
Spelta is a super premium organic vodka created at the Saransk Distillery. The peculiarity of the strong drink is that it is made from a rare type of grain – wild wheat. The quality of eco-vodka has already been evaluated abroad — in 2020, the company exported its products to 15 countries around the world.

Historical information

The first mention of the construction of a vodka factory in Saransk is found in the reports of the Penza province for 1899. The work of the enterprise was stopped by the revolution. In December 1917, all alcohol supplies were poured into a nearby lake, and the lines were mothballed. Production resumed only in the 1920s, and in the future, the Saransk Distillery only increased its momentum. In Soviet times, the enterprise was part of the Mordovspirtagroprom association, and during Perestroika it was transformed into a joint-stock company. In 2002, the plant was modernized for the production of environmentally friendly products.

Today, the Saransk Distillery is one of the few enterprises in Russia that produces organic vodka certified according to European, American and Russian eco-standards. Raw materials for the distillery are supplied by the Biosfera agricultural enterprise, which grows crops without the use of pesticides. Every year, both enterprises undergo comprehensive checks by the German laboratory Ceres. The commission checks the entire production cycle – from soil in the fields to finished products.

Vodka “Spelta” is the pride of the Saransk Distillery. Alcohol for her is made from wild wheat (Latin spelta), an extremely difficult crop to process. In ancient Russia, such grain was called spelt. It is unprofitable to sow spelled in ordinary agricultural enterprises because of the creeping bushes and the small size of the ear. Farmers of “Biosphere” grow it in small batches by order of the Saransk enterprise. Wild wheat is rich in protein and amino acids, and the Alpha alcohol from it contains ten times less harmful impurities than rectificate of the same class from ordinary grain.

How Spelled Vodka is Made

Alcohol is supplied to the Saransk distillery from the Kemlyansky distillery. The company is the only one in Russia that produces distillate from wild wheat. The grain is pre-moistened and germinated for 5-7 days to saturate it with enzymes. Due to the malt, the rectificate acquires pronounced bread tones, which is reflected in the taste of the final product. The plant produces reference alcohols, which have no analogues in Russia.

Rectified spelled is diluted to the desired strength with carefully purified artesian water. The mixture goes through several stages of filtration on a coal-cleaning battery. Finally, vodka is passed through quartz sand to give it transparency and brilliance. Then the finished product is brought to readiness in special vats and sent for bottling.

Interesting Facts

Saransk technologists address their products to true connoisseurs of organic products. Buyers can be sure of the high quality of vodka – international standards provide for unscheduled inspections, which are carried out at least once a year. Only in this case the company retains the right to label vodka with Organic labels.

In 2020, Roskachestvo experts conducted a full audit of production at the Saransk Distillery. As a result of the audit, the company’s plants and the Biosfera agricultural enterprise received Russian environmental certificates.

Tasting characteristics

Due to the limited amount of raw materials, Spelta is produced in limited batches. The year of the grain harvest is indicated on the label. Crystal clear vodka has a clean aroma with hints of white pepper. The taste is soft and oily without pronounced alcohol tones. The bouquet contains faint hints of pepper, licorice and anise, turning into an aftertaste. The well-known expert Simon Difford noted the high quality of Spelled, estimating the vodka at 4,5 points out of five possible.


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