«Speak to the camera»: how to perform online and record video without nerves

How to communicate without seeing people and feedback? How to “talk to the phone”, where to look, what to do with your hands? Everyone is shouting: “Go online, start broadcasting,” but no one says how to do it without stress. Instructions from the public speaking coach Seda Kasparova will help you with this task.

“I look at what all sorts of bloggers who are called experts are doing, and I feel bad. Finished courses — and went to teach others. And I have 20 years of experience, I know and can do many times more, but as soon as I imagine that I need to go online with this, make videos, broadcasts, it makes me shudder. Here I sit, angry that they can, but I can’t. ” My client’s comment is a general snapshot of what’s going on online, and the main pain of experts.

Only the lazy did not say that the Internet space is scale, money and opportunities. And after each «spiritual» speech of marketers, experts sigh, put on a forced smile and make another attempt to go on the air.

And from all the houses, against the backdrop of carpets, children and cats, furniture and noisy neighbors, accountants, fitness trainers, psychologists and coaches press the button to get the result. And then they get upset and tell themselves that «never again.»

The fact that “everything is already online” is understandable. But how to behave in front of the camera, how to speak without seeing people, what to do with hands and nerves — this is something Instagram gurus do not spread. Let’s figure it out then.

Online performance is a powder keg

It is difficult to say with certainty how the online performance will go. If you usually «take» your audience with gestures, emotions, energy of live communication, then in the video format your image is truncated to a «talking head». The connection may be interrupted. Not your viewers, but random trolls can go on the air. Questions can go unanswered, and the fact that you’re talking to yourself doesn’t bring you joy.

Wouldn’t you be surprised if I told you that even in the face of uncertainty, preparation will always help you? And you will do it right. But you still need to prepare for an online performance differently than for a traditional, live one.

The laws of the genre

1.Online is a given. Instead of an audience response, you will receive likes and emojis, so there is no point in yearning for the times when you saw the living eyes of people. This is always a conditional dialogue, and our task is to get the most out of it.

2.Choose the right topic. This format allows you to instantly respond to the event of the day. A new law, a phenomenon, a statement from a star, a jump in the course, etc., is a reason for speaking out. Google Trends, Yandex WordStat, any search query analytics will tell you what people are looking for.

You take a topic, take the “raisin” out of it, go on air, add your own experience, stories, life hacks, communicate with the audience, collect feedback.

Topics that have become relevant during the period of self-isolation are still of interest to the audience:

  • how to work remotely;
  • how to train at home;
  • how to put things in order;
  • how not to go crazy talking with relatives, and a hundred more like that.

They shot a video, aired it, posted it on Youtube or Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) — voila. No need to rent a studio and look for an operator, editor and producer. You can do everything yourself.

3.Make a clear plan

  • Write down 3-5 main points that you want to discuss.
  • Think about the beginning and end of the speech. According to the «law of the region» they are remembered best of all.
  • Think about how, when and what stories you will tell the viewer.
  • Write down the activity: for example, you analyze the subscriber’s case and give advice. Or broadcast free consultations, when everyone can ask a question in the process and get an answer. Organize expert guest broadcasts. Do online masterclasses.

4. Engage viewers. If the listener has invested something (time, effort) into the air, he will stay with you, remember, and if he just turned it on and watches it like a movie under popcorn, this will not result. A person remembers the information in which he is involved.

5.Prepare to communicate. Write down possible questions and sample answers to help you. If the audience is silent, they will help you. The phrase: «I am often asked …» is built on this.

Creating a picture

Whether you are interesting to him or not, the viewer decides in the first 3 seconds. First, the visual image “catches”, then the content.

1.Set up the light

To make the image beautiful, you do not need expensive equipment, just a phone, headphones and at least a minimal light source.

Yes, a grandmother’s chandelier and a school lamp will not work, you will have to spend from 500 rubles on lighting. But this will significantly increase the chances that your broadcast will be watched to the end.

Take care of the background: no carpets or sofas with unironed linen. A light wall with an accent is suitable — a picture, for example.

2.Choose a plan

Decide what part of you people will see.

  • Close-up where only the face is visible. It will suit the makeup artist to let the viewer see the details.
  • Waist — a figure to the waist. A good option for an expert psychologist in static lecture mode.
  • General — for a fitness instructor to show exercises in full growth and the place where the training takes place.

3.It is very important to establish contact

«Where to look?» — the main question for newbies. The answer is to the camera. That’s where your audience is.

Of course, you will look away, for example, thinking, choosing words, but each time you return and look at the camera. If you want — stick an arrow so as not to forget about it.

4.Practice facial expressions and gestures

To get used to yourself in the frame and like yourself, look for the “working side”. Shoot a short self-presentation video, find the angle of the camera in which your face will be the most attractive. In the process, watch what happens to your hands: they should not flicker and interfere with listening and looking at you.

5.Choose clothes

  • Do not wear black clothes and dark turtlenecks, as well as boiled white outfits. They require the perfect skin tone and set off the color of the tooth enamel. But if you are confident in both, then try to take a chance.
  • Refuse the small pattern, stripes, goose feet. They ripple in the frame.
  • Choose light, neutral, pastel colors, or bright colors if your background is light.

How to speak to please

After the picture is debugged, it’s time to think about the format and the presentation itself.

To get started, you can choose short «jumps» — 5 minutes for a recorded video, 30 minutes for broadcasts on social networks and 60 minutes for webinars. The fewer viewers you have now, the more opportunities to practice, get your hand in and get used to the camera. And at the same time work on your voice and speech, your main instrument.

1. Control your speed.Find your pace of speech. Medium (90-110 words per minute) is perceived well. Record how much you get.

If you are chattering (this happens often), try to pause in your speech, look into the camera more often and address the audience. This will help you slow down.

2. Clarity of sounds.Be sure to do an articulation warm-up before the air, so as not to mumble, “chew” or mumble. Still, it should be pleasant to listen to an expert, without being distracted by the roughness of speech.

3. Watch your intonation.The overall impression depends on it. Ascending (as if you are asking about something, the “tail” of the sentence is going up) or descending (saying, the “tail” is going down).

The ascendant is good when you list, ask a question, call for dialogue. Descending — when you affirm, finish a thought or convince you that you are right.

An easy way to check what you have more: turn on your audio recordings, watch videos.

To practice, listen to audiobooks and read the text in unison with the speaker, adjusting your intonation to his.

Find your look

Think about how you will differ from other speakers and bloggers. By what trait, word, manner will you be recognized?

1. Ask your friends to tell you what impression you made on them at the first meeting, what was remembered, sunk into memory.

2. Create a memorable environment: the design of the room from which you broadcast, the pet sitting on your hands, the rug on which you will demonstrate the exercises.

3. Add accents to your appearance: earrings, lipstick, hairstyle — something that can catch your eye.

Final preparations

1.Find a comfortable place.Arrange with your family to leave you alone for an hour, find headphones, check the quality of the connection.

2.Calm down and get in the right mood.Put warm water next to you, take a few breaths, listen to music to recharge and calm down. Be sure to breathe: inhale for 2 counts, exhale for 10.

Your task is to bring yourself to a calm state. Getting rid of anxiety will not work, but you need to learn how to manage it.

How to respond to criticism

Even experienced speakers keep in mind that incorrect commentators with their inappropriate remarks can come on air or broadcast. How to react to this is up to you: you can pretend that nothing happened, or turn the situation in your favor.

For example, address the audience by voicing a comment and asking for advice. This will show your followers that you can handle tough situations and inspire them to follow your example.

How to end the broadcast

Think about the final words at the start, because broadcasting for the sake of broadcasting is not interesting. You need to get your audience to take action.

  • “It will be great if after this broadcast you call your family.”
  • “And let’s you join my challenge — get up at 5 in the morning? Who is with me?
  • “Remember where we started? So, I hope I convinced you with my arguments, ”and then ask them to leave comments.

In an online format, it can be difficult for both the speaker and the listener. Your task is not only to prepare and build your confidence, but also to make it easy to understand you, because a speech is always a dialogue.

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