Source of folic acid, good for the heart. Properties of bulgur groats
Source of folic acid, good for the heart. Properties of bulgur groatsSource of folic acid, good for the heart. Properties of bulgur groats

The superiority of groats over potatoes, pasta and rice has long been proven. Also, bulgur groats are characterized by many positive properties that make more and more people reach for it. It is one of the oldest known groats, made by the inhabitants of the Middle East.

It is obtained from hard durum wheat, its grains are first processed – they are boiled, then dried, then crushed to remove the bran and wheat germ. In this way, bulgur is created, a fine light grain, resembling couscous.

It has a yellow-brown color and its taste is slightly nutty. We will get it in three varieties – fine, medium and coarse. It is added to almost every dish, both to main dishes, salads, soups, as well as starters and desserts.

What is good about bulgur groats?

Many! First, it has a lot of protein and little fat. Its low glycemic index means that it does not cause sudden spikes in insulin, and after consumption it provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. Studies conducted in Finland have shown that it has properties that cause fat cells to shrink. What’s more, half a cup of groats has more fiber and fewer calories than other grain products. For example, it has twice as much fiber as brown rice!

It has a positive effect on digestion, prevents colon cancer and constipation. It does not contribute to bloating. It is recommended primarily to people who care about their figure, dieters, diabetics and children, as well as pregnant women.

Source of folic acid

Thanks to the high content of folic acid, B vitamins, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, it is recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It will be an ideal, natural source of folic acid that prevents complications in the fetus, so it will support the proper development of the child.

In addition, it contains chromium, which reduces the appetite for sweets. This is another argument in favor of bulgur being eaten by people on a diet and watching their weight. You can find it in some supermarkets and health food stores.

Nutritional values ​​of bulgur groats (100 grams):

  • 12,5 g of protein
  • 1 g of fats,
  • 360 calories,
  • 78,1 g of carbohydrates,
  • 12 g of fiber.

Supporter of the cardiovascular system

It contains closely cooperating minerals that are responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. The potassium present in it lowers blood pressure, and also increases heart contractions to oxygenate the body. Similar functions are performed by calcium, which plays an important role in supplying blood to all cells of the body. Magnesium dilates the arteries and protects against heart attack, while sodium regulates muscle tone.

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