Sometimes we don’t even pay attention to the fact that famous people have speech problems. Woman’s Day remembered which modern celebrity would benefit from the advice of this specialist.
Sergey Shnurov, or the shocking Cord, recently became a charming TV presenter on the First Button. As it turned out, a talented man also has a barely noticeable speech feature. It is audible only when a popular singer and a person whose clips are tearing all competitors in views is talking. But thanks to the eccentric singing style, this defect is not heard by the fans at all. And who would have thought … One would assume that such features of speech are in vogue lately. But in fact, many have defects, and we perceive a person as a single image – appearance, speech, demeanor. And sometimes we don’t think about who has what features, be it facial features, physique or speech.
Charismatic and brutal-looking actor, director and screenwriter Ivan Olobystin is a reliable husband and father of six children. Ivan was born in 1966 in the Tula region. According to the hopes of his father, a military surgeon, the son was to continue his work. But the work of Mark Zakharov “An Ordinary Miracle” changed Ivan’s views. And in the 8th grade, he realized that he dreamed of an acting life. Once Ivan approached his father and asked if it was possible to correct his burriness. To which he replied that if this does not bother him in life, then it is not necessary. Ivan claims that such a speech defect does not bother him at all, but even makes him laugh. The audience is delighted with the peculiarity of Okhlobystin and believe that his characters only benefit from burriness: Doctor Bykov from Interns, Captain Gard from Ice Age, Tsar from Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf and others.
In the mid-90s, the vocalist of the Letniy Sad group burst onto the horizon of fame. Tatiana’s hits were remembered the first time and never left the lips. The fans immediately heard that the vociferous girl has a touching feature – a speech defect, which did not interfere in any way, but, on the contrary, added individuality to her performance. Tatiana admits that since childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress, and realizes: if she went this way, she would have to work on herself. But this does not interfere with a vocal career. The style of her songs – women with destroyed love – such a peculiarity of pronunciation only adds unnecessary touching. In a word, Tatiana is pleased with herself and is not going to change anything.
Eugene is the author of special plays and a sought-after artist. And this despite the fact that Grishkovets experienced difficulties since childhood. As the author of the works “How I ate a dog”, “Simultaneously”, “Farewell to paper” says, he was not suitable for professional. Eugene lisps to this day. Sometimes the sound r is heard clearly from him, and sometimes nothing comes out at all. Speech therapists call this version of the speech defect in slang “Worms-clubs”. His classmates teased him, and he himself understood that with such a deficiency it was absurd to dream of art. However, in the 9th grade, he realized that he wanted to become not an actor, but a director. And so it happened. Since 1991, Grishkovets has been staging his plays in his theater. And his burriness … And who thinks of her when he hears Grishkovets’s performances from the stage ?!
The host of Good Morning on Channel One, as well as Test Purchase, Anton Privolnov, has long been helping viewers to distinguish high-quality products from low-quality ones, and gives sensible advice. And against the background of his charm and the feeling of trust that he evokes, no one even notices that Anton does not pronounce hissing and whistling sounds. And even if they notice it, it does not interfere with his professionalism. Anton has a wonderful family, and he takes care of his wife Olga and son Plateos. And not so long ago, Anton admitted that it came to him, or rather, to his diction. He turned to the master of speech Valentina Mokrousova. After all, as he admits, his colleagues make fun of him about this. Let’s see, or rather, listen to how the speech of your favorite presenter will change over time. Or maybe, Anton, you don’t need this? Your speech and your image for the viewer are one.
The producer of the dreams of half of the Russian women – the singer Dmitry Bilan – and the wife of the dreams of the second half of the women – Evgeni Plushenko – also has a cute twist in his speech. The happy mother of three children is only seemingly a petite and fragile girl, in fact, Yana is a strong-willed and successful businesswoman who manages to both succeed in the Olympus of show business and build her female happiness. The peculiarity of Yana’s speech is called the dysarthric component. According to experts, there may be several reasons for this situation, but if desired, it can be corrected. True, this does not in the least prevent you from making your husband Yevgeny Plushenko happy and being a wonderful mother of three boys.
Natalia Solodova, speech therapist:
– If an adult is satisfied with everything, then he has nothing to advise. But if he feels the need to fix the defect, he should definitely give it a try! The main thing in this business is desire. In the case when relatives, teachers at the university, colleagues push to classes, then the idea is doomed to failure, like attempts to lose weight or quit smoking. No matter how hard others try, nothing will come of it. Adults, of course, can count on getting rid of defects. But, as practice shows, the fuse is not enough for a long time. Many people have the illusion that everything will work out quickly. But, like any treatment or training, correcting pronunciation technique takes time. It is not the duration of the classes that is important, but the regularity! How long it will take a person to correct the defect is impossible to predict. It depends on the error itself, on the degree of violation of the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, on diligence and many other factors.
In the case of adults, it is important not so much to work with a specialist as to consult, take a task and do it at home. There is no need, like babies, to meet with a speech therapist several times a week. Since the advantage of adults is self-control and motivation. But the situation is complicated by the long experience of defective pronunciation and the fear of attracting the attention of others. Many adults, having learned how to pronounce a sound correctly, are embarrassed to use it in spontaneous speech, since at first it sounds exaggerated. There are also those who begin to study on their own from books or online, but after a while they turn to a specialist to make sure that everything is done correctly. For some, it is enough to consult only a speech therapist, others will need the help of an orthodontist, neurologist or otolaryngologist. In a word, if you want, be sure to try – everyone has a chance!