Spanish tortilla with potatoes. Video

Spanish tortilla with potatoes. Video

Tortillas cooking options

Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. This process usually takes about 7-9 minutes. Then divide the resulting dough into 4 parts, and 4 more parts. If the parts are large, you can divide them a little more. Roll up the balls and let them stand for 10 minutes. To do this, cover them with a clean towel.

Roll the balls so that they become thin, almost transparent. Put a frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Place in a skillet one at a time and fry until the dough begins to bubble. It is necessary to fry the tortilla on both sides.

The Spanish tortilla recipe involves a slightly different type of preparation. For such a dish you will need: – eggs – 2 pcs .; – potatoes – 1 pc.; – onions – 1-2 pcs; – olive oil – 2 tbsp. l .; – salt.

Peel and cut the potatoes into large cubes, then send them to a skillet to fry in olive oil. Then add the onion, chopped finely enough to it. Beat the eggs, but not until frothy. After the potatoes are cooked, pour in the egg mixture. Smooth it out with a spatula so that it covers the vegetables evenly.

Allow the tortilla for a couple of minutes, then gently (so as not to break the entire structure) turn it over and fry on the other side. If you don’t know how it should look, check out the photos of the dishes that are abundant on the Internet or cookbooks.

While the dish reaches, chop the tomatoes and bread, place the vegetables on top of the baked goods, and season with salt. It remains only to put the tortilla on a plate and you can start eating.

What can you use tortilla with?

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