Sowing radish: description
Sowing radish, like wild radish, belongs to the cabbage family. Its roots have a pronounced taste and healing properties, for which the plant is highly valued. Wild radish, unlike garden-grown radish, is a common dangerous weed.
Differences between wild radish and seed radish
Garden radish grows up to 90 cm. Its large roots are black, purple, green, yellow or white in color. In the first year of the plant’s life, a large root forms, turning into foliage. In the second year, a strong stem grows, crowned with many medium-sized flowers.
Sowing radish, unlike wild radish, is edible
Wild radish outwardly differs from man-bred. Yellow peduncles grow on its high, strong stem. The strong and fleshy root is saturated with toxic substances and is the most poisonous. The stem and leaves are only a threat during the flowering period. Eating wild radish in food causes acute poisoning, accompanied by:
- disturbances in the work of the digestive system;
- general malaise;
- cardiac disorders;
- inflammation of the kidneys;
- liver damage.
Wild radish often grows in fertile soil and destroys vegetable crops. You can get rid of toxic substances by drying the weed. When dried, it is used in folk medicine to treat skin diseases.
Description of sowing radish and care for it
Garden radish is grown for the sake of edible roots. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain more potassium salts than other vegetables. Upon contact with oxygen, a small amount of essential oil is formed in the fruit. This gives the radish its characteristic pungent flavor. Root vegetables are used in cooking and traditional medicine. The plant is unpretentious to care for. Planting a radish is done in several stages:
- in wet soil, it is necessary to dig depressions with a length of at least 30 cm;
- fertilize the earth with humus;
- dig up oblong grooves in the garden at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
- add seeds to the prepared bed in bunches.
To care for the radish, it is enough to ensure timely watering, weeding and hilling of the beds. For feeding, you can use mineral fertilizers.
Garden radish, unlike wild radish, is suitable for human consumption. Its roots are rich in nutrients and do not contain toxic substances.