Soviet champagne: taste review, is it worth buying

Soviet champagne – this is primarily a hairdryer, and then a mass-produced sparkling wine, which is created by secondary fermentation. Although the drink is named after the French province of Champagne, it has nothing to do with France.

Taste characteristics of Soviet champagne

Soviet champagne, depending on the sugar content, is divided into:

  1. Semi-dry and dry

  2. Semi-sweet and sweet

  3. Brut

This drink is made by many Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers and, accordingly, the difference in the tastes of sparkling wine from different production affects the drink itself.

The classic version of Soviet champagne has a refreshing balanced taste. Made from grape varieties such as Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Riesling, Aligote. The color of the drink is light golden, the strength is 12%. The aroma gives a bright fruity palette.

Differences between Soviet champagne and French

If we compare the procedures for the production of real French champagne and Soviet champagne, it immediately becomes clear that they differ radically. The latter at the second stage of production is not bottled, as is customary when creating a drink by French wineries, but into an akratophore – an apparatus for champagne of wine materials in a tank way.

Secondary fermentation in time takes less than a month, that is, it is produced using accelerated technology. And the sparkling wine is given by the added carbonic acid.

Thus, all the traditional stages: blending, fermentation, aging, filtration and others, take place in a tank under constant pressure.

To get real champagne, the wine should be kept in bottles for a period of 1 to 3 years, sometimes even more (depending on the variety). Then it is uncorked, the sediment is removed and, if necessary, liquor is added. Next, the drink is closed with a permanent cork and left to ripen for about two weeks. And only after that a bottle of champagne can be issued and transferred for sale.

Is it worth buying Soviet champagne

Due to the peculiarities of the production, the drink seems to be more frothy, but this does not play a special role for buyers. According to statistics, consumers in Russia and Ukraine prefer Soviet champagne to French champagne primarily because of its price.

But, nevertheless, there are a few points that you should pay attention to before buying this sparkling wine:

  1. A high level of counterfeit products, which no one checked at all, as they say spilled in the “garage”.

  2. If you drink the drink on an empty stomach, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and an increase in acidity are not excluded. In addition, this drink can contribute to the decay of food particles in the intestines, which negatively affects the entire body.

  3. Soviet champagne has a high calorie content, so it can be harmful for people on a diet.

  4. Drinking champagne in large quantities can cause visual impairment and memory impairment.

  5. Sparkling wine should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women.

  6. Soviet champagne is not allowed to be drunk by children under the age of 18, as they are sensitive to ethanol, which destroys red blood cells.

Among the positive qualities of the drink, one can single out the ability to reduce pressure, dilate blood vessels, stimulate the respiratory system, etc.

Relevance: 13.05.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Sparkling wine brands

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