Soyuzmultfilm is going to shoot a sequel to the cartoon about Carlson

Believe it or not, he really will return! Soyuzmultfilm is going to shoot a sequel to the cartoon about the kindest ghost with a motor.

Charming fat man with a button on the belly and a propeller on the back. The man is “in the prime of his life” and “the world’s best tamer of housemothers.” The first cartoon about him at Soyuzmultfilm was released in 1968, the second – in 1970. And for almost half a century, several generations of children have been laughing happily at the pranks of their favorite character.

Perhaps, soon the story of Malysh and Karlson will receive a sequel, which will breathe new life into the good Soviet cartoon. As it became known, the studio has been negotiating for three years with the heirs of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren about filming the continuation of the cartoon.

The negotiations dragged on due to legal difficulties. It is not clear in what format the cartoon will be – the creators seem to be promising the series. So no specific deadlines, but …

But, as the main character himself said: “Calm, only calm!”. In the meantime, we are waiting, let’s remember a few more cult quotes from the famous cartoon. Which may well be considered the rules of Karlson’s upbringing, suitable for both children and parents.

And by the way, do not forget to turn on your inner “voice of Livanov”. Carlson sounds amazing in his performance!

1. Trifles, it’s a matter of everyday life!

That’s right, why worry about every little thing. So it won’t take long to spoil your nerves.

2. A miracle happened! A friend saved a friend’s life!

It’s a great rule to come to the aid of a friend. It will come in handy for everyone. Not only for children.

3. Now you will see the best ghost with a motor in the world. Wild! But cute …

Be charming, grow charisma, and you will be forgiven for anything.

4. What are you yelling, what are you yelling ?! All around people are sleeping!

Great rule! You always need to take care of the comfort of the people around you. Treat them the way you want them to treat you.

5. Do you know what grandmother is? She, as she sees me, immediately yells to the whole village: “Karlso-onchik dor-rooy”! And then how she swoops in, how she hugs! .. Yes! .. My grandmother, she is with me – the world champion in hugs!

Hugs are never superfluous. Any child, even the most morose-looking child, is always happy to be hugged. And if there are still a lot of them, you will see that there will be no trace of gloom.

6. A dear friend flies in from afar, just for a minute, and you have no cake.

Hospitality must be nurtured from a young age. To cultivate in oneself, so to speak, from childhood.

7. Eh-eh, if you get into your house, you will learn to eat all kinds of nasty things! Go ahead, get your sausage!

Healthy eating is very good. Especially when his postulates are heard from the mouth of such an authority as Carlson. And the sausage is really disgusting.

8. And we here, you know, all indulge in buns …

You can be ashamed as much as you like. But you should definitely overcome your embarrassment and still talk to the girl you like.

9. What is it: one cake and eight candles. Better this way – eight pies … and one candle!

Blindness of thinking, stereotype. What could be worse? And Carlson – he pushes the horizons!

10. But what about me? .. Baby, am I better? Better than a dog? BUT?

The dog is, of course, a friend. But better than a real friend, she can hardly ever be. And if she is still better, take care of your friend’s feelings. He’s also good.

11. Fu! How uncivilized!

Culture is our everything. Etiquette, ethics, politeness, tact.

12. Let’s start our next program from the life of ghosts!

Fiction, creativity. These qualities are very much appreciated in our modern world. And if you still know how to impromptuly come up with entertainment, make quick decisions, offer lightning-fast scenarios, you just don’t have a price.

13. And I don’t need anything else. Except, maybe … Some huge cake, mountains of chocolate, and maybe some big, very large bag of sweets. Everything…

The main thing is to know exactly what you want. And be 200 percent sure that the goal is achievable. Then everything will work out.

By the way, experts believe that this cartoon is not only entertaining, but also useful.

– By the way, Carlson teaches children not only pranks, but also very good, right things. For example, to love yourself regardless of height, weight, physique and age. Remember this is his “I am a man in his prime!” And at what age the heyday comes – everyone decides for himself. Carlson has it, for example, at any age. It would be nice for each of us to adopt this attitude towards ourselves, says psychologist Tatyana Vedenskaya.

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