Spleen rupture

Spleen rupture

The spleen is the largest organ of the important lymphatic system, having an oval shape. It is located on the left side of the body, under the ribs. In a healthy state, the spleen is a repository of red blood cells, it is involved in the processes of the immune system and cleanses the blood.

The spleen also kills pathogenic (enemy) microflora in the blood, performs a hematopoietic function and is able to accumulate platelet reserves. In an unhealthy state, the spleen begins to increase in volume. The capsule that covers the spleen is stretched and made very thin, which can lead to rupture of the organ.

Reasons for the gap

The most common cause of a ruptured spleen is trauma. Serious acute viral and bacterial infections can also provoke a rupture. Excessive physical activity during inflammatory processes of the organ and a sharp increase in blood volume during pregnancy also often become the causes of rupture of the spleen.

With any inflammatory process of the body, a significant load on the organ also increases. The most common diseases that cause this dangerous condition are cirrhosis of the liver, various hepatitis, dangerous tuberculosis and mononucleosis, and all kinds of malignant tumors. It is also worth mentioning that two percent of those giving birth, under some circumstances, have a dangerous rupture of the spleen.


The first symptom of this condition is severe pain on the left side of the peritoneum, which eventually spreads to the entire abdomen. The pain in most cases increases with a deep breath and even a small change in body position. Then nausea and vomiting are added to the main symptom, the patient’s skin becomes rather pale, blood pressure decreases and the pulse noticeably quickens. These signs may indicate a dangerous internal hemorrhage. On examination, the doctor can usually find a slight swelling of the abdomen.

What to do?

The main task is to call an ambulance. Unfortunately, saving the spleen in such situations, if there is a rupture, was possible in only 1% of all known cases. It is completely pointless to suture large gaps in this condition. Strong internal blood pressure will cause the stitches to open instantly, and bleeding may begin again. Therefore, most often, it is necessary to completely remove this important organ of the human body.

To prevent rupture of the spleen, you should not break bed rest during the period of even the most minor colds, as well as during exacerbation of chronic ailments. Also, if you decide to go in for sports, the load should be increased gradually, and do not lift too heavy weights without the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Be careful on the roads and be sure to follow the safety rules. During pregnancy, expectant mothers should wear a special bandage.

Spleen hematoma

Another of the most common injuries of the spleen is the hematoma of this internal organ. It occurs with open and closed damage. Due to heavy internal bleeding, in some cases, a hematoma can be diagnosed. With a hematoma, the patient feels terrible discomfort in the abdominal cavity due to the fact that the nerve endings are irritated. To find out the condition and size of the internal hematoma of the spleen, the necessary palpation is performed and a number of necessary examinations are prescribed.

With large dimensions of the hematoma, an urgent operation will be required to avoid infection. In the case of a small hematoma, specialists apply certain sutures to the damaged part of the organ, and also ligate the splenic artery. Surgeons often use fibrinogen for this procedure, which is a special medical glue of a new generation.

Closed hematoma of the spleen most often occurs as a result of all kinds of falls and injuries of the abdominal cavity. It is also not uncommon for spontaneous organ damage to occur, which can be caused by serious diseases such as infectious mononucleosis or malaria. There is another important reason for the formation of a hematoma, these are unforeseen damage to the spleen during surgery.

Due to the rupture of this organ, a subcapsular hematoma is formed. For the first few days, it does not affect the integrity of the spleen capsule, but later it can burst, which can cause dangerous internal bleeding. Such damage can be diagnosed using modern computed tomography and accurate ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.

With the formation of a subcapsular hematoma, operative and emergency surgical intervention is necessary. In the case when a hematoma was formed after a rupture of the spleen or as a result of an injury during an operation, a complex splenectomy and the necessary organ-preserving interventions are performed.

In the case when the spleen is completely removed, one should try to avoid significant hypothermia of the body, since the absence of such an important organ reduces the human immunity several times. Modern doctors prescribe the necessary drugs to strengthen the body’s defenses. It is also recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to regularly do an analysis of the main blood parameters.

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