
The appearance of superfoods on the shelves of large supermarkets can be considered a real food revolution. Mankind is gradually moving away from the cult of delicious food and is turning to a new, more rational trend. Engage in physical activity and monitor nutrition has become a real fashion. Adherents of a healthy diet promote their lifestyle as the only true one, but do not always find support in society. Around every “new” superfood that enters the market, interest flares up. So it was with goji berries, which turned out to be falsification, chia seeds, various meal and biological additives. Spirulina is now the leader in the superfood market. What is this component, is it really as useful as advertising and manufacturers assure?

What is spirulina

Spirulina (Arthrospira) is a genus of cyanobacteria. These are blue-green algae of the oscillatorian order, some varieties of which are eaten. Two main species have entered the market, Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima, which have been commercially named Spirulina.

Brief etymological information: the word spirulina (lat. Spirulina) is a synonym for the genus of cyanobacteria Arthrospira. There is an additional version, according to which the ancient genus of algae is called spirulina.

Representatives of the genus Arthrospira can be found in every corner of the world. They are used both as an independent dish, and as a nutritious food supplement. Spirulina is sold in the form of tablets, powder, flakes and a special compressed feed additive for breeding pets.

Ecology and development

Spirulina is a free-floating thread-like inhabitant of the water map of the world. Cyanobacteria are characterized by cylindrical multicellular trichomes that are twisted into spirals. Interestingly, algae have practically no mucous membrane or it is completely absent. Members of the genus Arthrospira prefer tropical/subtropical lakes, high pH waters (favorable range is 8 to 11 pH). The greatest number of cyanobacteria is concentrated in the waters of Africa, Asia and South America. Commercial production of spirulina has been established in the following countries: USA, India, Taiwan, China, Chile, Greece, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan.

For normal growth and development of cyanobacteria, only 2 conditions are required: high ambient temperature and ultraviolet radiation. Spirulina feels great at a temperature of 60 ° C. Arthrospira are resistant even to extreme weather conditions.

Example: if water from a reservoir is evaporated, and spirulina is on hot stones, the temperature of which reaches 70 ° C, then cyanobacteria simply hibernates until favorable conditions occur.

This level of survival indicates the preservation of the most important enzymes (amino acids, proteins, vitamins) in cells even when exposed to high temperatures.

Most enzymes die (lose their value and value) at a temperature of 50-54 ° C. In terms of the accumulation and preservation of nutrients, spirulina is a unique food product.

Industrial Use of Ingredient

The Aztecs began to use spirulina. Algae served as one of the most important sources of nutritious food for all the tribes of Mesoamerica until the sixteenth century. The Aztecs named tecuitlatl algae. The largest “crop” of spirulina could be collected from Lake Texcoco (modern territory of Mexico). Algae was transported to anywhere in the world in the form of flattened flat cakes of a blue-green hue. Outlandish cakes were recorded by soldiers of Cortes, the Spanish conquistador who conquered Mexico.

A study by French scientists (conducted in the 1960s) revealed that spirulina was used in the daily diet until the XNUMXth century. After this time point, product mentions abruptly end. One possible reason is acceptable food alternatives and urbanization. The gradual transformation of villages into the prototype of cities, the drying up of lakes for the preparation of pastures for cattle became decisive in the issue of spirulina consumption.

Today, algae are actively cultivated in almost every corner of the world. The natural habitats of cyanobacteria are not numerous – the dried-up lake Texcoco was replaced by Qinghai and the waters of Chad. The traditional collection of spirulina takes place as follows: a mass of algae (dihe) is taken from water arteries, dried, pressed and delivered to points of sale. Locals make soups based on spirulina or simply eat pressed cubes as a snack.

In the late 80s, the European Space Agency and NASA decided to use spirulina as one of the most important nutrients for astronauts. In zero gravity, a person needs to get a high nutritional value from food and the fastest possible saturation, which is what blue-green algae have.

Chemical composition of the product

Energy value (per 100 grams of dried seaweed)
Proteins57,47 g
Fats7,72 g
Carbohydrates20,3 g
Water4,68 g
Alimentary fiber3,6 g
Ash6,23 g
Caloric value290 kCal
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of dried seaweed)
Retinol (A)0,029
Beta Carotene (A)0,342
Tocopherol (E)5
Fillohinon (K)0,025,5
Ascorbic acid (C)10,1
Thiamine (V1)2,38
Riboflavin (V2)3,67
Choline (B4)66
Pantothenic Acid (B5)3,48
Pyridoxine (V6)0,36
Folic acid (B9)0,94
Nicotinic acid (PP)28,3
Nutrient composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of dried algae)
Potassium (K)1363
Calcium (Ca)120
Magnesium (Mg)195
Sodium (Na)1048
Phosphorus (P)118
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)28,5
Manganese (Mn)1,9
Copper (Cu)6,1
Selenium (Se)0,0072
Zinc (Zn)2

Features of composition

Dried spirulina contains from 51 to 71% protein. This is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids needed by the human body.

The concentration of cysteine, lysine and methionine in algae is lower than in meat, milk and eggs. But in comparison with vegetable protein products, spirulina is the absolute leader.

Vitamin V12

The need for vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is especially experienced by vegans and vegetarians, since most of it is concentrated in food of animal origin. The minimum doses of cobalamin are found in cereals, but this is not enough to fully satisfy the body’s need for vitamin.

In 2014, a study was conducted in Europe, during which pseudovitamin B12 was found in blue-green algae. Its structure and effect are similar to the original cobalamin, the component is easily absorbed by the body and really makes up for the lack of vitamin. In 2017, the question of pseudovitamin B12 is still open: some disprove the beneficial properties of the component, others see it as a real salvation for vegans.

Useful properties of the component

The appearance of spirulina is quite deceptive – it looks like a bright emerald grass, which cannot please with either taste or quality. But looks are deceiving. Spirulina belongs to cyanobacteria, one of the oldest forms of life functioning on Earth. It contains more than 65% protein and the entire list of essential amino acids.

One scoop of spirulina contains about 4 grams of protein.

Chlorophyll is concentrated in algae, familiar to everyone since school biology lessons. This component not only occupies an important place in the process of photosynthesis, but also is responsible for cleansing the body, stimulating brain activity and the general well-being of a person. Spirulina is able to strengthen muscle corset, improve health, immunity and other indicators. For a wide range of useful properties, spirulina was recognized as the most useful superfood of our time. Let us consider in more detail the properties of the food component.


Intestinal disorders cause severe intoxication of the whole organism. The human body is in an extremely dangerous state, and the only way to get relief is through the release of toxins through the skin. The skin, in turn, reacts to such a release with a rash, redness, itching, the formation or complication of acne. That is why one of the key issues at a dermatologist’s appointment is intestinal health.

To avoid the disorder, you need to drink plenty of water, eat foods high in fiber, consume probiotics and superfoods. Spirulina solves several problems in the body at once (in addition to indigestion), therefore its use gives a comprehensive, fast and most effective result.

Detoxification Basics

Blue-green algae stimulate the liver and kidneys. It is these organs that are a kind of cleansing and filtration system of the body. Without quality liver and kidney function, detoxification becomes an unattainable good. Spirulina helps to remove toxins, toxins, pathogenic components from organs.

After several sessions of such cleansing, a person feels stabilization of well-being, the perfect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and a continuous flow of energy.

Treatment of pathologies

Spirulina has a beneficial effect on the body with:

  • poisoning with poison;
  • hay fever;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • arthritis;
  • hypertension;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • intense physical exertion.

Superfood contains beta-carotene. Scientists have suggested that the antioxidant can prevent the development of cancer.

Spirulina regulates cholesterol and lowers it to the maximum possible. It is also recommended for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and viral pathologies.

In vitro studies

In vitro is a technology for experimental studies outside a living organism (in vitro).

In the course of research, Phycocyanobilin was found in superfood. The component accounts for about 1% of the total mass of spirulina and is able to beneficially affect the antimicrobial protection of cells and the vital processes that occur in them. Spirulina was studied in vitro as an anti-HIV agent and radioprotective. The component also prevents heart disease, is responsible for the restoration of the body after a stroke, protects the brain from age-related changes.

How to consume spirulina

The product is sold in several forms: powder, capsules and cereal. The choice of form depends on the method of consumption of the product. The powder can be easily added to the morning or post-training smoothie / porridge / soup / any dish, and capsules or cereals are great for eating superfood courses (like a pill).

Spirulina smoothie recipe

Green smoothies – energy drinks made from green foods (greens, avocados, vegetables, spinach, celery, apple, kiwi). The use of spirulina infuses the shake with an explosive dose of beta-carotene, protein, iron, chlorophyll and essential fatty acids. It is recommended to pair spirulina with sugary foods to cover up the repulsive taste of algae. One glass of the drink carries both tasty, nutritious saturation and the solution to many health problems.

The daily intake of spirulina is from 3 to 5 grams per day (approximately 1-2 teaspoons).

We need:

  • pear – 1 pc.;
  • ripe banana – 1 pcs.;
  • spinach – 1 handful;
  • liquid to taste (plant milk / filtered water) – ¾ cup;
  • spirulina powder – 1 teaspoon.


Send a banana in advance in the freezer so that the drink acquires a thick structure and low temperature (it is recommended to drink the smoothie slightly chilled). Clean and rinse all the ingredients, add to the blender one by one and whisk until a homogeneous liquid gruel is present. Drink a smoothie immediately after cooking or pour into a shaker to get enough energy drink later.

The degree of safety and contraindications

Scientists have conducted toxicological studies on the safety of spirulina for daily and periodic food intake. During the study, subjects were asked to replace 60% of the daily norm of animal and vegetable protein with spirulina protein. The proportions of the component were about 800 mg / kg. No signs of toxicological effects were found, the body calmly reacted to the replacement and took on a new form of protein.

Scientists have confirmed that fertility and teratogenicity have not been affected for several generations, and spirulina has been recognized as one of the most wholesome foods in the world.

In 2009, 550 malnourished children from poor countries were asked to consume 10 grams of spirulina powder per day. So the kids managed to equalize the daily calorie intake in a short time and without side effects.

Cyanobacteria, including spirulina, are able to secrete toxins. Scientists argue that their concentration is so minimal that it can not have a cumulative effect and somehow harm a person.

The toxins that secrete cyanobacteria cause an upset gastrointestinal tract and lead to the development of liver cancer.

The fact of toxicity has led many manufacturers to review production safety, strengthen the quality requirements of the finished product and tighten safety controls.

What follows from this

As carefully and carefully as possible, approach the issue of consumption of superfoods. Choose a responsible manufacturer whose products are certified and meet international quality standards.

A direct contraindication to the use of superfood is phenylketonuria. This is a rare disease that is genetically transmitted and is associated with difficulties in the assimilation of a certain list of amino acids. Refuse spirulina should be treated with anticoagulants. The component contains a high concentration of vitamin K, which can aggravate the course of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to coordinate the diet with the attending doctor and periodically check the body’s reaction to superfood.

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