Spike on the leg: how and what to treat?

A wart that appears on the sole of the foot and is the most unpleasant and painful manifestation of a viral disease, papilloma, is popularly called a thorn. A spike on the leg when walking causes pain, patients often compare such pain with a splinter, a prick of a thorn. The difference between spines and warts in various parts of the body is discomfort and discomfort, which become constant companions of walking.

Causes of the appearance of spikes on the leg

Spike on the leg: how and what to treat?

The reasons for the appearance of spikes on the leg can be a decrease in the body’s defenses, increased sweating of the legs in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe feet and non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. Thus, preventive measures include the treatment of the skin of the legs with drugs that reduce their sweating. After water procedures, the skin of the feet should be thoroughly dried, make sure that wet socks and slippers do not come into contact with the skin for a long time. You should beware of wearing someone else’s shoes and change the rugs in the bathroom after the tenants.

It is also recommended to give your feet a break, do not constantly wear shoes at home, at work and on the street.

It is not difficult to notice a spike on the leg: most often it declares itself, causing acute pain to the patient. It is important to distinguish the spike from the usual corn. Outside, the spine, like a corn, is covered with a dense film of keratinized cells, under which papillae resembling threads can be found, they grow directly from the foot.

What is the difference between a thorn on the foot and a callus?

Corn and thorn are two different skin formations. It’s easy to tell them apart. A thorn is a plantar wart that becomes “hairy” after steaming in hot water. If you remove the top of the spike, you can see black dots. Dark threads stretch from them, which go into the deep structures of the skin. The spike grows inward all the time, penetrating deeper and deeper into the layers of the dermis.

The top of the callus is always uniform. The surface of the spike has some similarities with cauliflower. In the center of the spine there is a depression similar to a crater in a volcano.

Along the edges of the growth are rollers, which are roughened skin. Spike is a benign neoplasm, but if pathogenic factors influence it all the time, it can become malignant, that is, it can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Therefore, it should not be left untreated.

Spike on the leg: how and what to treat?

Treatment of thorns on the leg

Spike on the leg: how and what to treat?

A thorn, like any wart, is a benign tumor, but under certain circumstances it can become malignant and multiply, which is why it is so important to treat the thorn on the leg under the supervision of a specialist.

The most effective means of removing thorns today is the method using liquid nitrogen. The procedure does not cause pain, does not cause injury to healthy tissues, scars and scars do not remain after excision of the affected areas.

Also, a laser is widely used for the treatment of spines, the principle of which is different from the above method, but just like in the first case, the procedure itself is painless. In most cases, spines are removed with a single operation, additional manipulations are necessary only with a large area of ​​​​damage and deep penetration of the pathogen into the skin.

In some cases, doctors resort to the gradual removal of spines, while using modern products based on acids or alkalis. Such drugs require careful handling. Before the procedure, healthy areas of the skin are treated with petroleum jelly or a greasy hand cream to protect them from damage. If you follow exactly all the recommendations for the treatment, then the desired result is obtained quite easily, and scars and scars on the skin are not formed.

Medical treatment for thrush

Spike on the leg: how and what to treat?

There are various preparations on the market that allow you to remove the spine. For this purpose, you can use ointments, solutions, creams. They have an antiviral effect, therefore, they allow not only to remove the spike, but also to destroy the virus that led to its formation.

Drugs that can be used to treat thorns:

  • Oxolinic ointment. It is applied to the spike until it disappears.

  • Salicylic ointment. It is important to use it precisely. Otherwise, the surrounding tissues may be damaged.

  • Panavir and Viferon. The spikelet is treated with preparations several times a day.

  • Feresol. Before applying the drug, you need to cut off the top of the neoplasm. It is necessary to ensure that the drug does not get on healthy skin.

  • Solcoderm. The drug is available in the form of a solution. It is easy to apply with an applicator.

  • Cryopharm. The applicator with the solution is pressed against the spine for 10 seconds. The drug is used once. A single treatment is enough for the growth to begin to atrophy. After 10 minutes, it will completely disappear.

  • Salipod. This is a patch that is glued onto the spine. From above it is fixed with a regular plaster and left on the skin for 12 hours.

The spike needs to be treated, regardless of whether it gives the person any inconvenience or not. HPV (human papillomavirus), which is the cause of the spinal cord, can cause a benign neoplasm to become malignant, and this is very dangerous. If the spine has not reached a large size and has just begun to form, then it can be dealt with with conservative methods of treatment.

Which doctor should I go to?

If you find a spike on your leg, you need to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will recommend the best method for getting rid of the skin growth. Sometimes an immunologist’s consultation is additionally required. If there are problems with immunity, then the doctor will tell you ways to increase it.

Do not self-medicate. The doctor will examine the neoplasm under a microscope, clarify its nature. If a degeneration of a wart has occurred, then a person needs emergency medical care and taking serious medications.

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