a barely familiar person. It’s painful and embarrassing. And kills all motivation in the bud.

How to overcome shyness

First of all, you should forget about weight. You do not have a goal to lose thirty kilograms, because it is already difficult to move? You are happy with the way you look, but due to the influence of public opinion, you still have not bought yourself a bicycle or Nordic walking poles?

Then remember that doing is useful and pleasant. You may not lose weight, but you will improve the quality of life and, in the end, cheer yourself up.

You can be healthy no matter what size of clothes you wear. Consider that completeness is a subjective criterion. People evaluate you based on their own position, and their assessment speaks rather not about you, but about them.

As you know, the easiest way to start running is to get out of the house and run.

Set short goals, celebrate mood changes and share the joy with friends

“How to stop being shy? If being shy for you means worrying about the opinions of others about your actions, then it is important to focus on your own opinion and the value for yourself of what you are doing. Set aside time and write down why an active lifestyle is important to you, what it gives you personally, what it can give with regular training.

How to motivate yourself if there is no goal to lose weight? Set short goals, celebrate mood changes and share the joy with friends, find new ones inside the sport. Organize your group – for the initial and regular level this will be enough, and as soon as you feel a taste for an active lifestyle, you can move on with a coach, ”prompts Maria Ogurtsova.

Do not be afraid of external obstacles. As you know, if there is a desire, we are looking for opportunities, if there is no desire, we are looking for reasons.

“Remember what prevents you from making classes regular. Perhaps uncomfortable clothing, lack of time, or unpleasant minutes before and after training due to transport problems are preventing you.

Think about how you can get rid of these small, but still troubles. You can train at home, in the park, set aside a budget for cool equipment, or reconsider your daily routine by choosing a fitness club near your child’s home or school, where you take him every day, ”suggests Maria Ogurtsova.

What sports are suitable

Despite the ardent desire to practice, please note that not all sports are suitable for overweight people. Where can you start?


“Excellently strengthens the muscular corset, minimizes the effect of weight on joint injuries,” the expert explains. Moreover, this type of physical activity is recommended by doctors when there are problems with the spine. Find a coach who will teach you how to swim economically and correctly. Or even do water aerobics.

By bicycle

“Exercising outdoors has a positive effect on performance and good mood, because you take a dose of sunlight, and with it vitamin D,” says Maria Ogurtsova. Turn on the music and pedal slowly while enjoying the beautiful views. The main thing is to choose a bike model that will be convenient for you.

Belly dance

According to the expert, this is a great option to realize your creative potential. The mobility of the spine will make an important contribution to health, and costumes and music will add a positive mood.


A “smart” sport, where physical activity is combined with mental training, new landscapes will not let you get bored during exercise. Most of the activity takes place in the forest, where there are few spectators who can embarrass you, ”says the expert. If you love adventure, this sport is for you.


This is an activity for everyone. Age and weight are not a hindrance if you decide to do yoga. You can start the day with it, and there are special classes that help you fall asleep faster. Almost every asana has a light version. In addition, special equipment – blocks, elastic bands – will help you perform the exercises correctly.

“Different areas of yoga will allow you to choose what is closer in terms of activity and load, but these are always classes in which you pay attention to your body and condition,” says the expert.


This sport is for those who have problems with joints and spine. The movements of a skier resemble movements on an ellipse, a simulator, when there is no shock load on the legs. Most people ski in the winter, but now you can do it at any time of the year, because there are roller skis. You can drive around the park in them and not be afraid of the cold.

“An excellent combination of outdoor activity with no shock load, as well as the opportunity to get positive emotions from the descents from the hill,” says Maria Ogurtsova.

Nordic walking

If you are not yet ready to run, walking is no less useful, and sometimes it becomes the only alternative to running for those who have problems with the heart and joints. Classes are held outdoors in any weather. All you need are sticks and sturdy boots.

Now there are a lot of free groups where you can train under the guidance of a coach. Look for which of the nearest parks has such, and feel free to go there.


There are many types of capoeira, all suitable for all ages and all weights. Even people with disabilities are involved, says coach and psychologist Evgenia Melinger.

“Fat people have limitations in terms of stress on the joints. Because there are acrobatic movements with squats, jumps, when the hands, elbows, shoulders, knees are loaded. And if a person does not have enough muscle strength to hold himself and not overload the joints, then the coach gives lead-up exercises to develop strength and technique.

Capoeira develops strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination. It can be compared to dance in terms of workload, but it has a lot of martial arts in it. This makes her unique. Capoeira is good for those who consider themselves complete, weak, think: “I can’t, I won’t succeed.”

Capoeira is a party. All coaches try to make the group become a team. Due to this, group work is going on: people support each other, infect each other with activity and motivation.”

In capoeira, interaction is important, it is important to feel the other. The goal of the game is to show your maximum acting, physical, technical, sense of rhythm and respect for your partner. Of course, there is competition, and it is especially felt at competitions. But the radical difference from other martial arts is that it is important to play in such a way as not to be “above the person”, but with him to create a unique and highly technical “pattern” of movements.

“Often fat people deep down want to be noticed, so they increase in size. Some people bury their grudges and the body holds them in the form of kilograms. And all this disrupts energy exchange, as if the courage of life is leaving.

In the process of training, the body begins to change, muscle blocks disappear, energy begins to flow in the body. There are new colors, new positive emotions. In capoeira, people play with each other in a circle, and the rest support them by playing musical instruments, singing, clapping to the rhythm.

You are the center of attention, and the attention is very supportive. For many, this is a very important experience, which they can then integrate into life and begin to love and appreciate themselves and their bodies more, ”explains Evgenia.


Beginners can start with walking. This is an interval type of training: you divide the distance, and part of it is covered, part is run. Over time, running segments become longer. In addition, heavier runners may want to choose a shoe that is a size larger and has better cushioning. Now there are a huge number of options, and it is better not to save on this.

At first, pay more attention to the time you run, and not to the distance. Then you can slowly add kilometers and increase speed. You can also use intervals for this. To avoid boredom during training, choose routes in the forest or park, and you can also run in the city center. Pick up music or audiobooks.

Running perfectly unloads the head, it is likely that new interesting ideas will come to your mind. Yes, and progress will become noticeable very soon, especially if you do not feel sorry for yourself, but listen to your body and gradually increase the load, alternating running with strength training.

Rock climbing

“If you have a desire to come to the climbing wall, but you think that you are too hard for this sport, cast aside your doubts,” says Vlad Fofonov, trainer-teacher, climbing instructor of the FSR, who has been training both children and adults for 7 years . – Climbing will help you pump endurance, become more flexible, physically strong.

You can get a lot of things that you won’t get in a regular fitness room. You set short-term goals and see progress quickly, which motivates you to train. After all, you will pass simple routes, even without having a cool physical shape. There are no strict health restrictions in rock climbing, except, perhaps, heart problems.

Climbing has several main disciplines – bouldering, speed and difficulty. It’s better to start with her. These are long routes that pass with insurance. The least traumatic type of rock climbing.

Climbing will also help you conquer your fears, especially the fear of heights. These days, you no longer need to climb in shoes and tie yourself to a safety rope with hand-sewn guy lines. There are new descenders, belay systems, “shoes” instead of galoshes.

At the climbing wall you will receive support and believe in yourself. Learn to trust others by letting them belay you and belay them. In the classroom, it is customary to encourage each other, praise and prompt. Therefore, you will simply forget about the complexes, thinking about how you will cope with the track.


Regardless of which sport you choose, remember that you should enjoy it. Only the load that gives pleasure will benefit you.

About the experts

Maria Ogurtsova – sports psychologist, psychological training coach, expert of the Innovation Center of the Russian Olympic Committee, member of the European Federation of Sports Psychology (FEPSAC). Read more on her Online.

Evgeniya Melinger — psychologist, art therapist, capoeira coach for children and adults. Creator of capoeira family groups (joint classes for children from 11 months old with parents and an annual training camp for families with children).

Vladislav Fofonov – trainer-teacher of the Highwall climbing wall, instructor of the FSR in rock climbing, candidate master of sports.

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