Sparklines in Excel

Excel 2010 introduced the ability to insert sparklines. Sparklines are graphs that fit in one cell and give a visual representation of the data in question.

Insert sparklines

To insert sparklines, do the following:

  1. Select the cells where the sparklines should be placed. In our example, we have selected a range G2: G4.
  2. On the Advanced tab Insert (Insert) in section Sparklines (Sparklines) click Timetable (Line).Sparklines in Excel
  3. Click in the field Data range (Data Range) and select (or enter manually) the range A2: F4.Sparklines in Excel
  4. Press OK.Result:Sparklines in Excel
  5. Change cell value F3 to 0. Excel will automatically update the sparkline.Sparklines in Excel

Setting up sparklines

To configure sparklines settings, follow these steps:

  1. Select sparklines. A tab will appear on the Menu Ribbon Working with sparklines (Sparkline Tools).
  2. Check the options Maximum point (High Point) и Minimum point (Low Point).Sparklines in ExcelResult:Sparklines in Excel
  3. In section A type (Type) click bar chart (Column).Sparklines in ExcelResult:Sparklines in Excel
  4. To remove a sparkline, select it and click the button Clean (Clear).Sparklines in Excel

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