Spirea “Vangutta White Bride”: care, planting
Spirea “Vangutta White Bride” is a plant that can become a peculiar highlight of any garden and transform it beyond recognition. The shrub during the flowering period is covered with numerous snow-white flowers, for this it is popularly called the “white bride”.
Spirea “Vangutta White Bride” – variety description
This variety was bred artificially as a result of crossing Catonian and three-bladed spirea and absorbed the best qualities of its parents. The appearance of the shrub is a huge ball up to 2,5 m in diameter. When it blooms, from the abundance of flowering brushes, the branches bend down to the ground, resembling an avalanche.
Spirea “Vangutta White Bride” during flowering turns into a cascade of shoots strewn with snow-white flowers
The flowering period, under favorable conditions, begins at the end of May and lasts up to 3 weeks. A distinctive feature of the variety is the repeated flowering in August, but not so lush and beautiful.
Spirea “Vangutta White Bride” is an excellent honey plant. Bees willingly feed on its nectar, and honey from a pollinated plant has an unusual taste and aroma.
The shrub has long branches of dark brown color, densely covered with dark green jagged foliage. Small snow-white flowers are collected in hemispherical inflorescences, giving volume to the branches. In addition to the traditional white “Wangutta” breeders have bred many varieties, the flowers of which have a wider color palette.
Planting and caring for the spirea “Vangutta White Bride”
For planting, you should choose seedlings with even branches without cracks and a large number of root branches – this will allow the plant to root faster in a new place. To increase the resistance of the seedlings, before planting, they are soaked for a day in an aqueous solution of fertilizers.
For abundant flowering, spirea needs a lot of sun. Unlike other sun-loving plants, the Vangutta White Bride spirea does not die from a lack of light, it only slows down in growth, and the flowering becomes less lush and does not last long
The planting hole is prepared individually for each seedling; its size should be slightly larger than the root system. Planting is carried out either in the spring before the buds swell, or in the fall, after the foliage has completely fallen off. The seedlings are carefully placed in the hole, sprinkled with a mixture of earth and peat, compacted a little and watered.
Spirea is one of those plants that can grow on their own. Caring for it consists in moderate watering every 2 weeks, loosening the soil and regularly removing weeds. It is worth noting that the roots of the bush are located very close to the surface, so it is better to control weeds manually.
Subject to all growing conditions, the first flowers will appear in 3 years and after that they will annually please the eye for 15-20 years.