Soy sauce: how not to get on a surrogate

Nutritionists are almost unanimous in their approval of soy sauce. Judge for yourself, in 100 gr. the sauce contains only 70 kcal. Among the useful properties of the product: antioxidant properties, promoting better blood circulation, the content of anino acids. And, of course, soy sauce has long ceased to be just an addition to sushi, it is actively used for many dishes. 

On supermarket shelves, natural sauce often coexists with surrogates that include far from useful substances. What should you look for when choosing soy sauce?

1. Too low price

Natural sauce simply cannot cost UAH 15. And 20 too. Before you – definitely – a surrogate. However, grabbing the most expensive option is also not worth it right away. Read on. 


2. Plastic bottle

The second reason to be on your guard is if the sauce is poured into a plastic container. Indeed, in it, the product loses its taste and aroma, which the manufacturer tries with all his might to convey to the consumer safe and sound. Therefore, high-quality soy sauce is always produced only in transparent glass 

3. Strange composition

Look at the label. Find the phrase “naturally fermented”. If it is, everything is in order. If you see the word “artificial” somewhere, return the bottle to the shelf. 

A natural product should not contain anything other than water, soybeans, wheat, sugar, vinegar and salt. If the composition contains any other ingredients, it is better to refuse to purchase the product.

4. Dark color

In a good sauce, there is always a pronounced brown tint, such a sauce is liquid and without sediment. If you look at the bottle at light, the sauce will be light brown. But the dark sauce speaks of the dishonesty of its manufacturer and, for sure, contains dyes, acids, various unhealthy additives. 

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