“Spoiled lungs and abnormal pressure”: Dr. Komarovsky will not celebrate Easter with his family

Spoiled lungs and abnormal pressure: Dr. Komarovsky will not celebrate Easter with his family

Dr. Komarovsky turned to his subscribers and asked them to celebrate Easter at home, so as not to get sick with coronavirus and infect others.

 145 482 118April 16 2020

Spoiled lungs and abnormal pressure: Dr. Komarovsky will not celebrate Easter with his family

The famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, better known by his creative pseudonym Dr. Komarovsky, turned to his YouTube subscribers and said that this year he would not be able to celebrate Easter, a traditional family holiday, with his family.

In a new video, which he called “Easter, coronavirus,” Dr. Komarovsky noted that it is difficult to talk about such a topic, since it is very personal.

“For me, Easter is first and foremost a family. The closest friends will come, children and grandchildren will come, it will be a gorgeous and fun day. It is unpleasant that this will not happen this year. I am quite an adult, my lungs are ruined by work in the intensive care unit, my blood pressure is not quite normal. I understand very well that if I get sick, I have no chance of becoming Jesus Christ. I will not be resurrected – they will be left without me, ”said Yevgeny Olegovich.

“I understand perfectly well that I may not have enough space in the hospital. And you should understand this too. If we get sick, we will be treated at our own expense and, moreover, we will think about where to get the necessary medications, ”Komarovsky recalled about the difficult situation in which the whole world is.

Evgeny Komarovsky with grandchildren

“Last Sunday, Palm Sunday, I drove past the church. Crowds of people, crowds! If there are so many in Verbnoe, I can imagine what will happen on Easter, ”the eminent doctor said with horror.

“On the one hand, the epidemic will end when we develop herd immunity. That is, when 70% of the world’s inhabitants fall ill, then, most likely, the virus will stop circulating. You who will go are ready to take on this heavy burden and become the pioneers of herd immunity. What about God in your soul? ” – Komarovsky asked the audience.

The famous doctor noted that God will hear a person, and no matter where he will be at that moment, and asked not to darken the bright Easter holiday with the opportunity to get sick and spread the infection.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky was born in Kharkov in the fall of 1960

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Komarovsky’s fans thanked him for such an emotional performance. “Eugene, this is a very strong video and very strong words. You have taken on a serious responsibility, and rightly so, this is the act of a real man. While people, fearing of offending someone’s feelings, fearing of offending someone’s habits, thoughts, lifestyle, are silent or speak in vague formulations, you make a decision, you express a position, a strong position! “

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@doctor_komarovskiy, @ uakomar / Instagram

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