Sphagnum moss for orchids and plants
Sphagnum moss translated from Greek means “sponge”. It is able to hold in itself an amount of water 20 times its weight.
Useful properties of sphagnum moss for indoor plants
Moss is prized for its property of making the soil light, airy, loose and hygroscopic. When wet, the plant has a light green hue. When the moss is completely dry, it turns white. Over time, the lower part simply dies off and turns into peat, while the upper continues to grow.
Sphagnum moss can be used fresh or dried
Useful properties of moss:
- evenly moisturizes the substrate;
- absorbs water quickly;
- provides good breathability;
- destroys harmful insects, bacteria and microbes;
- maintains the required level of humidity for a long time;
- prevents root decay.
In horticulture, sphagnum is used as drainage, covering the soil, wrapping rhizomes, and wintering bulbs. He is especially able to help out a grower in the event that it is necessary to leave somewhere, and there is no one to water the plants. It is enough to moisten the moss in water and arrange it in the flowerpots. It will not let the plants dry out, as it will gradually release moisture.
Application of sphagnum moss for orchids
This moss is often used as the main component of orchid substrate. Due to the bactericidal properties of moss, young plants grow strong and healthy.
Moss can be applied fresh or dry. Even after a month of drying, it retains all its properties. Raw materials can be prepared on their own, wandering a little through the swampy area. The upper part must be carefully cut off with scissors, leaving a bump, which will eventually give new shoots.
Substrate preparation:
- Scald with hot water to destroy the insect larvae that hide in the needle-like leaves.
- Spread out in the sun or hang in a ventilated place until completely dry.
- Pour with liquid mineral fertilizer, dry, put in a plastic bag, close and leave for 4 days.
- Combine chopped fern leaves, moss, charcoal and a few pieces of pine bark.
Orchid substrate is ready. In such a substrate, plant roots receive exactly the amount of moisture that is necessary for their normal growth and development. Orchids growing in sphagnum need to be replanted every year.
Due to its unique properties, this plant is widely used in floriculture.