Sport – Take action

Sport – Take action

Take action

“Physical form” file

Fitness is a fundamental determinant of health. Here is a three-part file to help you cultivate it or find it.

  • The best reasons to move
  • Motivate and persevere
  • Take action

Test your fitness.

Feverish and fully motivated (after having read the Motivate yourself and persevere sheet), you are ready to take action. Well done! This is the kind of decision you will not regret … on the condition that you choose the right activity.

  • 1nd step : Make the right choice to succeed in his quest for a more physically active life. The right activity will be the one that matches your likes, which responds to your needs and who respects your capacity (physical and financial).
  • 2nd step : Determine the way the most convenient and easiest to practice the chosen activity.

Fitness – Making the right choices

In the field ofphysical activity, studies on perseverance are formal: the fun must be the first selection criterion. However, to find a pleasant activity, you must first want to practice it. Walking up and down the same step for 20 minutes, three times a week, will, of course, improve your cardiovascular endurance, but will it really be fun? How long will you last before letting go? On the other hand, aerobic dancing, swimming, cross-country skiing, roller skating, cycling, Pilates or Table Gymnastics could give you pleasure, while allowing you to achieve similar results. One must want to do the chosen physical activity once, again, and then again, until it becomes a habit of life.

If you like thrills, don’t go for anti-gymnastics or stretching (stretching) which are slow-moving activities. Hang gliding, downhill skiing or mountain biking will give you more thrills. If, on the contrary, you want to include a “Zen” break in your hectic schedule, Tai-chi, yoga or Qi Gong could make you happy.

Do not underestimate the role of your temperament either, as it can be a source of motivation as well as a cause of abandonment. For example, if you are rather click here., choose activities accordingly. If, on the contrary, you like to be in groupe, it is necessary to opt for activities which promote social contact. If you are the type impatient, take into account that mastering the technique in activities such as tennis or golf takes more time than in badminton, for example. If you have a temperamentartist, choose social dance rather than skipping rope! If you don’t like the competition athletic, your choice should be directed towards activities where you are not opposed to any opponent.

Following the requirements section that follows, you will be able to click on the Game of tastes and needs. You will be offered all kinds of activities there that should correspond to what you are looking for.

Your needs

What is wonderful with thephysical activityis that it makes it possible to combine the useful with the pleasant, in other words, toamuse while improving its health. However, this requires identifying which health-related needs one wishes to meet. For example, for a sedentary person who returns to physical activity, these needs could be limited, at first, to a simple improvement of his general physical condition.

The ideal would be to identify, after a Evaluation complete your physical condition by a physical educator or a kinesiologist, the elements to be improved as a priority: cardiovascular endurance, muscular vigor (strength and endurance), control of your fat reserves, flexibility, posture or capacity to relax. This will then help you choose the most suitable activity. You can also take our Your Fitness test.

If you like to exercise in a group and need to improve your cardiovascular endurance, which is common among sedentary people, tai-boxing (an activity derived from aerobic dance, which combines different boxer training techniques), cycle touring or cardio-cycling (or spinning, an activity practiced in a group on stationary bicycles under the supervision of a facilitator) are good choices. On the other hand, if you want to increase your Muscular force and you feel the urge to do it on your own, think about weight training, for example.

Your turn now! In the Game of tastes and needs, we offer a multitude of activities that should meet both your tastes and your needs. All you have to do is make sure that they respect your physical and financial capacities.

Your capabilities

The activity that interests you could be too demanding for you because of a weakness in the shoulder or the knee or, even, of a physical limitation associated with a health problem (pronounced scoliosis, hypotension, allergy to chlorine, diabetes, poorly controlled asthma, etc.). You might be tempted by aerobic dancing, for example, but if your ankles are prone to sprains, it is surely not a good choice. Unless it’s swimming, as long as you’re not allergic to chlorine. Or maybe you still feel like playing hockey or squash? In this case, make sure you have the cardiovascular capacity to do so, as these are vigorous activities and cannot be easily controlled in intensity.

To find out, first take stock of your general ability to engage in physical activity by answering the Q-AAP questionnaire. If this test gives you the green light, you can then assess your level of cardiovascular endurance, the most important determinant of fitness. If your endurance is low or very low, you will need to get back in shape before undertaking a demanding activity such as hockey or squash. In addition, under these conditions, regardless of the activity chosen, it will be better to make a very gradual return to physical activity.

Ask yourself one last question before making your choice: how much will the activity cost you? In the cost of physical activity, it is necessary to consider not only the cost of the equipment, but also that of the lessons (if necessary), the costs of subscription to a center, the costs of renting a site, etc. These costs can vary greatly from sport to sport. For example, swimming and fitness walking are very affordable, while downhill skiing, scuba diving and golf require a well-stocked wallet!

At the end of the day, whatever your physical or financial limitations, they should not hold back your motivation nor use you as a pretext for physical inactivity. With the exception of a serious injury or the acute phase of an illness, situations which prohibit all physical activity are extremely rare.


How long to get in good physical shape?

To get the most benefit from physical activity, it is best to practice it for about 150 to 200 minutes per week, in increments of at least 10 minutes, spread over 4 to 7 days. Of course, you can achieve this goal gradually and give yourself a little time to achieve it.

But be prepared to be amazed! After just a few weeks, it’s a safe bet that physical activity will have become second nature to you, a great pleasure. which you will not want to do without and of which you will appreciate the many benefits on a daily basis.


Fitness – The Best Ways to Take Action

There you have it, you have chosen an activity (or 2 or 3) that meets your tastes, your needs and your abilities. It remains to choose how to practice this activity. Various possibilities are available to you: activity center, home solutions ou entraîneur personnel.

The physical activity center

It happens that by choosing an activity, we also choose a whole environment. This is the case when taking a course or practicing an activity in a physical activity center. These centers, increasingly popular, offer certain advantages compared to the practice carried out on an autonomous basis: choice between various activities, group or private lessons, choice of rooms (gymnasium, weight room, aerobic dance room equipped with mirrors, etc.), presence of specialists, fitness assessment service, atmosphere that makes you want to move, opportunity to meet interesting people – not to mention the little extras, such as whirlpools, saunas, restaurants health or massage therapy.

However, you can waste your time and money if you choose the “wrong” center or a center that does not suit your needs. Here are two important criteria to consider before spending a dime.

The distance

The distance to go to train brings us back to the factor of time. Indeed, if it takes you an hour to get to your health club, you may skip sessions and ultimately drop everything. By choosing a center located less than twenty minutes from where you started (home or workplace), you substantially increase your chances of persevering.


Visit all the rooms of the physical activity center. This visits should be done on the same day of the week and at the same time that you plan to exercise. This will give you a fair idea of ​​the atmosphere that reigns at that time. Pay particular attention to the following three points:

  • The specialists. Are there physical educators or kinesiologists on site to advise on the use of the various equipment? Are these people dynamic or amorphous? Do they watch the members or do they stand aside? Do they seem easy to approach? If you’re interested in an aerobic class, watch how it goes. Do the exercises seem to match your current physical abilities? Is the person in charge of the course a real educator or is she just showing off her superform? Will she be able to motivate you? Know that the quality of the animation is very important in this kind of course, if you want persevere.
  • Fitness equipment. If you have chosen to train on fitness equipment, take a close look at the room where the equipment is located. This must be good airy and big enough to keep people from stepping on each other’s toes. A strong smell of perspiration indicates poor ventilation. Also tell yourself that the greater the choice of devices wide, the greater your chances of persevering. Finally, a messy training room (dumbbells lying around on the floor, benches with torn upholstery, equipment in poor condition, etc.) reveals poor maintenance.
  • The goodwill. Do members have to line up to use the machines or dumbbells? If so, take this waiting time into account in your decision. Go for a walk in the locker room. Are people piled up there like sardines? Are there enough showers? If there is little, it still means waiting time. Are they clean? Otherwise, beware of athlete’s foot!

Home solutions

Some activities can be practiced at home or nearby. This is the case, for example, for jogging, cycling, roller skating, outdoor badminton, aerobic exercises on fitness equipment (motorized treadmill, staircase simulator, elliptical machine, rower, stationary bike, etc.), weight training with free weights, exercises performed in front of the television during a fitness program or while watching an exercise DVD or video, Tai chi which we practice in our living room… As you can see, the choice is vast.

If the chosen activity falls into this category, you will benefit from several bespoke. First, no more trips! So saving time. You work out when you want and you don’t have to wait to shower or dry your hair anymore. You don’t pay membership fees or travel costs, you also save on clothing costs (when you go to a center, you spend more on exercise clothes). These savings will amortize, in a few months, the purchase of a home exerciser, a bodybuilding set or several exercise DVDs.

The personal trainer

Personal trainers are more and more popular with Mr. and Mrs. Everyone. This is because, contrary to what one might think, they are not that expensive. Depending on the experience and reputation of the trainer, it will generally cost you $ 30 to $ 80 CAD per hour. The big advantage of this formula is that it preserves your motivationbecause the coach is there to support you and encourage you to complete your program. Plus, since it’s sort of the gym that comes to you, it is no longer necessary to move around two or three times a week to stay in shape. Rain or shine, the expert will ring at your door, faithful to the appointment.

The coach does not have to be present for each of your sessions. He can come at more or less frequent intervals, to ensure your progress, correct your movements and constantly customize your program according to the evolution of your capacities, your tastes and your needs.

In terms of Products, it is he – he has the skills to do so – who determines whether or not you should pass a medical examination. He will give you an aptitude test for exercise and will take into account, if applicable, your medical or musculoskeletal constraints. The personal trainer helps you set goals adapted to your needs, your age and your physical condition and to reassess them as you progress. Whether you want to lose weight, specifically firm a particular part of the body, correct your posture, improve your cardio, become more flexible or stronger, or even relieve lower back pain caused by muscle imbalance, this fitness specialist will concoct a tailor-made program for you.

In Quebec, the Federation of Kinesiologists provides, by region, a directory of its members who offer personal training services (see Sites of interest).

Take Action – Places of Interest

Public Health Agency of Canada – Physical Activity Unit

The federal agency whose mandate is to encourage Canadians to participate in physical activity in order to improve their health and well-being. Targeted advice for young people, adults, seniors, at work, etc.

American Concil on Exercise

Certification body for practitioners in physical exercise. Lots of diverse information.

Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute

The national body for research into the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. Stuff and lots of stats.

Federation of Kinesiologists of Quebec

Service information and member directory.

The kinesiologist is a specialist in physical activity, who uses movement for the purposes of prevention, treatment and performance.


A monthly magazine full of information on the links between health and exercise.


The official body for the promotion of physical fitness in Quebec. Full of theoretical and practical information.

The Physician and Sport Medicine

The site of the most widely read scientific clinical sports medicine magazine in the world.

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