If you are tired of restricting yourself in food and following diets, after leaving which the lost kilograms still return, you should think about how to restore normal metabolism in the body. Weight control depends on him, and with his accelerated work, extra pounds will not be deposited at all. So what is the way to speed up the metabolism in the body?
Our body is designed in such a way that it needs to constantly generate energy to maintain tone. The natural way we can continually restore this energy is through food intake. The correct operation of the mechanism of these two components is metabolism. But at the same time, it is worth considering the factors influencing this very work – gender, age, body constitution, genes, etc. To speed up the metabolism in the body, you need to make an effort, and for this it is recommended to observe the “rule of seven”.
First, pay attention to your diet.
If it bears little resemblance to the generally accepted concept of the rules of eating and sins with frequent snacks, you are far from a normal metabolism and excess weight is just another proof of this. The diet should consist of 5 small meals. Among them, breakfast and afternoon tea are the most important, since it is at this time that the body is gaining energy for the coming day. Metabolic disorders are most often affected by people who prefer frequent snacks, late meals and refuse to eat breakfast. Nutrition in order to speed up the metabolism should be complete with the necessary minerals and vitamins. In addition, in order to restore metabolic processes, one can resort to a special therapeutic diet 8.
Many models and world celebrities, speaking about the secret of their figure, unanimously declare that sound and full sleep is one of the pillars on which the correct metabolism is supported. And this is really so – during sleep, the body rests, recovers after a hard day and prepares for a new one. During sleep, all cells are renewed, its actual renewal takes place. Therefore, one of the main principles of how to speed up the metabolism is the correct distribution of the time of wakefulness and the time of well-deserved rest.
Water is a saving moisture. And this statement is indeed true, water plays a huge role in the normal metabolism in the body. Every day, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of water. Otherwise, the liver begins to work to replenish the lack of fluid in the body, which must be engaged in burning fat cells. In order not to burden the liver with unnecessary work, you must drink at least 1,5 liters of water per day.
If you are thinking about how to speed up the metabolism in the body, then you will understand the need for physical activity.
If you are not a sports fan, then you can choose for yourself its worthy counterparts in the form of yoga, shaping, swimming and other light sports. The advantage of such sports is that calories are consumed almost the same as in more active sports, but at the same time it happens less noticeably, that is, you do not feel fatigue and tension in the muscles, as you would feel with regular training more active sports.
If you do not have enough time or desire to play sports, then walking from home to the subway on foot or ignoring the use of the elevator at work can replace it in your life; physical exercise while doing housework or in front of the TV is also considered very effective. It will be possible to speed up the metabolism in the body only when you seriously understand that you need it and put some effort into it.
It is not superfluous in answering the question of how to speed up the metabolism, there will be such a beneficial process for the body as massage.
Moreover, it can be either a simple relaxing massage, or vacuum and anti-cellulite. It turns out that you are killing two birds with one stone – you take care of both the condition of the skin and the metabolism. Massage helps to improve blood circulation and restore muscles, while vacuum massage helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body, which also helps speed up the body’s metabolism. Self-massage of the feet helps to target the points that are responsible for the liver and intestines.
Sauna and bath also help speed up the metabolism in the body. In addition to the fact that the process of steaming in a bath or sauna helps to improve the general condition of the body, it also contributes to the loss of excess fluid and the cleansing of cells from harmful toxins and toxins. At the same time, the condition of the skin also improves, which also helps to speed up the body’s metabolism.
How to speed up your metabolism? Remember to give your body a well-deserved rest. Spend as much time as possible outdoors. Try to spend your vacation regularly and closer to the water (ideally to the sea or ocean). So the body feeds on useful substances, and the metabolism is independently normalized.
We have given 7 ways to speed up the metabolism in the body, which will not only normalize the mechanism of food processing, but also help to lose extra pounds without resorting to strict diets.