Sponge cake with delicate cream. Video

Sponge cake with delicate cream. Video

Sponge cake with banana cream

Sponge cake combines the traditional basic sponge cake recipe with an unusual fruity creamy cream.

You will need: – 1 tbsp. flour; – 300 g of butter; – 2,5 tbsp. sugar; – 7 eggs; – a pinch of vanillin; – 1 tbsp. heavy cream; – 2 bananas.

Start by making the cakes. Melt 100 g of butter. 1,5 tbsp. Grind sugar in a coffee grinder. Pour sugar into a deep bowl, break 6 eggs there. Stir the ingredients, fill a large saucepan with water and place a bowl on top of it. Place the container on the fire and heat, making sure that the egg white does not begin to curl. Beat the warm mass with a mixer until whitening. Pour melted butter into the future dough, and then begin to gradually introduce flour, stirring the mass regularly. Make sure that the flour does not form lumps, but spreads evenly over the dough. Grease a round baking dish with butter. Pour the dough into it and cook the biscuit in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour. Remove the finished biscuit from the mold while still hot and cut lengthwise into two cakes.

Get some cream. Heat the cream, but do not bring it to a boil. Mix them in a separate container with the remaining sugar, also break the egg there. Remove 200 g of butter from the refrigerator beforehand to soften. Whisk the butter separately and then add the cream and sugar to the mixture. Peel the banana, break it into pieces, add to the cream. Beat all together with a mixer until smooth. Sponge cake cakes with the resulting cream and leave the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour. Serve dessert with tea or coffee.

Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream

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