Spice mill: how to choose? Video

Spice mill: how to choose? Video

Some culinary specialists, when preparing food, try not to use ready-made and ground spices and spices, which lose their aroma over time. Because of this, preference is given to whole spices, which must be chopped at home. This is where the question arises – which spice mill to choose?

Types and Features of Hand Spice Mills

Culinary accessories of this type are divided into two types: – disposable; – reusable.

The first type is quite common in modern supermarkets. The peculiarity of disposable mills is that they already contain whole spices, and when the contents run out, they are simply thrown away.

Usually they sell a mixture of spices or separately peppercorns, herbs, cinnamon and other products.

Another difference between disposable mills and reusable mills is the rather modest size of the former – no more than 10 centimeters in height

Their advantage is that they save time. You buy both the mechanism and the product without spending additional time searching. The mechanism of such mills is usually quite strong, it lasts until the end of grinding all the spices. The disadvantage of a disposable mill is the inefficiency of the product, which is thrown away at the end of the internal contents, after which it is necessary to purchase a new mill.

The second type of hand mill is sold empty and has a device through which whole spices must be poured into the mill. At the end of the grinding, the crushed spices are poured out and the mill is ready for use again. The mill body can be made of wood, plastic, metal or ceramic.

This type of kitchen utensil consists of three parts: – a container for pouring spices; – chopping knife or millstone; – container for chopped spices or herbs.

The advantage of such a product is its long-term use. Once purchased, you can use it for a long time.

In addition, when you go on vacation, you can choose and bring home a hand mill suitable for your kitchen, with an interesting design.

The disadvantage of a reusable mill is the need to clean and ventilate it. Some spices in the crushed state can release oils, as a result of which the mill must be thoroughly cleaned of the product.

This type of product is quite common in modern electrical stores. Electric mills are produced by well-known brands and brands, but a particularly large assortment is represented by hitech. By its design, it does not differ much from its manual counterparts, it simply grinds spices and seasonings using current strength.

The advantages of this product are ease of use, interesting design and the ability to grind even products such as rock salt or ice. You do not have to put in physical effort to grind, as the electric mill will do everything by itself, and very quickly. Modern models also fit well in futuristic kitchens.

The electronic mill has only one drawback – its price. The cost of some devices reaches a thousand rubles or more.

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