Spinal cord tumor in adults
Among all tumors in the region of the central nervous system, lesions of the spinal cord occupy approximately 12% in adults and about 5% in children. What is the cause of these pathologies and how are they treated?

Most often, tumors localized in the spinal cord region are detected in people aged 30 to 50 years. Mostly, in about 85% of cases, they affect the membranes of the brain and surrounding structures.

What is a spinal cord tumor

“Tumours of the spinal cord,” he says. oncologist Alexander Seryakov, are pathological neoplasms of a malignant and benign nature, which are localized in the region of the spinal cord. They are rare.

By location there are:

  • intramedullary (18 – 20% of cases) – grow inside the spinal cord;
  • extramedullary (80 – 82% of cases) – located near the spinal cord, develop from nearby tissues.

Among benign lesions, ependymoma (63%) and astrocytoma (30%) are most common. Much less common are non-malignant hemangioblastoma and malignant oligodendroglioma.

Causes of spinal cord tumors in adults

The true causes of tumor growth that occurs in the region of the spinal cord have not been determined to date. Scientists identify a number of risk factors that can increase the likelihood of tumor growth in children or adults, but definitely do not lead to the formation of pathology. This includes:

  • hereditary predisposition (features of genes passed from parents to children);
  • exposure to substances with carcinogenic effects (chemical dyes, oil refining products);
  • the development of lymphoma (this is a malignant lesion in the area of ​​​​the lymphatic system);
  • the presence of Hippel-Landau disease (a tendency to the growth of tumors, both benign and cancerous, is inherited);
  • the development of type 2 neurofibromatosis (this is a disease associated with gene breakdowns, in which multiple tumors are formed – schwannomas or meningiomas in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe nerves and nervous system);
  • impact of harmful environmental factors (chemical pollution, radiation exposure);
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle – smoking, drinking alcohol, poor nutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • excessive tanning (in a solarium, on the beach).

Often several factors influence at once and special conditions must be created for the onset of tumor growth.

Symptoms of a spinal cord tumor in adults

There are no typical or characteristic symptoms only for a tumor; all signs can mimic other diseases, especially in the early stages. Therefore, it is worth contacting a doctor to determine or rule out a problem with the following complaints.

Pain syndrome. The most common manifestation of a tumor is pain that occurs in the region of the spine, where the tumor began to grow. In the early stage, the pain may be mild or more severe, but there are no pronounced neurological symptoms. As the tumor progresses, disorders of sensitivity and movement occur, the pain becomes stronger against the background of coughing or sudden movements, sneezing, physical activity, at night and during movements, tilting the head.

Movement disorders. Muscle weakness is also possible, which occurs in combination with sensitivity disorders, muscle atrophy, sharp and sudden contractions, twitching of muscle groups that are relaxed.

Sensitivity disorders. Sometimes there is no pain, but superficial sensitivity may suffer, while maintaining a deep tactile feeling. The patient may not feel pain, temperature, touch, but perceives pressure, vibrations.

Problems with the work of the sphincters. Possible violations of urinary functions, less often – bowel movements. This leads to urinary or stool retention. Also, as the process progresses, spinal scoliosis may occur, which is formed due to pain, motor function disorders, or destruction of the vertebral bodies.

Outwardly it is impossible to determine spinal cord tumors, they are located deep enough in the area of ​​the spinal canal.

Classification of spinal cord tumors in adults

There are many options for classifying tumors localized in the spinal cord. It is possible to divide into groups according to a number of signs – the location of the tumor focus relative to the spinal cord, spine or meninges, the features of the histological picture, as well as the specific localization of the lesion.

If we divide the tumors by origin, they can be classified into two groups:

  • primary – this is the tissue of the tumor, which developed from the cells of the spinal cord itself, its roots or membranes;
  • secondary – these are tumors of a different localization that affect the spinal cord (including metastatic ones).

According to the location of the tumor, they can be divided into several groups:

  • экстрадуральная опухоль – очаг над областью твердой мозговой оболочки;
  • intradural – a tumor under the hard shell;
  • intramedullary – grows inside the spinal cord, originating from its cells.

Tumors can be located behind the spinal cord, in front, on the sides, affecting the cervical or thoracic, lumbar or sacral regions.

According to the origin and type of cells, the classification is very large, tumors are determined according to biopsy data.

Treatment of a spinal cord tumor in adults

In order to determine the tactics of treatment and the possibility of radical removal of the tumor, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct a complete examination, determine the type and stage of the tumor.


Diagnosis is a step-by-step process that allows you to determine the size, type of tumor and draw up a plan for its treatment. First of all, the patient’s complaints, his symptoms, and the medical history are important to the doctor. What matters is when the symptoms developed and how they changed over time.

A complete neurological examination is carried out – determination of muscle tone, reflexes, muscle strength, spine mobility, sensitivity.
Alexander SeryakovMD, professor, oncologist

To thin the pathology, you need:

  • MRI with contrast – the method helps to determine the condition of the entire spinal cord, its structures and determine the tumor;
  • CT myelography is a technique for assessing the margin of a tumor;
  • diffuse-weighted and diffuse-tensor MRI;
  • scintigraphy.
  • direct angiography.

After clarifying the type, location and size of the tumor, a plan for its treatment is drawn up.

Modern treatments

“The main type of treatment,” says oncologist Alexander Seryakov, is a neurosurgical operation in which the neoplasm is completely removed and decompression (elimination of compression) of the spinal cord is performed. Micro-neurosurgical techniques, intraoperative neuroimaging and neuronavigation are often used.

In case of malignant tumors of the spinal cord, in addition to surgical treatment, the patient may be prescribed chemotherapy and radiation therapy (stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery on linear accelerators of the Cyber-Knife type).

Prevention of spinal cord tumors in an adult at home

Prevention, according to oncologist Alexander Seryakovis a healthy lifestyle:

  • physical activity (preferably outdoors);
  • healthy eating
  • exclusion or limitation of stressful situations;
  • healthy sleep;
  • exclusion of occupational hazards, exposure, bad habits.

Popular questions and answers

He told us about the possibility of treating tumors in the spinal cord and the prospects, risks and complications oncologist Alexander Seryakov.

What are the consequences of a spinal cord tumor?
Motor, sensory disorders, urination and defecation disorders are possible, which entails disability and the inability to return to work in one’s profession or the need to reduce the amount of work due to the severity or characteristics of a motor defect, violations of other functions.
What symptoms should be the reason for a visit to the doctor?
With spinal cord tumors, 3 clinical syndromes are distinguished:

• radicular;

• brownsekarovsky (the diameter of the spinal cord is half affected);

• complete transverse lesion of the spinal cord.

Over time, any tumor can lead to damage to its diameter. Symptoms that should alert – pain, lack of sensitivity, paresis.

Можно ли вылечить опухоли спинного мозга народными средствами?
The unequivocal answer is no! Infusions of various herbs used in traditional medicine, unfortunately, are powerless in the treatment of spinal cord tumors. But they can be used as a source of vitamins. But after consultation with the attending physician.

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