Spasticity – causes, symptoms, treatment

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Spasticity is a muscle disorder that results in increased muscle tension. Due to limited mobility and severe pain, everyday functioning is difficult. The cause of the disorder may be, among others multiple sclerosis or a brain tumor.

Spasticity is a problem that can arise in people of different age groups – both young children and patients later in life can suffer from the disorder. In case of spasticity muscles, the resistance of a given muscle group increases during passive movement, i.e. movement of a specific part of the sick person’s body, performed by another person, for example a therapist. A study of muscle tone can reveal intensified, normal or reduced muscle tone. Spasticity stands for wrong voltage and is one type increased tension.

What are the causes of spasticity?

To spasticity they cause damage to individual elements of the nervous system, which is responsible for controlling the body’s activity. Damage to the central motor neuron causes the dysfunction of the muscle tissue. Spasticity it is not classified as an independent disease entity. It is a symptom of completely different diseases or conditions, such as spinal cord injury, stroke or multiple sclerosis. In the youngest patients, it may be cerebral palsy.

What are the symptoms of spasticity?

The most common symptoms of muscle tissue dysfunction there is increased muscle tone, but also weakness, paralysis or paresis. At the beginning spasticity it does not mean total disability, as there is partial ability to move. However, more difficulties arise over time, and the person may assume an inappropriate and unnatural position. Muscle spasms may occur due to sudden stretching. Disorders may concern muscles of the upper and lower extremities, but also internal organs.

Diagnostics and treatment

To diagnose spasticity, a neurological examination should be performed. If a patient has a muscle dysfunction (spasticity), tests are performed depending on the suspected cause of the disease. In the case of a stroke or brain tumor, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging may be performed, while in the case of multiple sclerosis, the patient may additionally undergo a lumbar puncture.

In case of spasticity pharmacological treatment and rehabilitation are used (physiotherapy, kinesiotherapy and occupational therapy). The aim of treatment is to widen the range of limb movements, both upper and lower, to reduce pain, and to prevent the development of the disease and the formation of permanent contractures. As for drugs, they can be administered orally and directly into the muscles. The most popular drugs are Baclofen, Tolperisone and Dantrium.

The ultimate solution in the event of spasticity there is surgical treatment – neurosurgical or orthopedic operations. Currently, patients are also undergoing treatments that use techniques of deep brain stimulation. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the disorder. Each of these forms is to enable patients to stay as active as possible.

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