Spicy, Sweet, or Salty? What does food cravings mean?

There is no dispute about tastes, one can only agree with them. And at the same time to draw up a psychological portrait: experts say that food preferences mean a lot.

Sometimes it seems that the whole world revolves only around food. The same products are sometimes called a terrible poison, or a panacea for all diseases, the Internet is flooded with diets of varying degrees of wonder: you can find both by blood type and by the sign of the zodiac. But no matter what experts advise us to eat, you cannot order your heart – we often fall in love with a certain dish once and for all. And that says a lot about us.

Sweet, especially chocolate

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a sweet tooth is generally seen as pleasant, friendly, and kind. That is, if you accidentally show a handful of sweets in your purse, then you will automatically be considered a very pretty person. Another study conducted by American scientists has shown that those who, instead of normal food, prefer to eat candy or a box of chocolate, more often come to the rescue when someone is in trouble.


Nadia Burns, an expert at the American Institute of Food Technology, found that those who love risk and excitement also love spicy food. Moreover, extreme natures are able to receive true pleasure from food. Even when it is well too sharp, up to burns.

Chips and Snacks

Potato chips are the favorite food of ambitious people. Usually such people are very competitive, they achieve success at any cost, they are demanding not only of themselves, but also of others. Chips lovers are very energetic and the word “no” means nothing to them if they are determined to get their way.

But lovers of salty cookies are intuitive people, their way of life is determined by emotions. It is difficult for them to solve even their own problems, they do not like routine and are always in search of something new. They are also romantics.


If Rocky from the cartoon about Chip and Dale is your spiritual brother, then the researchers have good news for you: Dr.Alan Hirsch, a neurologist at the Chicago Smells and Tastes Foundation, found out that cheese lovers are conscientious, decent and so correct that even a little boring. But all this is combined with vivid imagination, creativity and gentle disposition.


All the same Dr. Hirsch assures that those who love meat are sociable and generous people so much that sometimes they share the latter to their detriment. Meat eaters are ready to sacrifice their own comfort, if only their loved ones feel good.  

Fruits and vegetables

Usually such people are very conscious about their eating habits. Fans of vegetarian salads and fruit for dessert have a bright personality, they have their own point of view on everything and do not hesitate to express it, they are always ready to do something new.

Fast food

And here’s the bad news: usually high-calorie food to the detriment of healthy food is chosen by people of a neurotic disposition. Scientists back in 2015 found that fast food is more often bought by anxious, unbalanced, emotional overeating individuals.

Bakery products

Buns, croissants, pies – they are adored by warm home people, reliable and loving. There is nothing wrong with this, except for the influence of such food on the figure. But if in moderation, then you can afford to relax a little.


Yes, even they made it to this list! It turns out that dumplings – real, homemade, and not some semi-finished products there – are loved by happy and generous people. They are sociable, they are even called social butterflies. Dumplings fans are always ready to share love, warmth, hugs.


Connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine are ambivalent about themselves. They are either loved or hated, there are no indifferent – it’s like with seaweed. Usually, sushi lovers are introverts, preferring to keep their opinions to themselves. They are also larks.

Fried chicken

The food is simple yet delicious when cooked correctly. She is loved by real hedonists, people who are always in search of pleasure. They live life to the fullest, have a good sense of humor, and have practically no ill-wishers – despite all their insolence.


Macaroni with cheese, cream sauce, pasta bolognese or seafood – there is plenty of choice! Such food is usually chosen by home-made, solid, practical people. They are calm and rational, never get lost and always find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation.

Something other

Didn’t find anything you like on the list? It means that you are very picky and it is not easy to please you. Or maybe you are simply not ready to sacrifice a variety of delicious food for the sake of one thing. Hmm, being a gourmet isn’t so bad!

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