Spain, “the richest country in the world”

Spain, “the richest country in the world”

Spain, “the richest country in the world”

Under the slogan ‘The richest country in the world’, the brand Food from Spain has just kicked off this initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food that seeks to encourage the purchase and consumption of national products, in addition to supporting the agri-food value chain in an environment as turbulent as the one we are experiencing.

An emotional campaign whose ambassador is the international chef José Andrés, recognized worldwide and whose work during these months of pandemic has been crucial in helping and feeding the most disadvantaged in a scenario as adverse as that caused by Covid19; and as it did previously in the United States during other health crises. And even liven up the confinement sharing with his followers some of his favorite recipes.

The origin of wealth

“When I first came to Washington, they asked me where I came from. And I told them that the richest country in the world », with this phrase Jose Andrés transmits to the public the wealth and pleasure implicit in the decision to consume food produced in Spain. Foods that are the result of a unique conjunction: territorial conditions, cultivated raw materials and elaborated wisdom. A conjunction that makes our country “the richest in the world.”

The result, says the campaign, are products protected by European quality labels, with high gastronomic performance, demanded from the most reputable kitchens, origin of a healthy diet and depositories of an ancestral culture that does not enclose itself, but is open and generous to become a paradigm of “wealth” and trust

Through various marketing and communication actions it is also intended to publicize the great variety and quality of these products, as well as the effort of professional food producers that fill our pantries daily.

Food from Spain

The concept Food from Spain It was created in 1987 in order to group the characteristics and values ​​of Spanish food production and implement the corresponding actions for its promotion.

Two years ago, the MAPA defined a new promotional strategy in order to adapt it to the changes that have occurred in society and in the hábitos de consumo. In the new conception, food is considered as the main ingredient of a recipe whose composition also includes sports, gastronomy, culture, fashion or tourism.

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A publication shared by Alimentos de España (@

A project that arrives in a crucial moment, in which the social commitment and the look towards our productive fabric are essential.

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