Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

Spiraea Snowmound belongs to the genus of deciduous, ornamental shrubs of the Pink family. The name of the plant is based on the ancient Greek word “speira”, which means “bend”. The shrub was named so because its shoots are very elastic – they bend easily, but then quickly return to their original position without forming breaks. The main advantage of spirea is undemanding care. In addition, the flowering of this variety is considered the most spectacular among all the spirals that bloom in spring.

Features of planting and caring for this horticultural crop, as well as photos of the Snowmound spirea, are presented in the sections below.

Description Snowmound spirea

Spiraea Snowmound is a small spreading shrub whose height does not exceed 1,5 m. The diameter of the plant is 1-1,5 m. This horticultural crop does not grow very quickly – the average annual growth of the shrub reaches 20 cm under favorable climatic conditions and proper care.

The skeletal branches of the Snowmound spirea are vertical, however, the ends of the shoots sag, resulting in a kind of arc. The variety blooms profusely. Flowering time – early-mid June. Spirea Snowmound flowers are small – about 8 mm in diameter. The petals are painted white.

The variety blooms on last year’s shoots, so the plant is cut immediately after flowering. To do this, both faded branches and dried or damaged shoots are removed. If the shrub grows strongly, its shape and height are adjusted.

Spirea Snowmound leaves are oval. The top of the leaf plate is dark green, on the reverse side – pale, greenish-blue.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

This variety is resistant to low temperatures and undemanding to air quality, which makes it possible to grow shrubs not only in the garden, but also in the city, in conditions of increased environmental pollution. The composition and quality of the soil also does not really matter, however, Snowmound spirea develops best on loose, moderately moist soils. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water well.

Resistance to pests and diseases is high. The variety rarely gets sick and practically does not attract insects.

Spiraea Snowmound in landscape design

In landscape design, the variety is used for both solitary and group plantings. The Snowmound spirea looks very impressive as a hedge. When planting a curtain of spireas of different varieties with early flowering periods, this will allow you to stretch the flowering of the flower bed.

Combinations of spirea with the following horticultural crops have proven themselves well:

  • astilbes;
  • lilac;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • primroses

You can also plant perennial ground cover plants around the shrub, such as periwinkle and painted yams.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

Planting and caring for Spirea Snowmound

The Snowmound variety is usually planted in well-lit areas, but planting in partial shade is also possible. Strong shading negatively affects the growth of the shrub.

Important! You can plant this variety both in spring and autumn. The first option is preferable in regions with a cold climate, and this way the plants tolerate the first winter better.

Preparation of planting material and site

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to carefully select planting material. Weak and underdeveloped plants should not be planted. In addition, it is recommended to trim too long roots. The cut must be even, for which it is necessary to use only sharp tools. When pruning with blunt scissors or a knife, fractures may form, which adversely affect the further development of the shrub.

Rules of landing

Planting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Seedlings are watered abundantly and removed from the container.
  2. If the earth ball is too dry, the planting material is soaked for an hour in a bucket of water.
  3. Then the plant is lowered into the planting hole, straightening the roots.
  4. The hole is sprinkled with soil mixture so that the root neck of the seedling is flush with the soil surface.
  5. After that, the near-stem circle is lightly tamped and moderately watered.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

Watering and top dressing

Water the bushes moderately. In dry time, the frequency of watering is 2 times a month, while 1 bush takes no more than 1 bucket of water. Young seedlings are watered a little more often.

Plantings are fed with complex mineral fertilizers.


The Snowmound spirea is usually pruned in March. To do this, the shoot is shortened to large buds. It is recommended to remove small and weak branches completely – intensive pruning stimulates the formation of shrubs.

You can learn more about the features of spirea pruning from the video below:

Spirea pruning – good advice

Preparation for winter

Spiraea Snowmound is a frost-resistant variety, however, young seedlings must be covered for the winter. To do this, use dry leaves and peat. The optimal layer of shelter is 8-10 cm.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description


The Snowmound spirea is propagated by the following vegetative methods:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • divisions.
Important! The seed is also suitable for propagation of this variety, since it is not a hybrid form and does not lose its varietal qualities.

The most effective is the breeding of Snowmound spirea by means of cuttings – with this method of reproduction, more than 70% of the planting material takes root. Harvest cuttings in early June. The preparation procedure is as follows:

  1. On the bush, the most direct annual shoot is selected and cut off at the base.
  2. The cut branch is divided into several parts so that each cutting has at least 5 leaves.
  3. On each cut, the bottom sheet is removed along with the petiole. The rest of the leaves are cut in half.
  4. Planting material is lowered for 10-12 hours into the Epin solution. The recommended dosage is 1 ml per 2 liters of water.
  5. Then the cuttings are taken out and the lower node is treated with a growth stimulator. You can use the drug “Kornevin” for this.
  6. After that, the planting material is planted in a container with wet sand. Bury plants at an angle of 45º.
  7. The cuttings are covered with plastic wrap or glass to create greenhouse conditions. As the plants grow, moisten regularly.
  8. With the onset of cold weather, the cuttings are added dropwise in the garden plot and covered with dry leaves. Above set protection in the form of an inverted box.
  9. The next spring, the plants are opened and transplanted to a permanent place.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

Reproduction of spirea by layering occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. In spring, one of the lower shoots is bent to the ground.
  2. The end of the branch is deepened and fixed with a heavy object or staple. Water the layers in the same way as the main part of the shrub.
  3. In autumn, it is separated from the mother bush and planted.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

Spirea can be divided both in spring and autumn. The recommended time for the procedure is the end of August-beginning of September.

Division algorithm:

  1. A spirea bush is dug out, focusing on the diameter of the crown.
  2. For 1-2 hours, the plant is lowered into a basin of water to soften the soil on the roots of the shrub.
  3. The soaked earth is washed off, after which it is necessary to straighten the root system of the bush.
  4. The rhizome is cut with a knife or secateurs into 2-3 parts. Each division must have at least 2 strong shoots.
  5. The division procedure is completed by planting the resulting parts in the wells and abundant watering.
Advice! By dividing the bush, it is recommended to propagate only young spireas of the Snowmound variety. In plants whose age exceeds 4-5 years, a large earthen lump forms on the roots, which is difficult to dig out without damaging the root system.

Spirea Snowmound: photo and description

Diseases and pests

Spiraea Snowmound is practically not sick. The following insects can be distinguished as the main pests:

  • sawfly;
  • aphid;
  • gap

Getting rid of them is easy – just spray the bushes with industrial or natural insecticides. The drug “Pyrimor” has proven itself well.


Spiraea Snowmound is one of the most popular varieties of the Rose family. The prevalence of the plant is explained by its unpretentiousness and frost resistance, as well as high decorative qualities. The shrub can be grown both singly and as part of flower groups.

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