Spinal scoliosis treatment. Video

Spinal scoliosis treatment. Video

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, which occurs, as a rule, during its growth. Such a pathology often affects the development of other diseases of the spine and internal organs, so it is necessary to fight it.

Treatment of scoliosis is selected individually, since not only the degree of development of this disease and the age of the patient, but also the presence of concomitant diseases are of great importance. In severe stages of scoliosis, patients, for example, are advised to perform gymnastics only in the supine position. Also, in order to achieve a positive effect, the patient’s desire to follow all the doctor’s recommendations is important, since instead of him, simply no one can do it.

The main methods of treating scoliosis

First of all, the patient is assigned special physiotherapy exercises, which can be performed under the supervision of a doctor or at home. As practice shows, performing the necessary exercises helps to improve the patient’s condition by 30–70%. This method of treatment is often prescribed for children with the 1st and 2nd degree of scoliosis, whose spine continues to grow and form.

This method of treatment is selected individually for the patient.

With a more severe degree of development of this pathology, children are recommended to wear a corset, since its use reduces the deformation of the spine. This method of treatment is also prescribed for adults with an unstable curvature of 25-40%.

Wearing a brace can also reduce the development of neurological and physical diseases associated with scoliosis.

Surgical treatment for scoliosis

In rare cases, patients with scoliosis are prescribed an operation. Adults recommends doing it with the development of the 4th degree of this disease, when exercises and wearing a corset no longer give results. And for children – with a spinal deformity of more than 40 degrees.

Adjunctive treatments for scoliosis

In addition to exercise or wearing a corset, patients with scoliosis may be prescribed additional treatment in the form of physiotherapy, which has good reviews, massage or any medication. This is done to enhance the positive effect of the main methods of treatment. In addition, the patient is recommended to properly organize a sleeping place and a workplace, to abandon inadequate physical activity and bad habits.

In some cases, doctors do not recommend treating the curvature of the spine. It is believed that in scoliosis, an anti-curvature arch forms that stabilizes the spine. In this case, the patient is advised only to monitor posture and control the disease. However, this method is strictly individual, since in one person the primary curvature may decrease over time, while in another, on the contrary, progress.

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