Spider veins on the legs: how to remove? Video
Spider veins on the legs (telangiectasias), as a rule, appear in the presence of a hereditary predisposition to their formation or under the influence of provoking factors. There are a large number of folk remedies – affordable and safe – that will help to cope with this problem.
Treatment of spider veins on the legs
Home remedies for spider veins on the legs
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most famous and effective remedies for spider veins on the legs. Lubricate problem areas with apple cider vinegar at least three times a day, then in 3-4 weeks you will forget about this trouble.
In the fight against spider veins, coniferous baths will help you. So, pour 2 cups of pine needles with a liter of water and cook over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes. Then strain the broth, dilute with a little water. Put your feet in a warm prepared bath for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure at least 3-4 times a week.
A tomato compress will help you get rid of spider veins on your legs. Cut the red ripe tomato into several pieces, attach to problem areas and fix with a bandage. You can leave this compress for a long time, only you need to change the tomatoes every 4 hours.
A green tomato is also suitable, but you cannot keep it for more than 3 minutes, otherwise you can get burned
Kalanchoe infusion is an excellent remedy that can cure spider veins on the legs. Rinse Kalanchoe leaves thoroughly, dry and chop. Then fill a half-liter jar with them about halfway and top up with boiled water. Place the jar in a dark place for 7 days. After that, strain the infusion and wipe problem areas with it 2-3 times a day.
A flower bath is perfect for treating spider veins. To prepare it, pour 100 grams of calendula and 100 grams of chamomile with 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour, then lower your feet into a warm composition and hold for 20-30 minutes. Carry out the procedure daily until you achieve the desired result.
Prevention of spider veins on the legs
If you have a predisposition to the appearance of spider veins on your legs, remember that you are not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time and get involved in saunas and hot baths. Also, ditch tight, tight clothing and high heels. If at work you need to stand or sit most of the time, change your posture as often as possible. Try to avoid strenuous physical activity, and from sports activities, give preference to:
- swimming
- ski
- cycling and hiking
Finally, make it a rule to rinse your feet in cool water every time you shower.