Imagine that you are on the Hunger Games. You have to survive in the wild under the gaze of millions of faceless spectators and judges. Not the most inspiring scenario? It doesn’t seem that way to everyone. Many, on the contrary, are trying to get on the screen, to be in the center of everyone’s attention, and to achieve this goal they take part in a reality show, bringing to the public the most intimate – private life. What motivates those who decide on such a spiritual “exposure”?
How did reality shows come about and why did they become so popular?
The first reality shows began to be broadcast in the United States. In 1948, the Hidden Camera program appeared on American television. Its main task was to show the reaction of ordinary people to unexpected events, initially carefully thought out by the screenwriter. The show was an extraordinary success, and the baton of reality was first picked up by the UK, and then the whole world.
Why has this format become so popular? Psychologists believe that the subconscious desire of a person for voyeurism, spying on someone else’s life is partly to blame. But it’s not only that. Reality TV is a kind of escape from reality that helps people believe in a happy ending, despite the seriousness of the broadcast situations.
For greater effectiveness in reality, they often demonstrate sudden changes in the mood of the characters, forcing the situation and, in general, life “on the cutting edge”. Audiences are sensitive to these emotional swings, and this rollercoaster ride quickly leads to addiction.
Reality show participants: their motivation
With a hidden voyeur in each of us, everything is clear. What about those people who themselves want to be watched? In other words, what is the motivation of the reality show participants?
Psychologist Marina Rufanova identifies several reasons that encourage a person to decide on “spiritual exhibitionism.” And if some of them are obvious and lie on the surface, others may surprise.
- Many reality show contestants take this step primarily for financial gain. The winners of such programs (if it ends at some point, and does not last forever) are awarded prizes, and in addition, the organizers pay for accommodation, meals, transfers and other expenses.
- An equally common reason is the desire for fame and attention. People try to satisfy their vanity in the fastest possible way – by participating in a television program that thousands of people watch every day. And even if a reality TV participant does not become a winner, he at least manages to “light up”. Psychologists compare this with exhibitionism: the characters of the show are ready to expose their emotions and experiences, and sometimes even go too far with it, just to be remembered by the public, to leave a “mark in history.”
- But not all reasons are so mundane. Another motivator is the desire to feel like a part of something bigger. In today’s world, our need for belonging is poorly met, as most lead closed lives. By taking part in a reality show, the characters acquire a kind of community, a group, belonging to which they feel strongly.
- Often, philosophical motives can be traced in the behavior of the participants in the show. Thirty years ago, Jean Baudrillard wrote that being connected to the image of oneself on the screen, to one’s vitality becomes much more important for a person than to possess it. In other words, “I am on the screen – therefore I exist.” Self-contemplation makes people feel alive and is considered “proof of life” in modern realities.
The hero can come to the show for the sake of the financial component, and leave, having received something different, sometimes even more valuable.
These are the main psychological motives that drive the participants in almost all reality shows. However, depending on the characteristics of a particular project, specific ones can be added to the main reasons.
Take, for example, family projects where the characters, with the help of a psychologist, work on relationships between parents and children, learn to resolve conflicts and find a common language. In these shows, other motives and aspirations come to the fore:
- Desire to share accumulated experiences. Sometimes it is hidden, and then the participants expect to be “talked” on the reality show;
- The desire to be heard in the family, to express themselves and their needs;
- The desire of parents to find the right approach to raising a child;
- The desire of the spouses to agree among themselves on the methods of raising children;
- The desire to become closer, open up to each other, resolve conflicts or relieve tension in the family;
- Desire to spend time with family. Under normal conditions, this is not always possible, especially if all households are busy with work or study and everyone comes up with what to do with their leisure time on their own.
It is noteworthy that the motivation of the participants and their expectations from the project, whether it is to receive a prize or fame, can change over time. The hero can come to the show for the sake of the financial component, and leave, having received something different, sometimes even more valuable – new friends, new experience, a new understanding of himself, his strengths and weaknesses and life priorities.
About expert
Marina Rufanova — Gestalt therapist, psychologist who followed the project