Sourdoughs – causes and symptoms. Proven methods for soreness

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Probably all of us have experienced the muscle pains appearing the next day after intense physical exertion. Muscle aches, popularly known as sore muscles, took their name from lactic acid. During intensive work, the so-called oxygen debt – the supply of oxygen is insufficient in relation to the intensive work of the muscles and the process of lactic acid fermentation is carried out, as a result of which lactic acid is produced. It was his presence that used to explain the origins of pain. How is it really?

Colloquial soreness have their scientific name – it’s the so-called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). DOMS team was first described in 1902 by Theodore Hough.

Pain it occurs 24 to 72 hours after exercise, but the common theory that it is caused by lactic acid build-up is incorrect. Already 1-2 hours after training, lactic acid is excreted from muscles. It is most often transported with the blood to the liver, where it is used for various processes. So it cannot induce painthat comes many hours later.

There are several theories for arising sourdoughs. Currently, the most widely accepted is that ache arises as a result of microdamages muscles. Tense while exercising muscle during stretching, it undergoes microtrauma – the connections between actin and myosin (contractile proteins in muscle), the membrane surrounding the muscle fibers is broken. It is these injuries that manifest in the form pain colloquially sourdoughs.

They are definitely not pleasant. However, according to some theories, they are even desirable. Microdamages are an impulse for the body to regenerate and it is rebuilt muscle it becomes stronger and more durable.

This is why people who train regularly, with well-exercised ones musclesafter a while they no longer have sourdoughs or they have to do a lot more work than before to feel them. To help the muscles regenerate faster, it is worth using Aqua Kick Flex for healthy bones and joints OstroVit.

If you have sore muscles, reach for the VITAMMY BODY 1 body massage gun, which reduces pain, relaxes and accelerates muscle regeneration.

Despite this soreness in most cases they are not nice results of training. If we want to avoid them, we just need to train in the right way. First of all, the effort should be increased gradually and very heavy loads and effort at the beginning of training should be avoided. Initially, the workouts should be lighter so that the body gradually gets used to it muscles for the work performed. As an auxiliary, you can use Beta-Alanine – OstroVit cherry-lemon-lime flavor shot, the ingredients of which can additionally support the increase of muscle mass.

The intensity should increase very slowly during the following training sessions. The right one is also very important training plan. Everyone should be preceded by a warm-up – warming up the whole body improves blood circulation and oxygenation musclesare better prepared for the effort. After the right exercises, always apply some stretching exercises to help you relax muscles after finishing work. Such an order of exercises will allow not only to avoid sourdoughsbut also many other unwanted injuries and injuries.

Prophylactically and supportively in muscle regeneration and in the fight against sourdough, you can use Activity – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which includes: nettle leaf, oat herb, fenugreek seed, mountain rosary root. The ingredients of the preparation strengthen the muscles, help to release tension and have analgesic properties.

However, if we did not avoid too much effort and sourdoughs and the next day we face pain as a fait accompli, it is worth knowing a few wayswhich will ease him in this situation. In this case, salutary action has warmth – in all possible forms. Try eg Ointment for injuries and injuries TAVON 300ml with a spatula with a warming effect. We also recommend poplar liniment for overload, which helps muscles regenerate faster.

The lucky ones are the owners of the bathtub who can afford a relaxing, warm bath, preferably with the addition of soothing essential oils. muscle aches, e.g. juniper or clove. The sauna is also a great regenerative solution – its additional therapeutic effect is detoxification, which is also important after exercise – when burning fat, lipophilic toxins (accumulating in adipose tissue) can also be released into our body, which we want to get rid of, of course. If we do not have such an opportunity, it is worth using at least warm compresses (e.g. a hot water bottle) or applying a warming ointment to the painful areas.

The perfect soothing solution soreness there is also a light massage muscles and just like after training, stretching exercises. For such a massage, you can use, for example, the STING Hard Roller with FASCIQ® Foam insets. Use the HOTR Sport Balsamique® Professional massage oil for this or the ICER Sport Balsamique® Professional cooling massage oil.

Also a light workout that will get your sore feet moving musclesis a good way to get rid of faster pain. Of course, in the event of a strong, annoying one painthat prevents us from functioning, we can reach for painkillers. The best solution in this case is topical painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diclofenac, ibuprofen or naproxen. In a very strong case pain you can also take a painkiller.

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