Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Spirea gray Grefsheim is a deciduous shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family. The genus of these plants is quite extensive, without any special difficulties amenable to interspecific crossing. During the breeding experiment, two varieties were used: St. John’s leaf and Whitish-gray. Thus, in 1949, a new hybrid species appeared in Norway – gray spirea Grefsheim (Spiraeacinerea Grefsheim).

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Due to its extraordinary properties, it is used for decorating household plots, gardens, parks. Landscape designers prefer the Grefsheim hybrid for aesthetics and versatility, and gardeners for minimal maintenance.

Description of spirea gray

Spirea gray Grefsheim is a branched, fast-growing, long-flowering shrub. It grows up to 2 m in height and width. At the same time, the crown is quite compact, spherical in shape. Shoots are branched, felt-pubescent. Leaves 4 cm long, 1 cm wide, lanceolate, pointed at the ends. The edges of the sheet plate are smooth. The name of the plant was due to the gray shade of the leaves. Only in autumn they turn yellow.

The Grefsheim spirea flower has a diameter of up to 1 cm. The shade of terry petals is snow-white. Inside is a yellow center. All flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, which cover the shoots very densely. The flowering period begins in May and lasts 1,5 months. After that, small fruits are formed on the Grefsheim hybrid.

Features of the gray spirea variety Grefsheim are:

  • high growth, branches grow annually by 25 cm;
  • good honey plant, attracts many pollinating insects to the site;
  • drought resistance and frost resistance, belongs to the 4th climatic zone;
  • painlessly tolerates a haircut;
  • endurance to urban smog, dust;
  • unpretentiousness to lighting.
Attention! Spirea gray Grefsheim is capable of re-blooming.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Spirea gray in landscape design

In landscape design, gray Grefsheim spirea is used in different ways, it all depends on the imagination of the site owner or designer. A hedge can be planted along paths or used as a fence, then it will simultaneously serve as a fence and decor. It easily camouflages garden accessories, whether it be watering barrels or inventory storage.

The Grefsheim hybrid is also used for single plantings. For example, in the center of a meadow with a lawn, at the porch, creating a bright accent for an alpine slide. The classic style involves planting Grefsheim gray spirea near water bodies.

It is difficult to find plants with which gray spirea Grefsheim would not go well. It looks great with undersized ornamental shrubs: euonymus, broom, viburnum. You can plant a Grefsheim hybrid variety next to tulips, daffodils, primrose, crocuses.

Varieties of gray spirea

To date, more than 100 varieties of spirea are known. They differ in size, flowering period, color. Among the most popular varieties of gray spirea are ashy Grefsheim, gray Arguta, Graciosa, whose external individual features can be seen in the photo.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Spiraea ash Grefsheim

Shrub 1,5 m high. The crown of the plant, at first glance, resembles a snow-white ball. Spectacular Grefsheim hybrid is characterized by a dense, constant presence of flowers. Leaves are ash green or bronze yellow. The color of the inflorescences can be pink, red, white. It is the most compact among the other types.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Spirea gray Arguta

Arguta has been known since 1884. The popular name is “Foam of May”. Covered with flowers in the second half of April. The crown is voluminous. Flowers are formed on the shoots of the previous year, 0,5-0,8 cm in diameter, white. Belongs to the 6th climatic zone. Gives preference to fertile soils. Light culture. Looks good in combination with conifers.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Spirea gray Graciosa

Graceful shrub with spreading, arched branches. Height 1,5-2 m. Leaves narrow-lanceolate, green. Flowering is long and lush. The flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, have a white color. The character is unpretentious. The subspecies has high rates of drought and frost resistance.

Planting and caring for spirea gray

For planting and care of gray spirea Grefsheim does not impose special requirements. It is only necessary to take into account the recommendations described below.

Terms of planting

Experienced gardeners say that planting Grefsheim gray spirea is best done in the fall. When the trees lose their leaves, but it is not yet very cold. Approximately – this is the second middle of September. Before the onset of frost, the seedling will have time to get stronger and settle in a new place, and with the advent of heat it will grow.

Of course, the landing of gray spirea Grefsheim in open ground can be done in the spring. Just be in time before the buds open. It has been noted that Grefsheim hybrid seedlings take root best in rainy or cloudy weather.

Preparation of planting material and site

A well-chosen place makes it possible for the spirea gray Grefsheim to grow for more than a dozen years. The main requirement is good lighting. The landing site should be in a secluded corner, protected from cold winds and drafts. The description of the variety indicates that gray spirea Grefsheim is able to grow in partial shade, but in this case, the rate of development will significantly slow down. The sun should evenly illuminate the area, otherwise the crown will be one-sided.

The Grefsheim hybrid bush grows well in loose, light soils. The presence of micronutrients is preferred. You can enrich the depleted land with the help of a sod substrate, humus, peat, and sand will add lightness to the soil. A neutral level of acidity is also required. An equally important nuance for the full development of gray spirea Grefsheim is the organization of a draining layer.

When buying a seedling of gray spirea Grefsheim, it is worth conducting a visual inspection. High-quality planting material does not have foliage, blackness and cuts. Roots are moist and flexible. If the plant is sold in a container, then the root system should not come out through the drainage holes. This says that the stalk is stale, it will take root for a long time.

Before planting seedlings of the Grefsheim hybrid, it is necessary to remove excess soil. If there are fossils, it is worth leaving them for several hours in a container of water. Be sure to carry out preparatory activities:

  • shorten long and damaged roots;
  • reduce the size of the shoots by 30% of the entire length.
Attention! Pruning of spirea gray Grefsheim is performed with a sharp garden pruner to prevent delamination at the cut point.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

How to plant gray spirea

When forming a recess, it is important to take into account that the size of an adult gray spirea bush Grefsheim has a fairly developed root system. The planting area will need to be large, and the dimensions of the pit will exceed the volume of the roots by 2 times.

It is advisable to dig a recess a couple of days before the planting procedure, so that the walls of the pit have dried up.

  1. Crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles are laid at the bottom with a layer of 10-15 cm.
  2. A mixture of peat and soddy soil is poured on top.
  3. In the center of the recess, a gray spirea seedling is placed and the roots are carefully straightened.
  4. Sprinkle with earth and lightly tamp.
  5. Pour 20 liters of warm water into the near-stem circle.
  6. After absorbing moisture, the near-stem area is covered with mulch 5-10 cm thick.

The first flowering will be 3-4 years after planting.

Attention! When planting a hedge from gray spirea, the distance between plants should be half a meter, and in rows 0,4 m.

When planting bushes of the Grefsheim variety in groups, the distance is 0,8 m.

Watering and top dressing

Like other varieties, gray spirea Grefsheim has a surface root system. Reacts poorly to lack of moisture. The leaves begin to wither immediately, the growth rate slows down. But excess water will not be good for the Grefsheim hybrid. Constant exposure to a humid environment will lead to root rot.

In order for the water regime to be normal, it is enough to water the gray Grefsheim spirea twice a month, 15 liters for each plant. During a period of prolonged lack of rain, the frequency of moisturizing should be increased and the procedure should be performed twice a week.

Advice! After watering, be sure to loosen the soil. This will ensure air circulation in the root zone.

It is recommended to please the gray spirea bush Grefsheim with nutrients several times a season.

  • For the first time, gray spirea is fertilized after spring, preventive pruning, but before flowering. Use preparations with a nitrogen content, which will stimulate the growth and growth of green mass.
  • The second time – during the budding period, to obtain a beautiful and lush flowering. For this purpose, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used.
  • The last time – after the end of flowering. It is preferable to use organic fertilizers, bird droppings or mullein with superphosphate.

The formation of spirea gray

The formation of spirea gray Grefsheim consists in the correct pruning of the bush. This procedure is quite complicated and can take several years. Every autumn, 5-6 strong, healthy shoots are selected, the rest are removed. After flowering, weak branches are pruned. Thus, in 2-3 years only strong branches will remain, which will form the crown of gray spirea.

Do I need to cover for the winter

Depending on the variety, the ability to endure winter varies. Spiraea gray Grefsheim without any special losses can withstand air temperatures up to -50 ° C. It follows from this that it is not necessary to provide shelter for the winter. The only thing that the shrub does not like is sharp and frequent weather changes. Therefore, in cold areas, experts advise mulching the near-stem circle.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Preparing gray spirea for winter

Young shoots may not tolerate the cold and die. In the northern regions of Siberia, in order to secure the gray Grefsheim spirea, further care should be properly carried out after the autumn planting.

  1. Cover the trunk circle with dry foliage or grass with a layer of 10 cm.
  2. Collect shoots in a bundle.
  3. After the branch, bend to the ground and secure with a metal peg.
  4. Top covered with village and straw.
  5. Seal with agrofibre or burlap.
Advice! In winter, snow is thrown over the shelter.

Pruning spirea gray

Pruning is the main element in the care of spirea sulfur. It helps to maintain the decorative properties of the shrub at the proper level, stimulates further growth, lush flowering.

When the gray spirea is cut

Carry out the procedure in spring and autumn. After winter, dry, frozen branches are removed by performing sanitary pruning. The Grefsheim hybrid is characterized by rapid growth, soon new sprouts appear in their place. The formation of many shoots gives density to the gray spirea bush.

As a rule, the second pruning of the Grefsheim spirea is planned in the fall, after flowering. They also remove diseased branches that have lost their appearance, and shorten the rest of the shoots. At this time, it is recommended to perform a rejuvenating haircut. Absolutely all branches are cut off, leaving a stump with dormant buds at the base. It is from them that young shoots will grow.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

How to prune gray spirea after flowering

  1. The first haircut of gray spirea Grefsheim occurs 2 years after planting, not earlier.
  2. The branch develops up to 4 years, and then dries out. If you do not carry out regular pruning, the bush will dry out.
  3. After the age of seven, a rejuvenating procedure is carried out, which involves pruning branches at the root.
  4. The main pruning of the gray spirea bush Grefsheim should be after the end of flowering.
  5. Adults are sheared by 25%, young ones are shortened branches.
  6. You can not leave shoots exclusively of the same age. In the future, the gradual dying off will affect the appearance of the spirea gray Grefsheim shrub.
  7. After the first flowering, weak shoots are pruned.
  8. If the main procedure is performed on time, namely in the fall, then in the summer the plant will delight with beautiful flowering.
Attention! Complete pruning of gray spirea Grefsheim does not always give the desired effect.

Reproduction of gray spirea

Hybrid gray spirea reproduces in three main vegetative ways:

  • division of the bush;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

How to propagate gray spirea from a bush

The division of the bush is carried out in the fall during the transplantation of gray spirea. The Grefsheim hybrid is carefully removed from the soil, the root system is cleaned to see the place of division. You need to divide the roots into 2-3 parts using a garden pruner so that each part has two full-fledged shoots and a healthy lobe. If during the procedure it was necessary to harm their integrity, then it is better to immediately treat the place with a fungicide solution.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

How to propagate by cuttings

Reproduction of gray spirea Grefsheim is considered the simplest, most effective and popular way. Most gardeners practice this method. As a rule, preparations are made in September-October. Choose an annual, healthy shoot. It must certainly be stiff, direct. Then cut into cuttings, each with 4-5 leaves. The main part of the greens is removed, and the top is shortened by half.

In Epin’s solution (1 ml per 2 liters of water), prepared petioles are left overnight. Then they are planted in wet sand. However, it is worth noting that the sprouts must be placed at an angle of 45 °. It is in this position that the roots grow from the lower internode.

It is better to take the container with planting into the garden and cover it with a transparent cap. While warm weather persists, spray the plants every other day. With the onset of frost, they put on an inverted box on top and cover it with dry leaves. In the spring, when shoots appear, gray Grefsheim spirea is transplanted into beds for growing.

How to propagate by seeds

Spirea gray grefsheim is a hybrid variety. Seeds are not suitable for planting with further propagation. They do not carry genetic information. Therefore, the seed method is not suitable for breeding this variety.

How to propagate by layering

The layering method is easy to perform, often in demand. In early spring, before the foliage appears, it is necessary to bend the side shoots to the ground. Deepen some of them. Along the length of the shoot of the gray spirea Grefsheim, they are pinned with metal pegs. By autumn, a full-fledged root system usually appears. Therefore, it is possible to separate the rooted shoot from the mother plant and transplant.

Spirea gray Grefsheim: planting and care, photo

Diseases and pests

When growing a Grefsheim hybrid on a personal plot, there is a chance to meet with uninvited guests, in particular, garden snails, aphids, spider mites. They cause a lot of problems, so the gardener needs to regularly inspect the gray Grefsheim spirea. The sooner you can detect pests, the easier it will be to deal with them.

For the purpose of prevention, they are treated with the biological preparation Fitoverm, which will destroy the slugs when they appear and protect the plant from possible ailments.

Young shoots of the Grefsheim hybrid are attractive to aphids. Colonies of this insect inhabit the underside of the leaf and feed on the juice of branches and leaves. They can be removed by chemical treatment. Among insecticides, Pirimor, Actellik have proven themselves well. Small accumulations of aphids can be affected by infusion of wormwood, celandine, hot pepper.

Spider mites cause serious damage to the Grefsheim hybrid. The plant acquires an unhealthy appearance, there are numerous holes on the leaf plate, untimely yellowing and flying around the leaves. In the fight against spider mites, Karbofos and Akreks will help.

In rare cases, the Grefsheim spirea suffers from infections: ascochitosis, septoria or ramulariasis. Gray spots appear in large numbers on the foliage. In this case, treatment will help only at the initial stage of the disease. When the symptoms have just begun to show, the Grefsheim hybrid should be treated with colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture or Fundazol.


Spirea gray Grefsheim is an aesthetically beautiful shrub that is easy to grow and attractive in appearance. It will fit perfectly into any landscape composition. At the same time, it will take a minimum of effort and time from the gardener, but it will give white fireworks in the form of openwork, falling shoots.

Unpretentious plants for the garden Gray spirea – a white fountain!

Reviews of spirea gray Grefsheim

Alena Petrovna, 43 years old, Lipetsk
I just really like the variety of gray spirea Grefsheim. I noticed it for a long time in garden magazines, but did not dare to start it on my site. Now planted, following almost all the recommendations. Barberries and golden currants are still planted in the flowerbed, I hope they will not interfere with each other. The gap between the bushes remained 0,5 m. My Grefsheim hybrid is 3 years old, but there has not been flowering yet. I’m waiting. Over the year, noticeably added in size. I don’t know if to cover or not. Covered the seedling last winter.
Marina Aleksandrovna, 35 years old, Voronezh
I planted 8 years ago a thin seedling of gray spirea Grefsheim. And then a real monster grew up – 1,5 m in height and 2 m in width. I loved her very much, but due to lack of space I had to dig it out. However, everything was not so simple. As in a fairy tale, she called her husband for help. Together with a shovel and a crowbar, they removed the gray spirea bush Grefsheim from the ground. So the whole day was spent pruning, digging. One pleased that I didn’t have to throw it away – the neighbor took it for herself.

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