Special IPA: Belgian (Belgian IPA)

A very young style that appeared a little over 10 years ago. An American IPA is taken as the basis, but the manufacturer “plays” with Belgian yeast and hops, trying different combinations. This is a real art, because sometimes instead of the original taste, you get just a spoiled product. The Belgian IPA is always the result of an experiment.

This beer has a high strength and a rich complex bouquet. The hop profile is manifested by notes of tropical fruits, citruses, needles, spices, herbs. The malt profile is felt weakly, delicately, notes of grain, caramel, garden fruits, candy can be recognized in it.

Color – golden, amber. It can be both transparent and cloudy, in the glass it forms a strong dense creamy foam.

The Belgian IPA tingles the tongue slightly, the stronger the drink, the more it warms (but does not burn!). The use of Belgian yeast is fundamental, the future taste of the drink depends on the choice of strain. Hops are most often taken from Europe, but this is not a hard and fast rule.

Similar to other styles of IPA, as well as triplet and Belgian golden ale.

Special IPA: Belgian (Belgian IPA)

Strength: 6.2-9.5%.

Density: initial 1.058-1.080, final 1.008-1.016.

Bitterness Index: 50-100 IBU.

Color: 5-15 SRM.

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