Spiraea japonica Macrophylla

A photo and description of the Macrophyll spirea will introduce those who do not yet know an unusual, deciduous shrub. In the wild, it is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the Northern Hemisphere. Breeders have done a great job of breeding varieties that would be suitable for growing at home. The attractiveness of leaf shapes and the play of colors of Macrofill spirea allow landscape designers to realize the most extraordinary ideas.

Spiraea japonica Macrophylla

Description of Japanese Spirea Macrophylla

The Macrophyll variety is the best variety among decorative leafy spireas. Its homeland is the territory of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. It also grows in Northern China, in Europe, in the South-East of Our Country. The plant chooses sites on the shores of lakes, reservoirs, forest edges, mountain slopes.

The height of the spirea is 1,3 m, and the width of the crown reaches 1,5 m. Among its fellows, it is characterized by rapid growth, the annual growth is 25-30 cm. The foliage is wrinkled, swollen, and large in size. The length of the leaf is 20 cm, and the width is 10 cm. During the blooming period, the leaves have a purple color, changing to green over time.

Spirea Macrophyll refers to summer flowering plants. The flowering period is July-August. Inflorescence corymbose, 20 cm long. Pink color.

Perennial frost-resistant. Sun-loving. Grows in soils of various composition. Does not tolerate long periods of drought.

Spiraea japonica Macrophylla

Spirea macrophylla in landscape design

Spiraea Macrophylla is suitable for creating a romantic style design on the site. The variety is brightly distinguished by its foliage, or rather its color. In spring, it has a purple hue, which gradually flows into green closer to summer. In autumn, the leaves become a rich yellow color, thanks to which the plant harmoniously fits into the general atmosphere.

The shrub looks perfect both in group and single plantings. It looks original when framing sidewalk paths, curbs, mixborders. Spirea Macrofill is used to create flower beds, compositions from ornamental shrubs. Looking at the photo, it is not always possible to guess that the main element of the garden decor is the Japanese spirea Macrophyll.

Attention! Often the spirea of ​​​​this variety is credited to the ground-blooded plants.

Spiraea japonica Macrophylla

Planting and caring for Macrophyll spirea

This ornamental plant is not at all demanding. Growing a healthy and strong bush is within the power of even those who have never done this. For Macrofill spirea, standard agricultural standards are applicable.

Preparation of planting material and site

The key to quick adaptation of the plant in a new place and rapid growth is healthy planting material. This is evidenced by the flexibility and the presence of buds on the shoot. If there is a Macrophyll spirea seedling with an open root system, then first of all it is necessary to inspect the root system. Remove all dry, yellow patches. Shorten roots that are too long. It is also worth trimming the upper part of the seedling by 1/3 of the length.

Planting material with a closed root system, first of all, must be removed from the container. Pour warm water. If hardening has formed, it is better to leave the seedling for several hours in a container of water.

Attention! Trimming the planting material of the Macrofill spirea is done with a garden pruner, and the cuts are made even, which will allow the roots to stick together.

The light-loving ornamental shrub causes active development in the sun. If necessary, you can plant Macrophyll spirea in partial shade. The shrub gives abundant root shoots, which increases the occupied area. This fact should be taken into account when planning a landing site.

Any soil is suitable as a growing medium. Of course, in fertile and loose soil, flowering will be much more abundant. The depleted substrate is fertilized with peat or a mixture of river sand with leafy soil. It will be useful to arrange a drainage layer of broken bricks, pebbles.

Spiraea japonica Macrophylla

Planting macrophyll spirea in the garden

The planting procedure for the summer-flowering spirea Macrofill is performed in the spring. The main task is to be in time before the foliage blooms. During the warm period, the plant will take root well and will survive the first winter without any problems.

It is advisable to choose a cloudy or rainy day for planting. For planting shrubs in rows, it is necessary to leave a gap between the pits of about half a meter. Algorithm for planting Macrofill spirea:

  1. Prepare a recess 1/3 more than the root ball. Approximately 50×50 cm.
  2. The bottom is lined with rubble, gravel, expanded clay. Layer height – 15 cm.
  3. Then add a mixture of soddy land, peat and sand.
  4. Macrophyll spirea seedling is placed in the center of the recess and sprinkled with earth.
  5. The soil is not compacted.
  6. The plant is watered with 20 liters of water.
  7. When the water is absorbed, the trunk circle is sprinkled with peat.
Attention! The soil for Macrophyll spirea should not contain lime.

Watering and top dressing

Due to the fact that an ornamental plant does not have the ability to take root deeply, the issue of moisture is acute. Especially during periods of drought, then the volume of liquid is increased. The norm of water for Macrophyll spirea leaves on average 15-20 liters in the interval of 7-10 days. The watering process should be regular, starting from the moment of planting. The young individual needs to be moistened more often. Water is preferably used at room temperature.

For the entire growing season, Macrophyll spirea should be fed 3 times. The first time – in March, they fertilize with nitrogenous preparations. The second procedure falls on June, and the next one is performed in August. In summer, they are fed with complex mineral and organic substances.

Attention! Spirea is able to develop without fertilizer for several years.

Spiraea japonica Macrophylla


An important stage in the process of caring for Macrofill spirea is pruning. Bushes tend to grow, so adjustment is required from time to time. With the help of pruning, gardeners achieve a beautiful shape and long flowering.

In early spring, diseased, dry, poorly developed shoots are removed. Long branches are shortened, cutting off the tips to strong buds. Shrubs that are over 4 years old should be pruned heavily, leaving shoots only 20-25 cm long from the root. If after this the Macrophyll spirea will give weak shoots, it’s time to think about replacing the bush. Although the life expectancy of this culture is on average 15 years.

Preparation for winter

From the description it follows that the Macrophyll spirea is a winter-hardy plant. Even harsh winters, she is able to endure without shelter. However, extra protection does not hurt when it comes to a young plant. Without consequences, bending the shoots to the ground will help to endure the cold. They are pinned with rods to the surface, and sprinkled with dry foliage on top with a layer of 15 cm.

Reproduction of spirea macrophylla

Spiraea Macrophylla reproduces by dividing the bush, layering and seeds.


A reliable way that does not take much time. The process takes place in the spring, when the first leaves appear. You need to select a pair of side branches and bend them to the surface of the earth. Then fasten tightly with pins. As a result, the shoots should not grow vertically, but horizontally. Top with soil and water. It is important to control soil moisture levels. It should not be dry or wet. Excess liquid under the bush can lead to rotting of the shoots. For the winter, branches should be covered with dry grass or leaves. If all the recommendations are followed, then young plants can be planted for the next season.

Division of the bush

For this method, it is necessary to pick up bushes at the age of 4-5 years or more. In this case, you can not use the young Macrophyll spirea, since this procedure can cause irreversible damage to it. The technology itself is simple and does not require special skills. In autumn, after the leaves fall, they dig up a bush, remove excess soil from the roots and wash it with water. Then the rhizome is cut into 3 equal parts, each of which should have a well-developed root system with 4 long shoots. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult for the seedling to take root in a new place.

seed method

The planting material of the Macrophyll spirea takes root well and sprouts. In the spring, the seeds are planted in a container with a peat-earth mixture. Around June, seedlings are planted in open ground, after pinching the main root. This is done in order to stimulate rapid growth in the plant. The photo shows a Macrophyll spirea sprout planted in the ground, which in 3-4 years will delight with flowering with proper care.

Attention! The varietal qualities of Macrophyll spirea are not preserved when propagated by seed.

Spiraea japonica Macrophylla

Diseases and pests

The shrub rarely gets sick. It is also unusual for spireas to be attacked by harmful insects. However, under adverse conditions, leafworms, aphids, and spider mites cause damage to health.

The females of the latter hibernate in a pile of fallen leaves, and with the advent of heat they move to the plant. They live on the underside of the leaf. As a result, the macrophyll spirea turns yellow and dries ahead of time. Preparations will help to cope effectively: Akreks (0,2%) and Karbofos (0,2%).

Leafworm caterpillars appear at the end of May. They gnaw out all the green tissue on the leaves. The aphids feed on plant sap. The drug Pirimor (0,1%) completely destroys these parasites.

You can prevent the appearance of pests on the site by carrying out regular preventive work:

  • loosening of the soil;
  • collection of dry leaves;
  • pruning;
  • weeding.


A photo and description of the Macrophyll spirea will allow you to recognize the ornamental shrub in more detail: planting features, basic recommendations for care. And the beauty of flowering will prompt florist designers to create new compositions.

How to create a decorative garden without any problems? Unpretentious spirea shrubs in spring in my garden.

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