Spiraea Genpei

Spiraea Japanese Genpei is best suited for those who want to diversify their backyard. Even among relatives, this shrub takes pride of place. Its cost is small, its decorative properties are preserved all winter, and the plant requires minimal care.

Spiraea Genpei

Description of Japanese spirea Genpei

The variety of Japanese spirea Genpei is a summer-flowering, beautiful shrub. Plant height 0,8 m, crown width – 1,2 m. Shoots are felt-pubescent. The length of the branches is up to 2 m, the color is red-brown. Annual growth – 15 cm. The leaves are oval, serrated, reach a length of 2 cm. The color of the foliage is dark green.

Spirea Genpei is distinguished by its extraordinary tricolor flowering.

The flowers are rich white, pale pink and purple-red collected in one flat, corymbose inflorescence. The budding period falls in July and lasts until September. Spirea Genpei is disease resistant. Prefers full sun but can grow in partial shade. High rates of frost resistance. Belongs to the 4th climatic zone. Well adapted to urban conditions.

Spiraea Genpei

Spirea Genpei in landscape design

Japanese spirea Genpei is the undisputed leader in decorative, street art among other varieties. This plant is planted at every turn in China and Japan. A low-growing shrub is used to create a hedge or border. There is a Genpei spirea in a similar design in all photos with landscape design. And if you use a plant to completely fill the space, for example, plant it on slopes instead of lawns, it will be interesting and unusual.

The Japanese spirea Genpei is in demand for the construction of landscape design of parks and squares. The shrub looks beautiful in alpine slides, discounts, rockeries and other flower arrangements.

Attention! Spiraea Genpei is often credited to ground-blooded plants.

Planting and caring for Genpei spirea

Despite the fact that this variety of spirea is not demanding and does not need special conditions, it is important to consider the main nuances.

Preparation of planting material and site

Any gardener wants the Japanese spirea Genpei to bloom and smell fragrant. To do this, you need to plant it in sunny areas. The light-loving nature of the plant must be taken into account, since in partial shade the possibility of lush flowering will decrease.

It is also worth paying attention to the nutritional value of the soil. Exhausted, depleted soils will adversely affect the decorative properties of the shrub. It is preferable to plant Japanese spirea Genpei in light, loose, fertile soil.

The composition doesn’t matter. To balance the substrate, peat, turf or leaf soil, and sand are usually added. Lands with poor drainage capacity should be drained to prevent stagnant moisture. Excess fluid in the area can cause rotting of the root system.

In addition to the site, credit should be given to the correct choice of planting material. After all, the further survival of the Genpei spirea depends on this. Selection criteria for seedlings:

  • wet roots, no visible damage;
  • flexible shoots;
  • the presence of kidneys;
  • absence of rot and other symptoms of fungal infections.

It is difficult to determine the varietal affiliation by the appearance of the seedling, so it is better to buy young plants at certified points of sale of garden material. It is especially not advised to buy planting material of the Japanese spirea Genpei on the Internet, since the seedling is only visible in the photo, and not live.

A couple of days before planting, the root system and shoots are cut 3-5 cm, dry, damaged areas are removed. And then leave for 2-3 hours in a container with water. Immediately before the procedure, the roots are treated with clay mash.

Attention! Good neighbors of the Japanese spirea Genpei are juniper, periwinkle, shady saxifer.

Spiraea Genpei

Rules of landing

Planting plants in the ground should be planned for spring or autumn. The weather on the day of planting should be cloudy or rainy. The deepening must withstand 4-5 days. Its size is calculated from the volume of the root system with a margin of 1/3 for further development. The approximate depth is 0,5 m. When choosing a place, it should be borne in mind that the Genpei spirea has abundant root shoots. When all the preparatory work is completed, it’s time to start landing:

  • a drainage layer of broken brick is laid in the pit;
  • 20-30 g of complex fertilizer for the Japanese spirea Genpei;
  • carefully place the roots of the seedling in the recess;
  • the root neck should be on the surface of the soil;
  • sprinkled with soil;
  • watered abundantly;
  • after absorbing moisture, the trunk circle is mulched with peat.

When planting spirea in groups, the distance should be 0,6-0,7 m. For hedges, the distance in rows is 0,4-0,5 m, row spacing is 0,3-0,4 m.

Attention! Nutrition in the form of a complex fertilizer is enough for a plant for 2-3 years in a row.

Watering and top dressing

The root system of the Japanese spirea Genpei is located close to the surface of the earth, so it acutely feels the lack of moisture. The lack of water adversely affects the rate of growth and flowering. At the same time, watering should be moderate. In dry periods, it is enough to moisten the shrub twice a month. A volume of water of 10 liters is enough for one plant.

Spirea Genpei responds well to fertilization. It is preferable to feed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Feeding should be done at least 3 times a year. At the beginning of the growing season, preparations with nitrogen are used, at the rest of the time, potassium-phosphorus agents can be used.

Attention! Maximum watering of the Japanese spirea Genpei is needed after flowering and pruning.


Japanese spirea Genpei requires annual pruning. The first stage involves the sanitary removal of dry, diseased shoots in the spring. It is advisable to do this before the appearance of new foliage. Remove a dry branch should be to a living kidney. If the shoot is underdeveloped or stunted, it is cut off completely.

The second stage is the formation of the crown. It implies giving a beautiful appearance and the correct shape to the bush. The flowering of the Japanese spirea Genpei also depends on this procedure. The more shoots removed, the stronger and younger the bush will look.

After the age of four, the plant needs anti-aging pruning. The bush is cut completely, leaving 30 cm from the ground. Each pruning procedure should end with top dressing: a solution of manure with superphosphate – 10 g of a mineral preparation is needed for 10 liters of the mixture.

Attention! If you do not carry out the pruning procedure regularly, then over time, heavy, old branches will lean down, the bush will lose its attractive appearance.

Preparation for winter

It will be a pity if, subject to all the recommendations regarding planting and caring for the Japanese Genpei spirea, it will die from frost. Therefore, the wintering of the plant should be taken seriously. Even with high rates of frost resistance, the shrub will not hurt to cover with dry leaves or grass, after bending the shoots to the surface of the earth. Since frosty, but snowless winters often occur.

Spiraea Genpei


Japanese spirea Genpei reproduces in the following ways:

  • division of the bush;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

The last method is the most efficient and productive. The number of copies is chosen independently. First of all, it is worth picking up a one-year-old, healthy shoot. Divide into parts so that each has at least 6 leaves. Remove the greens, and treat the lower cut with a root stimulator solution. After planting in wet sand and send to a dark place.

Spray the cuttings with water three times a day. Plant in the garden in late autumn and cover with dry leaves. In the spring, after the appearance of the kidneys, you can transplant to a permanent place.

Through layering, young plants also take root quickly. The process of reproduction in this way falls on the spring. A pair of side shoots are bent down and attached to the ground. From above, be sure to sprinkle with earth and water. When the sprout takes root and goes into growth, the offshoot can be disconnected from the mother plant.

The division of the bush can be done in spring and autumn. If the procedure is scheduled for the warm season, then you should have time to complete everything before the first leaves appear. The advantage of this method is the rapid development of daughter plants. The disadvantage is that you can harm the root system. If this happens, then it is better to disinfect the wound with a fungicide solution.

Diseases and pests

Japanese spirea Genpei often suffers from insect attacks. The main pest is the spider mite. It can change the appearance of the bush beyond recognition. All foliage becomes perforated, turns yellow and dies prematurely. Blooming flowers and buds also fall. The parasite activates during the hot period. It is necessary to fight the pest when the first symptoms are detected. Because the more neglected the state, the more difficult it will be to restore it. Among insecticides, Karbofos and Akreks have proven themselves well.

Aphids feed on the juice of the Japanese spirea Genpei. Harms the leaves, eats flower stalks, sucks nutrients from the plant. To cope with an uninvited guest will help means of their own production or chemicals. The drug Pirimor is afraid of aphids.


Japanese Spiraea Genpei is a modest shrub with respect to care requirements. It grows well in Central Our Country, due to its high frost resistance and drought resistance. For a long period, Genpei spirea is able to decorate a personal plot, since the life expectancy of a shrub is 15 years.

Japanese Spiraea Genpei (spiraea japonica genpei) 🌿 Genpei review: how to plant, Genpei spirea seedlings

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