Sparing diet

How to lose weight without harming your body is perhaps the most popular query in search engines today. Intrusive advertising tempts with offers to lose 10-20 kg in a few days without any effort. To do this, you just need to include the recommended product in your diet, drink a magic pill or taste divine nectar while eating ambrosia. All these miracles, of course, can be purchased right now on the advertiser’s website.

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of users turn to proven methods. But how to choose from a wide range of various diets the one that does not require huge material costs, will help get rid of a few kilograms, maintain and improve your own health?

Losing excess weight and gaining healthy eating habits will help sparing diet, which is fully consistent with its name. The domestic method attracts those losing weight with simplicity and efficiency, allowing them to keep the acquired forms for a long time without exhausting the body with a debilitating starvation.

What is the essence of a sparing diet

The nutrition system, known today under the name “ShchD Diet” was developed by domestic scientists, in particular, gastroenterologist Dr. Pevzner. The first domestic nutritionist became a victim of repression in the middle of the last century, and his clinic was disbanded. Nevertheless, the fruits of the work of the author of the methodology were not lost, and after the debunking of the cult of personality, they went beyond the hospital walls.

The Pevzner health-restorative nutrition exists today in several versions, each of which is given the name “table” and a serial number for easy classification. Depending on the presence of certain diseases and the characteristics of the patient, his optimal diet is compiled.

All kinds of gentle diets combine simple requirements:

  • rejection of convenience foods and fast food;
  • the use of light for the assimilation of products, the maximum crushed, boiled or steamed;
  • avoiding overly hot and overly cold foods;
  • reducing the consumption of salt, spices and flavorings;
  • the complete exclusion of products that excite the central nervous system (alcohol, energy drinks, coffee, strong tea);
  • ban on flour and confectionery;
  • split meals 5-7 once a day.

In order for food to become a real medicine, it is necessary to understand that fasting does not solve problems with health and overweight. The essence of a sparing diet is to create an individual menu with a minimum load on the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

Therapeutic sparing diet

The technique of Dr. Pevsner is used by medical and recreational facilities during the postoperative period, for the treatment of acute diseases and alleviation of chronic.

General requirements for all kinds of sparing diets are the same, however, the daily menu of patients may vary significantly depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease and its type (acute or chronic). The duration of the diet and the energy value of the diet also varies and is approved by the attending physician on the basis of the available indications.

ПоказанияFeatures of foodCalorie daily menu
Gastric ulcer or exacerbation of peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis with high acidityModerate servings, excluding foods that increase gastric secretion; reducing the load on the intestines and the probability of mechanical damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract; the food most crushed, past heat treatment2300-2600 kcal
Chronic gastritis with low acidity or colitis, postoperative period and recovery from infectious diseasesFractional nutrition, excluding sauces, spices and other irritants; food that increases secretion and restores the gastrointestinal microflora; products are ground and boiled, baked or steamed2400-2800 kcal
Partial intestinal obstruction, constipationThe use of foods rich in fiber and enhancing gastrointestinal motility; the exclusion of food, which can cause bloating, gas formation, the occurrence of fermentation and rotting in the intestine2500-2900 kcal
Chronic colitis, acute gastrointestinal diseases, diarrheaProvides a low-calorie diet with reduced consumption of fats and carbohydrates; a strict ban on salt, sugar and spices; temporary withdrawal from any stimuli, including hot, cold, hard, and spicy foods2000 kcal
Diseases of the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, gallstone disease)Exclusion of products containing cholesterol, purines, essential oils and extractives; ban on cold and fried foods; the diet is based on sources of fiber, pectins and lipotropic substances2500-2900 kcal
Urolithiasis, goutRestrictions on the use of products containing purine, oxalic acid, meat and fish; food is boiled or steamed without using salt; drinking more fluids is recommended2400-2700 kcal
Disorders of the kidneys and metabolism, prevention of nephritis and edemaFractional nutrition with restrictions in the use of protein foods and salt; Minimum amount of fluid2500 kcal
Obesity, metabolic disordersLow-calorie menu, which includes reducing the intake of carbohydrates, salt and animal fats; fiber-rich foods1800-2000 kcal
Type 2 diabetesStrict adherence to the diet, the exclusion of sugar-containing products; moderate or reduced intake of animal fats and carbohydrates2400-2600 kcal

Diet, sparing the stomach, provides split meals in small portions of 4-6 once a day and does not allow meals that can cause chemical or mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract. The food consumed should be of neutral taste, room temperature, ground and thoroughly heat-treated.

Gentle slimming diet

The need to follow a diet in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract is obvious and beyond doubt. Healthy people who are overweight are worried about whether it is possible to lose weight with a sparing diet and which one to give preference to.

On the basis of improving methods “Table 1” and “Table 8” for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders was created a sparing diet for weight loss. The optimal duration of the diet is 7-10 days, after which it is possible to find indicators on the scales on 3-6 kg less than the original.

The daily diet of an adult person weighing 70-80 kg as part of a sparing diet should be varied and may consist of such products:

  • non-carbonated drinking or mineral water – 1,5-2 l;
  • cereal cereals on the water (oat, buckwheat, millet, rice) – 150-200 g;
  • bread or bread crumbs of all kinds, except for products from white flour – 50-100 g;
  • lean meat and seafood – 100-200 g;
  • skim milk or kefir – 0,2 l;
  • egg – on 1 pcs. 2 times per week;
  • vegetables (fresh, boiled, steamed) – 300-500 g;
  • unsweetened fruit – 1-2;
  • vegetable oil – no more than 2 tsp.

The average daily calorie content of such a menu is 2000-2500 kcal. If a person’s weight is lower than the above indicators, it is recommended to exclude bakery products or cereals. With a weight above 80 kg, fiber-rich cereals should be added. Losing weight is due to the rejection of harmful foods and reducing portions of food consumed.

This technique does not harm the body, so there are gentle diets designed for a month (diet with celery, buckwheat, Mediterranean, etc.). According to reviews, depending on the selected program, you can lose up to 12 kg per period, with almost no restrictions.

Repeating weekly sparing diet can be no more than once a month in 1-2, a repeated course of the diet for 30 days can be taken only after six months.

How to make a gentle menu for the week

Healthy people who do not have special indications for following a particular program should first of all pay attention to a balanced diet. The body must receive the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, any restrictions will entail unpleasant consequences in the form of a food breakdown and weight gain.

An example of a one-day menu for a sparing diet for the week:

  • breakfast – soft-boiled egg, porridge in milk without sugar, weak tea or chicory drink;
  • lunch – a baked unsweetened apple, a glass of juice;
  • lunch – soup with vegetable or lean meat broth, whole grain bread, fresh juice with pulp;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of low-fat kefir with unsweetened fruit or 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner – steamed fish with a side dish of vegetables, tea with milk.

It is strictly contraindicated to starve during a sparing diet, but it is necessary to eat in small portions every 4-5 hours in order to avoid a feeling of acute hunger. The first meal should take place within an hour after waking up in order to “start” the metabolism. At bedtime, it is allowed to drink a glass of milk or juice diluted with water.

Recipes for a sparing diet

If you have kitchen appliances that allow you to grind food to a homogeneous mass, it is not difficult to follow a diet that spares the stomach. However, even without the right equipment, you can cook delicious and varied delicate dishes from the available ingredients.

A recipe for several servings of rice soup will require 100 grams of round rice, 2 eggs, 2 cups of milk and 20 grams of butter. Cooking Technology:

  • boil rice to a sticky mass and strain it;
  • add 6 spoons of boiled rice to the rice broth obtained after straining and boil over low heat;
  • add milk and egg, cook 2-3 min;
  • remove from heat, decorate with greens.

In the summer, an abundance of fruits and vegetables will appeal to lovers of tasty and healthy snacks natural smoothies, which are also easy to make on your own and take with you. There are many combinations of fruits and dairy products, but there are also purely dietary vegetable options for losing weight.

The popular pumpkin smoothie recipe will not only saturate, but also delicately cleanse the body. To make it, you need to clean and whip in the blender the following ingredients:

  • pumpkin – 400-500 g;
  • grapefruit – ½ part;
  • cinnamon – 2 tsp;
  • honey or lemon juice to taste.

A sparing diet is one of those methods when eating can and should be not only healthy, but also tasty. In order to diversify the daily diet, it makes sense to refer to the recipes diet “Table 1”. Almost any dish can be steamed or baked in the oven, which will increase its nutritional value and taste.

The effectiveness of a sparing diet

Before proceeding to the assessment of the effectiveness of the technique, it is necessary to pay attention to losing weight, that, like any dietary program, a sparing diet requires a smooth exit. In the case where constant dieting is recommended, proper nutrition should be part of everyday life.

The advantages of a sparing diet include the absence of strict restrictions and contraindications, smooth weight reduction to 7 kg in 10 days and to 12 kg in a month, individual selection of an optimal diet, balanced nutrition without overloading the gastrointestinal tract, the possibility of using during medical treatment, accelerating recovery after illness and relief of chronic exacerbations.

A sparing diet is not stressful for the body, therefore moderate exercise and wellness procedures will also be beneficial. It should be noted that such a diet takes time from a week to a month, so you need to have a lot of patience so that the efforts are not in vain.

Any restrictions during pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated. Losing weight to young and old ladies is possible only after consulting a nutritionist, if there are indications for compliance with the diet.

Sources of
  1. Zavistovskaya A.A. – Dietary nutrition for various diseases. – 2003
  2. Marshak M. S. – Dietary nutrition. – M.: Medicine, 1967

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