A spirograph (spirometer) is a special medical diagnostic device that measures various respiratory parameters: respiratory rate and depth, graphic registration, lung capacity (oxygen consumption is determined), and changes in their volume. With the help of the device, a study is carried out, which is called spirometry or spirography, which allows to determine violations of the respiratory system.
Characteristics of the spirograph
The modern spirometer is very compact (portable), easy to use, highly efficient and informative. Thanks to the device, it is possible to determine and register the main working functions of the respiratory system. The received information is displayed. In medical institutions, the equipment is used to control therapeutic manipulations in such areas as cardiology, allergology and pulmonology.
Pulmonary respiration is carried out due to several processes: the first is the ventilation of the alveoli; the second is blood circulation; the third is metabolism. With the help of a spirograph, only the ventilation apparatus can be examined. This study is enough to identify lung dysfunction and make a correct diagnosis. The spirometer is able to detect pulmonary insufficiency, which is caused by dysfunction of the alveoli, as well as detect the presence of other serious diseases of the respiratory system.
The essence of spirography
Spirometry is a diagnostic method for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. This procedure is painless and is performed using a special device – a spirograph. During the study, the doctor can determine the functional insufficiency of the respiratory tract, detect pathological changes and mechanical injuries of internal organs. Spirography is carried out for children, adult men and women, as well as elderly patients.
The technique is needed to assess the quality of the bronchopulmonary system: chest, lungs and respiratory tract. Indications for spirography are: shortness of breath; cough; increased content of carbon dioxide; violation of gas exchange; smoking; obesity; hereditary diseases of the respiratory system.
Diagnosis is recommended in preparation for thoracotomy, bronchoscopy, and surgery. Spirography is indicated for: frequent colds; bronchitis; lack of oxygen, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis; obstructive pulmonary diseases; bronchial asthma; pneumosclerosis; emphysema.
People working with harmful substances and athletes must undergo spirography without fail. Patients with a diagnosis of respiratory failure are also shown a study. With the help of spirometry, a specialist can monitor the treatment of patients who receive bronchodilator drugs.
Spirography is contraindicated in:
- pneumothorax;
- tuberculosis;
- hemorrhages from the respiratory tract;
- heart attack, stroke and coronary heart disease;
- hypertensive crisis;
- dissecting aortic aneurysm;
- mental disorders.
The study is prohibited during the first 2 months after ophthalmic or intracavitary surgery. The attending physician directs the patient for diagnosis after studying the medical history and receiving the results of the tests.
Preparing for diagnostics
The procedure should be prepared in advance. For 4-6 hours before the manipulation, the patient should not smoke or drink alcohol. 2-3 days before the diagnosis, a person should exclude physical activity and sports. A few hours before spirometry, you can not eat or drink water.
It is not recommended to use medications aimed at expanding the bronchi, as well as antihistamines. The attending physician should mention the withdrawal from medications. 24 hours before the manipulation, you should stop drinking coffee and products containing it. It is advisable to come to the diagnostics 10-15 minutes before the appointed time.
Conducting a study using a spirometer
Thanks to modern computer spirographic systems, the time of the study has been simplified and accelerated. The spirometer measures the speed of inspiratory and expiratory air flow, lung volume in stationary conditions. The device is used when it is necessary to obtain data on the functioning of the broncho-pulmonary system.
The equipment records the rate and volume of inhaled and exhaled oxygen. The device is equipped with a special sensor that senses the flow of oxygen, and a device that displays the results on the monitor.
At the beginning of the manipulation, the patient sits on the couch, and the medical worker inserts a sterile mouthpiece into the patient’s oral cavity. At the same time, a clip is attached to the nose, eliminating the possibility of distorting the results of the study. During spirography, the patient should breathe only through the mouth. Oxygen enters the apparatus through a tube that is connected to the mouthpiece.
The doctor talks about the features of the manipulation to the person being examined and turns on the equipment. During the procedure, the patient must listen to the specialist and do what he says. Several tests are carried out with additional checks. During spirometry, a test with drugs that dilate the bronchi is often done to determine the reversibility of the obstruction.
The drug test is aimed at determining bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. After the traditional diagnosis, the patient will have to inhale the drug, after which the study will continue. Thanks to the data obtained, the doctor analyzes how the bronchi reacted to the drugs, and writes a detailed conclusion. The duration of spirography varies from 5 to 20 minutes. Within 5-15 minutes, the specialist deciphers the results of the study and gives them to the patient.
What defines a spirograph?
Modern models of spirometers determine more than 20 parameters that characterize the state of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. The indicators recorded by the spirograph are expressed as a percentage of the reference values. Using the device, the following is recorded: respiratory volume; respiratory rate in 60 seconds; intake of oxygen into the lungs in 1 minute; oxygen consumption; normal and forced vital capacity of the organ; the speed of movement of oxygen; air utilization factor.
The device fixes the Tiffno index – normally it should be no more than 75%. With a low value of the indicator, airway obstruction is assumed, and, as a result, bronchial asthma or other diseases of the respiratory system are diagnosed.
The normal breathing rate is 10-20 breaths per minute. Tidal volume should be in the range of 0,3-0,8 liters per cycle. The indicator of the total lung capacity is normally from 5 to 7 liters after the deepest entry. The residual volume of the respiratory organ is considered to be 1-1,5 liters.
Spirographs, with the help of which the study is carried out, should be in every functional diagnostics room. Therapists and pulmonologists often conduct spirography themselves and decipher the results.
A spirometer is a convenient, simple, informative, control and diagnostic medical equipment that is used to analyze the functioning of the respiratory system. With timely spirometry, a specialist will help identify serious diseases, make a diagnosis and begin an immediate course of treatment.