Sporesexual: a new breed of men?

Who are sporesexuals – new narcissists obsessed with self-development, or supporters of a healthy life without compromise?

In the mid-1990s, journalist Mark Simpson published the results of his observations of modern men in the New York Times. As a result, the concept of “metrosexual” was born – a resident of a metropolis who does not consider it shameful to take care of himself.

Some time later, when we only had time to get used to the incomprehensible word, the same author proclaimed the advent of a new type – the sporesexual.

However, it is not so easy to find differences from its predecessor in it. The new word is deciphered even more intricately: “sport”, “porn” and sex are linked together here.

What does it mean? Do men tend to look like porn actors and athletes at the same time? It’s still not clear. As with the metrosexual, drawing a recognizable image is easier than explaining.

New naturalness

Let’s imagine what a typical metrosexual looks like. A neat, carefully shaved beard or a well-defined stubble, or even a complete absence of facial hair.

Clothing that suggests that its wearer is aware of the latest trends in the world of men’s fashion. And of course, attention to detail: plucked eyebrows, well-groomed nails, clear skin.

Not a single detail of the image of a metrosexual should be accidental. Everything wild, wild, and hairy should have been left out, leaving only slight negligence. In Italy, there is even a special concept – sprezzatura. In a word, a metrosexual is a man who “also” knows how to take care of himself.

The spornosexual is easier to describe. He always looks like he’s starring in an underwear commercial. Formally, the male model is present in the frame only to demonstrate a narrow strip of fabric in an intimate place.

Such advertising may look strange, given that in most situations no one sees the underwear. But for the viewer, the main thing is not underwear at all. The main thing is the body.

A sporesexual does not need powerful muscles or an intricate hairstyle. The main goal for him is healthy, harmonious forms. He’s not trying to catch up with action heroes or comic book Spider-Man.

It is important for him that the body looks natural and no one has any reason to accuse its owner of using steroids and prohibited methods. A man with such a body does not seek to be compared with famous types. He creates himself.

Is Instagram to blame?

Any advertisement strives to ensure that the viewer himself “thinks out” that part of the story that remains behind the scenes. What does a man do in an underwear ad? Who is he? What does he do? It must have something to do with sex. Images with the hashtag #aftersex have even spread on social networks. What will he do next?

He goes for a run, makes himself a healthy breakfast (coffee – only without sugar!), goes to work, where he has a special ergonomic table that you can sit and stand at. He loves individual training programs, follows the latest research in the field of nutrition, and meditates regularly. And, of course, he doesn’t smoke and almost never drinks.

He certainly has an account in social networks. The sporesexual loves to show off. He has already lost count of the pictures in which the coveted “cubes” flaunt from all possible angles.

The “correct” life extends to the worldview. A sporesexual is easy to identify from information on a personal page. He is subscribed to many groups and publics for motivation, leadership behavior, success and positive thinking. His image is thought out and creates the impression of constant movement and development.

Controversial or sexy?

The advent of the sporesexual announced by Mark Simpson can hardly be called a new revolution in the standards of male behavior. On the contrary, it looks like a departure from extremes.

They still look after themselves, but they do it for the sake of self-improvement, and not in order to be like those who are in fashion now. If they look like daffodils, then, unlike those who take endless selfies and bows against the backdrop of carpets, bathrooms or beautiful landscapes, they have something to show others.

Only one question remains: what will happen next? Will this form of self-care turn into an addiction? Striving for perfection can turn into dissatisfaction with oneself.

Are we waiting for a wave of male anorexia, caused by the desire to quickly lose weight by the opening of the season? Will the adherents of the new naturalness be able to adapt to the limitations that will inevitably come with age?

And will a life bring them happiness, in which the race for the ideal does not stop for a minute, and even one missed workout can unsettle?

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