Spa – what to consider when choosing the best spa?

The health resort is a place where you can take a break from your daily duties and recharge your batteries. What to consider when choosing the best spa? Where to go on vacation? We check how the sanatorium works and how much it may cost to stay in the center.

Health resort – how does it work?

The health resort is a place with natural conditions, where healing treatments can be carried out. It is primarily about the resources of mineral waters, gases and peloids (peloids), which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Apart from the natural conditions, the health resort should also have appropriate infrastructure allowing the patients to recover. Belong to them:

  1. pump rooms, 
  2. graduation towers, 
  3. spa pools, 
  4. park. 

In Poland, there are several dozen spa towns located by the sea, in the mountains and in the central part of the country. They have a suitable microclimate, and there are also deposits of mineral waters, gases and peloid.

Also check: How do the famous brine graduation towers work?

Spa – do I need a referral for a stay?

If we want to go to a health resort, we can apply for funding from the National Health Fund or the Social Insurance Institution. Then the cost of a 3-week stay will not be more than a few hundred zlotys, but the waiting time may be up to 18 months.

In such a situation, we can go to the spa, paying the full amount for the stay in the town, where we will be able to relax and take advantage of the treatments offered.

Spa – treatments offered in the field of balneotherapy

The basis of treatment in spas is balneotherapy used in the treatment of chronic diseases (e.g. rheumatism). It consists in using the available deposits of healing waters or gases to restore physical fitness.

Balneotherapy used in a spa with a specific microclimate has a positive effect on health. The most commonly used types of balneotherapy include:

  1. hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy) – the use of water of different temperature and pressure to improve blood supply and muscle relaxation, 
  2. krenotherapy – drinking spa waters containing certain elements and chemical compounds, 
  3. aerosol therapy – the use of medicinal gases (radon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, ozone) during bathing and inhalation, 
  4. irrigation – the use of herbal rinses or mineral waters most often in chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines. 

Spa – access to additional treatments

In spa treatment, peloid (medicinal peat) is also often used, which is used for diseases of the nervous and digestive systems or rheumatism. Mud baths, which are a combination of water and therapeutic peat, are most often prepared for patients in health resorts.

They are also popular peat compresses soothing puffiness as well peloid slices improving the condition of the skin.

However, it should be borne in mind that mud treatments cannot be used in the case of pregnancy, varicose veins, coronary artery disease, hyperthyroidism or cancer.

Health resort – when is it worth to stay?

It is worth deciding to stay in a spa if you want to improve the work of individual organs. The applied treatments help to introduce positive changes in the body. You can also relax during your stay. Usually in spa parks there are cafes where you can spend time between treatments.

Find out more: How much does a stay in a SPA cost?

How much does a spa stay cost?

The cost of staying in the spa depends on two factors – the season in which we decide to come, and how long we stay for. The price of a fully-fledged stay in the spa for 14 days ranges from PLN 1500-2000 for a single room with a bathroom.

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