Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements: video reviews

Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements: video reviews

Spectral analysis of hair is a non-invasive method for diagnosing hair composition. The procedure allows, depending on the ratio of minerals, to make a preliminary diagnosis, to reveal hidden diseases, the cause of poisoning, etc.

Spectral analysis of hair

The composition of the hair includes almost the entire periodic table, since it accumulates chemicals contained in the host’s body and the environment. If the content of one of the elements increases or decreases, this may indicate health problems. Using this method, you can identify changes in the body over the past six months.

Long hair gives more opportunities, allowing you to trace the chronology of a person’s health and determine the period of life when a failure occurred in the body

Spectral analysis procedure

Before the procedure, the patient should note in his outpatient card whether the hair has been permed or dyed. A small strand of hair is cut off from the occipital region, approximately 5 cm long, starting from the roots. To diagnose hormonal or gynecological disorders, hair is taken from the pubis.

Hair from the pubic or axillary area is also used, if for some reason they are absent on the head.

The cut hair strand is washed in acetone to degrease it, then several times in distilled water and dried. The sample is then placed in a container with a mixture of water and nitric acid, where the hair is dissolved. Then they go to the spectrometer, where they burn out under the influence of argon. A special sensor processes data from combustion products and sends them to a computer.

The obtained test results allow us to make a preliminary diagnosis and make recommendations or send the patient for a more precise diagnosis to some narrow specialist.

Hair analysis is not a panacea

Spectral analysis of hair is suitable for determining poisoning, exposure of a person to toxins in hazardous work or in everyday life, metabolic diseases, latent diseases. But it is not worth relying entirely on this method; for greater accuracy, deeper examinations and additional analyzes are usually required.

If you are going to donate hair for analysis, you must choose the right laboratory that provides the service. Often the quality of research leaves much to be desired, and by ordering tests in several unscrupulous laboratories, you can get different results.

Ask the laboratory to provide confirmation that the method used in it is registered as a medical technology in the Ministry of Health and Social Development, otherwise the research conducted cannot be considered a medical service

It is not always possible to draw unambiguous conclusions based on spectral analysis data. So, not necessarily the lack of some trace element in the hair indicates the same lack of it in the body. And sometimes what is the norm for one person can be an indicator of an imbalance in the body of another. Also, the accuracy of the results obtained is influenced by the peculiarities of hair care for each individual person.

Thus, hair analysis can be one of the best ways to diagnose incipient or latent diseases. Experts, based on the data obtained, can recommend taking vitamins or visiting a cardiologist, gynecologist, oncologist, etc. Thus, you can prevent health problems.

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