It differs from classic smoked beer by the addition of additional ingredients such as fruits, herbs, spices, sugars. Any style that is initially devoid of smoky notes is used as a basis. The main requirement of the variety is a harmonious balance between the malt, hop and smoke profile, the smoky character should improve and complement the base beer, and not change it beyond recognition.
The intensity of taste and aroma depends on both the base and additional ingredients, the main thing is that there are no burnt and sharp notes, phenolic hardness. The finish is drier than the base beer, the color is slightly darker. The nature of smokiness depends on the variety of smoked malt, often manifested by woody tones, nuances of smoked meats. Peat nuances are contrary to the standards of style.
Additional ingredients should give clear flavor notes, organically flowing into a complex bouquet.
Density, bitterness, color, strength and other characteristics depend on the base.