Briefly about the drink
For the first time, rum producers decided to diversify their products with various additives only at the end of the XNUMXth century. It all started quite “innocently”: during the distillation process or at the final stage of production, coconut flakes and spices were added to the future rum, and then the number of new spicy components increased, which allowed experts, in addition to spiced rum (spiced rum), to also highlight flavored rum ( flavored rum), but that’s another story.
What is spiced rum made of?
As a rule, various spicy spices are made from dried fruits, seeds, roots, leaves or bark of edible plants. These fragrant and savory vegetable substances add some zest to the taste of the drink.
The main advantages of this type of rum include its unique ability to blend perfectly with other drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
Mixologists and bartenders quickly noticed this, and the drink was widely used in the field of making rum-containing cocktails. Chefs immediately picked up the idea: in cooking, fragrant rum with spices is used to make pies, cakes, pastries, etc.
Interestingly, US citizens have become the most passionate fans of spiced rum.
spiced rum cocktails
Most Popular Ingredients
For the production of spiced rum, craftsmen most often use spices such as ginger root, vanilla, Jamaican pepper, cinnamon, cassia, known as “fake cinnamon” (obtained from the bark of an evergreen tree – Chinese cinnamon), cloves, rosemary, anise and many others.
Additives such as citrus extracts, coffee beans, mint, cherry, blackcurrant, coconut, mango, pineapple, banana and some others make it possible to attribute the finished drink to the category of flavored rums (flavored rum) rather than spicy ones.
Sometimes the manufacturer combines spices, spices and fruit additives, getting truly magical spirits, characterized by unforgettable aromatic and flavor nuances.
Top tips for choosing spiced rum
If you compare any spiced rum with classic dark rum, you will notice that the color of the first is somewhat darker and richer.
Such a deep shade of the drink is provided by caramel, which the manufacturer specifically adds to its product as a dye.
The addition of caramel is not prohibited by law, but it perfectly masks low-quality liquor, which makes it very difficult to choose a good rum.
Most often, high-quality spiced rum is prepared on the basis of golden or dark rum, to which a certain amount of caramel is added.
Of course, we are not talking about any exposure, so this type of rum is a young, unaged alcoholic drink.
The dark color in this case does not indicate the “old age” of the product.
When choosing a spiced rum, you should be on the lookout, as many cheap brands are made from low-quality caramel-colored light rum.
When buying spiced rum, it is best to seek advice from experts who are not interested in selling the product or carefully study the labels of the goods presented.
Pay attention to the excise stamp, the exception is the duty free zone.
Popular spiced rum brands
Sailor jerry
Jeremy’s Ron
Captain Morgan
Relevance: 17.01.2018
Tags: Rum