Specific signs that you have bedbugs in your home. Be careful – they spread disease, bite at night
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Bed bugs are problematic parasites that bite at night, can spread disease and are difficult to get rid of. They often hide in our beds, mattresses and sheets, but they can also hide in other corners of the apartment. It’s easy to overlook the presence of bedbugs in your home, but there are several ways to spot these unwanted household members.

  1. The diagnosis of bedbug bites can be problematic as they can be confused with the bites of other insects
  2. The presence of bedbugs in your home can be recognized by its specific smell
  3. If we find bedbugs in the house, it is necessary to eliminate them
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What are bedbugs and where do they come from?

The bedbug is an insect known to be an unwanted and nuisance in the house that makes life uncomfortable. Bed bugs are parasites that feed on human blood, so once they settle in with us, bite marks may start to appear on our body. These insects most often attack at night, but their bites are not painful. Redness and itching may take some time to develop, making it difficult to pinpoint the culprit. A bedbug bite can be confused with a mosquito, lice or flea bite.

It’s not so easy to find out that we have bedbugs at home, especially if we don’t identify bite marks on our body. These insects hide in mattresses, bedding, upholstered furniture, under wallpaper and paneling, as well as in carpets. Their appearance does not result from negligence in terms of the cleanliness of the apartment – we can bring them with us from the outside, for example, from a trip or a buggy public place.

Are you suffering from allergy symptoms?

Find out which allergens may be contributing to this, do the E-packet of Inhaled Allergy Testing. The culprits may be, among others house dust mites accumulating in each apartment.

How do you know if you have bedbugs in your home?

There are several ways that you can tell if bedbugs are present in your home. The first is bite marks on the body. However, they are so small that we may not notice them, especially if in our case there are no symptoms such as redness or itching. However, it is worth paying attention to bites on the skin that are clustered, especially in one line or forming a triangle. Such a bite pattern is very likely to indicate bedbugs.

If you experience unpleasant symptoms as a result of insect bites, reach for insect bite gel with clove oil, MUGGA soothing bite and burn lotion or Chicco soothing stick.

The second method is to identify insects. It is not easy because they spend a lot of time in hiding and reveal themselves at night. The body of a bedbug is oval in shape, similar to an apple seed. The body of the insect is brown and flattened, and its size is only a few millimeters. It is worth knowing that near the lairs of bedbugs you can find their droppings in the form of black spots.

But what if we don’t come across a bedbug or recognize its bite? A smell that resembles rotten raspberries or vegetative coriander may indicate that you have bed bugs in your home.. Bed bugs give off this characteristic odor when they are disturbed. If it is felt, intense and lasts a long time, it is a clear sign that there are bed bugs in the house.

  1. Also, try Mini-Click to soothe the symptoms of insect bites.

What diseases do bedbugs spread and how can I get rid of them?

While bed bugs aren’t the most dangerous parasite and their bites may not cause you any discomfort, that doesn’t mean they’re harmless. In some people, the bite itself causes unpleasant itching and erythema. In addition, there is a certain risk that bedbugs can spread pathogens such as staphylococcus bacteria.

In order to eradicate bedbugs, find their nests and then apply appropriate measures, including chemical preparations, liquid nitrogen, high temperature (e.g. steam cleaners), and laundry and ironing of textiles. Independent and thorough elimination of bedbugs is difficult, especially since it is necessary to get rid of not only adult bedbugs, but also larvae and insect eggs. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek help from specialized debugging companies.

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