Perhaps the traditional cuisine of Spain can rightfully be called one of the most diverse in the world. It has as many as 17 branches (by the number of regions). However, there is something that all these dishes have in common: the generous use of olive oil, garlic and, of course, wine. And a huge variety of meat, seafood and fresh vegetables can satisfy even the most fastidious gourmet.
The traditional Spanish snack for beer or wine is pincho.
Another popular snack is mohama. This is a tuna fillet cured in salt. Usually served with olive oil.
Pork blood sausages are served with any side dish.
And, of course, cheese. The most popular is the Idiasable sheep cheese.
They also love soups in Spain. The cold vegetable gazpacho soup is perhaps known all over the world.
In a number of other regions, the preference is given to the thick meat soup of olya podrida. It is prepared from stews and vegetables.
Thick rich soup made from beans, ham and different types of sausages – fabada.
Octopus fillet generously flavored with various spices – polbo-a-fera.
There is hardly anyone who has not tried paella – another traditional Spanish dish made from rice, seafood and vegetables, which is loved by gourmets in all countries. There are more than 300 recipes for this dish.
It is customary to drink all these delicacies with fruit sangria – a light sweet red wine.
Well, for dessert, the Spaniards offer all those with a sweet tooth turron – nuts fastened with honey and egg white.
Useful properties of Spanish cuisine
It is worth noting that the daily diet of southern Europeans, including the Spaniards, is considered to be one of the most healthy and balanced. This is due to the large amount of fresh vegetables, which are excellent antioxidants, as well as meat and fish. Red wine, which is so popular in this country, helps prevent problems with the cardiovascular system, and olive oil reduces the risk of developing cancer.
Based on materials Super Cool Pics