
Simply renaming common cod as, say, “juicy Italian fillet” can increase its sales by 28%. This technique is well known to many restaurateurs, but it works, it seems, not only for adults, but also for children.

Simply renaming common cod as, say, “juicy Italian fillet” can increase its sales by 28%*. This technique is well known to many restaurateurs, but it works, it seems, not only for adults, but also for children. This is evidenced by the results of an experiment conducted by Cornell University (USA) psychologist Brian Wansink and nutritionist Colin Payne. Their XNUMX-year-old subjects eagerly ate double portions of “X-ray vision carrots” and other (healthy but usually unpopular with children) meals with captivating names at lunch. The conclusion of scientists: what awakens our imagination, kindles our appetite. However, parents should not rely only on the magical power of their imagination. We remind you: only what is cooked with love and eaten with pleasure (including by us, parents!), will be really useful for our children.

* B. Wansink «Mindless Eating»/ Hay House, 2009.

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