Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
We talk about the young holiday Day of spontaneous acts of kindness: how it is celebrated in 2023 in Our Country and the world, what traditions exist and when it arose

There are three types of calendar holidays: understandable and familiar to everyone (New Year, Victory Day), professional and thematic. The latter have a short history and are dedicated to a phenomenon that, according to the organizers, the world should pay attention to. A great example of such a celebration is Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day. A date that few people have heard of, but the occasion and essence of the holiday are very important. Healthy Food Near Me tells about the history and traditions of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day in Our Country in 2023.

When is the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness in Our Country and the world

This holiday is international, it did not originate in Our Country. Our country adopted the date approved by the world community. It is customary to celebrate the celebration annually, the chosen date is constant – February 17.

history of the holiday

Spontaneous Kindness Day is often confused with another holiday, World Kindness Day. The latter was invented by charities at a world convention in 1998. Often, in materials that relate to the history of the holiday, these two events are confused. In fact, Random Acts of Kindness Day appeared a little earlier in the United States.

A significant share of American popular culture is occupied by the expression of kindness, charity and patronage traditions. At the turn of the 80s and 90s, newspapers talked a lot about the spontaneous actions of kind people. This is how the postulate was born, which began to be broadcast to the masses – “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty”.

The motto began to be placed on plates of license plates, issued stickers, placed on mailboxes, and with the development of the Internet, they launched it on the Web. Books were published with this name, newspaper article headlines, it became the topic of YouTube hits. But, in fact, without the spontaneous acts of kindness themselves on one PR, the holiday would not have gone far. Fortunately, the motto inspired more and more people to selfless deeds: collect garbage, pay a visit to a nursing home, feed the homeless, pay for car parking. Small things, war and hunger in the world cannot be won like this. But making the day happy even for one stranger is important.

With the development of the movement, it was announced that the Day of spontaneous acts of kindness would be celebrated on February 17th. Later, this trend was picked up in the world and in Our Country.


What is good about such celebrations is the lack of strict regulations and easy assimilation with the local culture. Remember the controversy we get from Western celebrations like Valentine’s Day or Halloween? It’s all about cultural mismatch. Whereas with the Day of Spontaneous Acts of Kindness in Our Country, everything is much simpler. Human values ​​are the same for all modern civilization, so the holiday was favorably received by us.

By 2023, local charitable organizations have developed their own traditions of this holiday. Basically, these are volunteer groups that invite you to join their movement for one day. Some collect things, arrange charity marathons and master classes. Unfortunately, a single portal or organizer of the action has not appeared in Our Country, so it is not easy to find out about an ongoing event in a big city. Fortunately, this holiday is not so much about organization, but about personal contribution. A small good deed can be done by everyone.

How to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day

Healthy Food Near Me has prepared for readers a small selection of good deeds, one of which you can do on February 17, 2023. However, you don’t have to wait for the appointed day, because the name of the holiday contains the word “spontaneous”. So, here’s how you can celebrate the holiday.

  • Make a donation to a charity. Remember that this fund is registered as a legal entity and has the status of “NPO”.
  • Have a Saturday. In the cold regions of Our Country on February 17, this can be problematic to do on the street. Therefore, you can clean up at the entrance, offer your help to elderly neighbors or some social organization.
  • Feed or help the homeless. Again, you can not personally, but through charitable organizations in your city. In each region there are shelters for such people, where they will not refuse help.
  • Shelter an animal. Perhaps you have long wanted to get a cat or a dog, but did not dare? Then Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day is a great occasion. Contact an animal rights activist or animal shelter. There you will pick up a four-legged friend. By the way, the shelter will be happy if you make a small donation and bring some things in exchange for a new family member: bowls, food, vitamins, beds, etc.
  • Still not sure who and how to help? Go to the temple. It doesn’t matter what religion you are. Even if you are an atheist or an agnostic, a helping hand will be welcome there. In religious organizations there are always those who suffer. Contact a minister or person who works at the temple. We are sure they will tell you who you can direct your energy or finances to help.
  • If you professionally provide household services to people, then you can one day not charge for them or offer them to those people who cannot pay for them. For example, on Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day, some hairdressers give free haircuts to everyone or go to the homeless. Again, on the street in Our Country, this can look ambiguous, so you can offer your skill through charitable foundations.
  • Share your upcoming celebration on your social media pages and invite your virtual friends to join. With such a simple gesture, you will promote the holiday and, perhaps, exponentially increase the amount of good deeds done.

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