Split nails – causes, diet, care

Well-groomed and aesthetically looking hands are a showcase of many women. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of people suffer from various problems that prevent them from maintaining a neat appearance. Such problems are usually dermatological and may occur at almost any stage of life. The problem of split nails is particularly common. How to deal with it, is there a way to cure this inconvenience? These questions are often asked by women on forums dedicated to the beauty of hands. Here are some tips that will help you choose the treatment method for this ailment effectively.

What is split nails?

Nails are a specific part of the human body. Their education has an evolutionary basis and although they do not serve us today for the same activities as in the times of living in the bosom of wild nature, they still remain useful when performing many manual activities. For this reason, nails are exposed to many harmful influences, such as friction, pressure, temperature changes, and humidity. Their plate can easily be damaged, as a result of which the nails may split.

Zobacz: Nail structure – elements, functions. What does a nail consist of?

What are the causes of splitting nails?

Split nails change their structure. It is worth realizing that the main building block of the nail is – just as in the case of hair and skin – creatine. When splitting occurs, the most common cause is insufficient nail care, poor diet, contact with harmful chemicals, or mechanical damage to the nail..

If we do not take care of our diet, eat low-value or unhealthy foods, such as fast food, this can lead to splitting nails. It is therefore worth paying attention to our way of eating. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of proteins and vitamins in the consumed food. Lack of vitamins or their deficiency significantly reduces the general condition of our skin, including nails. First of all, a reasonable supplementation of vitamins A, E, C and B vitamins is recommended. The deficiency of minerals can also cause this ailment. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on mineral water with a high level of zinc, magnesium, silicon or calcium.

Do you want to strengthen your nails? Try dietary supplements and nail strengthening cosmetics available on Medonet Market at attractive prices, such as:

  1. an elixir to strengthen nails and with snail mucus,
  2. The Q Hair, Nails, Skin – supplement for hair, nails and skin with zinc, biotin and keratin, which brightens the nails and accelerates their growth.

Nails can also split as a result of general neglect of hand cosmetics or as a result of excess or improper care. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the method of filing the plates of our nails and washing them during everyday hygiene, because the nails may be mechanically damaged also during scrubbing. The lotions used for their care can also contribute to the splitting of nails – mainly cosmetics containing acetone.

For hand and nail care use, for example, the oblong hand and nail brush made of DR2S BRISTA natural bristles. This type of brushes help to improve circulation in the skin, get rid of calloused epidermis and remove dirt. Medonet Market also offers Rectangular hand and nail brush DR1K BRISTA or Oval brush also made of agave fiber.

Diseases affecting the nails

Split nails can be a symptom of a disease state in this part of our body. Diseases affecting the nail plates include: mycoses, lichen, dermatitis, furrows and psoriasis. Internal diseases can also be responsible for splitting nails. Then the symptom may indicate a gout, called arthritis, or disorders of the circulatory and endocrine systems.

Do you want to strengthen your nails? Try Nails – hair – skin – Beauty Complex Terranova – supplement available on Medonet Market.

How to deal with split nails?

There are many proven ones treatment methods split nails. During everyday hygiene rituals, it is worth making sure that the nails are properly moisturized. You can use a nail cream or conditioner for this purpose. The cream and conditioner should be applied to all nails, spread over their entire surface and rubbed in thoroughly. Such preparations should be used daily or even more often.

It is also worth preparing a cleansing bath for hands and nails from time to time. To do this, add olive oil and lemon juice to the hot water. Hands should be immersed and kept in the water for at least 15 minutes. A proven home method is also the use of gloves while sleeping, in combination with the use of creams rich in vitamin A or E. For this purpose, cover the surface of the hand thoroughly with the selected cream or conditioner, and then put on cotton or artificial fabric gloves. During sleep, our hands rest with us, so the applied cosmetic will be better absorbed.

Also read: How to file nails step by step? Tools, hygiene and shapes

If you suffer from splitting nails, you should also give up some, typically female, treatments. First of all, it is recommended to refrain from using tips, applying large amounts of varnish or performing more complicated cosmetic procedures during the treatment. It is also worth getting a special type of file – paper or glass – which are more delicate in contact with the nail. The nails should then be filed gently and briefly.

You can also use specialized cosmetic treatments dedicated to strengthening the nails. First of all, massage, nourishing treatments and Japanese manicure are recommended. During the latter, preparations rich in vitamins, creatine and other substances are used, the deficiency of which causes splitting nails.

You haven’t been able to find the cause of your ailments for a long time? Do you want to tell us your story or draw attention to a common health problem? Write to the address [email protected] #Together we can do more

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