Spirea: planting and care in the open field

Spirea is a small ornamental shrub that is often used in the country, to decorate home gardens, parks and squares. Landscape designers love it for its beautiful appearance, undemanding care and disease resistance. Indeed, planting and caring for spirea is simple; even a novice grower can easily cope with these tasks.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

An overview of the most popular types of spirea shrubs, photos, planting, basic measures for caring for it – later in the article.

How fast does spirea grow?

The growth rate of shoots depends on the type, age of the bush, climate and soil fertility, regularity of watering and top dressing. Dwarf species can grow by 10-12 cm per season, large bushes grow by 0,7-1 m per year, and sometimes more.

What is the height of the spirea

The genus Spiraea has about 100 species. Among them there are both compact dwarf shrubs that do not grow above 15-30 cm, and tall species reaching a height of 4 m by the 2,5th year of life.

The height of an adult bush of the most commonly grown species of spirea is shown in the table below.

Type of spirea

Height of an adult bush, m

Summer flowering species

Spirea gray

to 2

Arguta (Ostrozubchataya)

1,5 – 2


to 2


to 1


to 2




1 – 2


1,5 – 2

Spring flowering species

Japanese spirea

to 1,5


to 1,6

birch leaf

to 0,6


to 2

In Bumal

0,7 – 0,8


to 1,5


to 2

When to plant spirea in open ground

Spirea can be planted outdoors in early spring or autumn. It should be borne in mind that spring planting is allowed only for summer-flowering species. In this case, a prerequisite is that the seedling is in a dormant state; there should be no signs of the beginning of the growing season on the bush. In autumn, planting of both spring-flowering and summer-flowering species is allowed. This procedure is done in September.

How to plant a spirea

The procedure for planting spirea is not particularly difficult. If you choose the right place and follow the recommendations for care, the bush will grow well for 20-40 years.

Where is the best place to plant spirea

This plant is very fond of the sun. Even in the southern regions, for planting it, you need to choose an open, well-lit place. If the bush is in the shade of buildings or other trees for a long time during the day, then you should not expect beautiful flowering from it. Only light partial shade is allowed.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

The plant does not impose special requirements on the type and composition of the soil. Light fertile soils with good air permeability are best suited for planting. Clay areas can be improved by adding peat and sand. When planting, avoid wetlands, places where rain or melt water accumulates.

Preparation of planting material

This shrub can be propagated independently by seeds or vegetative methods:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • division of the bush.

Ready planting material can also be purchased at specialty stores or nurseries. Spirea seedlings are usually sold with a clay coating of the roots. We need to consider them carefully. The root system should be sufficiently developed, have several taproots and a lobe. Spring seedlings should not have swollen buds, autumn seedlings should not have leaves. An additional plus would be if the seedling is sold in a special container.

Soil Preparation

For planting seedlings, you need to dig planting holes in advance. Their depth is approximately 0,7 m, the width is usually made 1/3 larger than the size of the roots of the seedling. Pits are prepared in advance, a few days before the planned date of work. If the soil is not quite suitable, the size of the hole needs to be increased.

Important! In the soil taken out of the pit, you can add a little complex fertilizer, for example, superphosphate.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

A drainage layer of broken bricks or stones about 20 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the pit. A mound of earth from nutrient soil is poured into the center of the pit. In this form, the pits are left until planting.

How to plant a spirea

Seedlings should be inspected before planting. If the roots are dry, it is better to hold them in water for a while. Too long lobe can be trimmed. The seedling is placed vertically on an earth mound, poured in the center of the planting pit, and the roots are straightened along its slopes. After planting, the root neck should be flush with the ground, so the height of the mound of earth in the pit must be adjusted.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

The pit is covered with nutrient soil, lightly tamped to prevent the formation of voids in the roots. After that, abundant watering of the planted bush is carried out, and the root zone is mulched with peat or humus.

Distance between spirea bushes

These plants are planted both individually and in groups. If a shrub is planted as a hedge, the distance between adjacent bushes is 0,3 m. In other cases, undersized bushes are planted at intervals of 0,7-0,8 m, tall ones – at least 1 m.

Spirea transplant

Not all shrubs tolerate transplanting to another place, since this is a rather severe stress for the plant. However, spirea is not one of them.

Is it possible to transplant spirea

This ornamental shrub can be transplanted at any age. This can be done as a separate operation, or by combining this event with one of the vegetative propagation methods – dividing the bush.

When to transplant spirea

Transplant adult bushes in the fall. The best time to do this is when the leaves begin to change color before leaf fall. A cloudy rainy day is chosen for the transplant.

Transplantation of adult spirea

Before transplanting spirea, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of the bush, cutting out all dry branches, as well as cutting off all skeletal shoots to the kidney. If the shrub is transplanted entirely, it is dug up together with a clod of earth on the roots, transferred to a new place, planted in a planting hole, and then watered abundantly.

How to care for spirea

Quite often, gardeners are skeptical about the need to care for this shrub. This is partly justified, since it is unpretentious and does not require special care. Spirea is a plant that, with the right choice of location, will bloom after planting and without any care. However, some activities will make flowering more lush and plentiful, as well as prolong youth and increase the lifespan of this beautiful perennial shrub.

Growing conditions for spirea

The main measures for the care of this plant are the following:

  • watering;
  • soil mulching;
  • top dressing;
  • weeding and loosening;
  • pruning;
  • pre-winter preparation.

How to water spirea

As a rule, precipitation is sufficient for this shrub. An exception can be made only for young plants, as well as in dry summers. To maintain normal moisture in the soil, the root zone of each adult bush is watered with 1-2 buckets of water. For low-growing forms, the watering rate can be halved.

How and how to feed spirea

Spirea, planted on fertile loose soil, does not need systematic feeding. If the soil is depleted, the bushes can be fed. This is done several times a season approximately according to the following scheme:

  1. Early spring. Top dressing with complex nitrogen-containing fertilizer (urea, nitroammophoska) to stimulate the growth of shoots and green mass. You can use organic matter, such as manure or humus.
  2. Beginning of summer (June). Top dressing with complex potash and phosphate fertilizers (potassium sulfate, superphosphate) to stimulate abundant flowering.
  3. End of summer (end of August). Top dressing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers in preparation for winter.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

Important! From August, it is necessary to completely stop the application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers in order not to provoke the growth of young shoots.

When to trim the spirea

The shrub tolerates pruning well, so it is quite difficult to harm it with this procedure. Haircut spirea increases the splendor of the bush, gives it a well-groomed appearance, increases decorativeness. At the same time, the likelihood of developing diseases is significantly reduced, since the shrub begins to let in more light and air.

You can cut spirea throughout the season. In the spring, you need to remove dry and damaged branches during the winter. In summer, shrubs older than 3-4 years are pruned in accordance with the selected type of crown and maintained in this state. Incentive pruning is carried out depending on the type of plant, in late spring or autumn.

How to form a spirea

You can begin to form a bush when it reaches the age of 3-4 years. By this time, the plant will have a sufficient number of shoots, a developed root system and will calmly endure a haircut. Summer-flowering spireas form in early spring, spring-flowering – in early autumn.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

Usually the shrub is given a symmetrical geometric shape.

How to care for spirea after flowering

Spirea care after flowering is very simple. Seed pods that form in place of the flowers are best cut off if not intended to be harvested. This measure often stimulates the plant to re-bloom. After the spirea fades, it continues to be trimmed to maintain the selected shape. In late autumn, the bushes prepare for winter. The plant has good winter hardiness, so the stems are usually simply tied into a bundle, bent to the ground and covered with a layer of fallen leaves.

Spirea flowering

Depending on the type of plant, flowering occurs on different parts of the shoot. All branches, their upper part or only their tips can be covered with flowers. Flowers are usually collected in inflorescences, which can be of the following forms:

  • shield;
  • paniculate;
  • spike-shaped;
  • pyramidal.

The color range of inflorescences is very wide. Flowers can be snow-white, cream, raspberry, pink.

When does the spirea bloom?

According to the type of flowering, all types of this shrub are divided into spring-flowering and summer-flowering. They differ in that in the former, flowering occurs on the shoots of the second year of life, and in the latter, on the first. Spring flowering spireas bloom quite early. Most of these species bloom in late May. Summer flowering species begin to bloom in July-August.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

How many spirea blooms

The flowering of spring-flowering spireas, as a rule, is friendly and not extended in time. It continues for about 3 weeks. Flowering of summer flowering species is longer, it lasts 6-8 weeks.

Reasons why spirea does not bloom

One of the reasons for the lack of flowers may be too young age of the bush. This plant usually blooms at 4, sometimes at 3 years of age. Often, the first flowering may be limited to the appearance of only a few unblown buds. Another reason could be a lack of sunlight. In a closed area, in the shade or even partial shade, the bush may not bloom at all.

Lack of watering can also affect flowering if the weather is too dry. A shift in the acid balance of the soil in one direction or another also negatively affects the development of shrubs. When planting a certain variety of spirea, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil. For example, Vangutta spirea feels great in alkaline soils, while Douglas spirea prefers soils with high acidity.

How to plant a spirea by dividing a bush

Dividing a spirea bush is the easiest and most reliable way to breed this ornamental shrub. Due to the abundance of basal shoots, the bushes become quite thickened over time. 3-4 years after planting, they can be separated. You can also divide a more mature bush, however, large fibrous roots take a long time to clear them from the ground.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

You can root delenki spirea both in summer, during prolonged inclement weather, and in autumn. The best time for this is September. To divide the bush, it is dug out of the ground, capturing approximately 60% of the crown projection. In this case, part of the horizontal roots will have to be chopped off, this is not scary. The roots must be washed off the ground. This can be done with a hose using a jet of water, or you can simply soak the roots in a large container of water. After an hour, the earth will get wet, and it will not be difficult to wash it off.

The cleaned bush is divided into several parts using a garden pruner. Each division should have several shoots and a good lobe. Long cord-like roots can be shortened by aligning them with the length of the rest. If part of the roots is damaged, then they need to be cut off evenly. Ready-made delenki are planted in pre-prepared planting pits like ordinary seedlings.

Important! It is possible to divide a bush without digging it out of the ground, however, in this case, it is likely that not all divisions will have a good part of the root.

Pests and diseases of spirea

This plant rarely gets sick. Insect pests also do not favor her. Diseases usually develop on weakened plants that have not been properly cared for. Contributes to the development of diseases and prolonged wet weather. At this time, fungal infections can develop inside the bush: gray mold and spotting.

To prevent the appearance, you need to regularly cut dry and broken branches inside the bush, this promotes air exchange and removes excess moisture. Fallen leaves, in which the spores of the fungus hibernate, must be collected and burned in the fall. At the first signs of the onset of the disease, it is necessary to cut out diseased shoots, and treat the bushes with a solution of any fungicide, for example, Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate.

Spirea: planting and care in the open field

Of the insect pests, the following most often appear on the bushes:

  1. Aphid. It sucks juices from leaves and young shoots. They fight aphids by treating the bushes with tobacco dust. You can also use chemical agents, such as Aktelik, Pirimor, etc.
  2. Spider mite. It feeds on plant juices, sucking them out of young leaves. Affected leaves dry up and fall off. Spider mites are especially dangerous in dry summers. They are destroyed by spraying the bushes with Karbofos, Phosphamide, Keltan, etc.
  3. Rose leaf. It gnaws on the leaves of the plant. Against the leaflet, such means as Etafos, Fozalin are used, the treatment of bushes with bitoxibacillin in combination with Pirimor gives a good effect.

Neighbors for spirea

This ornamental shrub is quite loyal to most garden plants and gets along well in their neighborhood. For ornamental purposes, it is often planted next to coniferous trees. Herbaceous plants and bulbous flowers coexist well next to it. The determining factor here is the harmony of forms and the combination of colors, since this shrub has no obvious antagonists.


Planting and caring for spirea does not take much time and is not difficult even for beginner gardeners. At the same time, the shrub is able to decorate the territory of any level, from a street square to a country villa. A variety of shapes and types makes it a universal tool in the hands of a landscape designer, it looks great in individual and group plantings, providing maximum external effect with minimal labor for caring for it.

🌸 Spirea care: watering and pruning spirea in the garden

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