Soul mate
Where does the myth of the soul mate come from?
This notion has been able to cross the ages since Ancient Greece where Plato tells the myth of the birth of love in his book Feast :
« Humans then consisted of a circular body, a head with two identical faces, four arms and four legs, giving them such power that they could compete with the gods. The latter, not wanting to risk losing their supremacy, decided, to weaken these super humans, to cut them into two parts, each made up of a single face, two arms and two legs. What was done. But once separated, the two parts were only busy finding their missing half in order to reform a single being: this is the origin of love. “. Extract from Yves-Alexandre Thalmann’s book, Becoming a soul mate.
Thus, men would only be halves responsible for finding their other half at best, at worst another half, in order to be complete.
We find in this myth the 3 characteristics of the concept of the soul-mate: the found completeness, the perfect correspondence and the similarity of the two halves.
Theoretically, the two soul mates get along perfectly: no conflict disturbs a permanent harmony. Moreover, nothing resembles an individual more than his soul mate: the two share the same tastes, the same preferences, the same values, the same conceptions of things, the same meaning of life … On a practical level, strength is to note that the existence of the soul mate is more a matter of fantasy.
Is the relationship with his soul mate necessarily harmonious?
Who more than identical twins could correspond to the myth told by the character of Plato? Coming from the same egg cell, they share the same genetic code. Studies, however, do not support this impression, even though the two experience a close-knit relationship that is often troubling to others. Conflicts exist and the relationship between the 2 twins is far from being a long calm river. The strong resemblance on the psychic and physical levels does not therefore guarantee the harmony of the relationship. In other words, even if we find this soul mate, lost in the midst of billions of other human beings, the relationship that we could establish with her has no chance of being completely harmonious.
The real odds of meeting your soulmate
If a soul mate really exists, the chances of meeting him are slim.
That is to say a population of 7 billion people. By eliminating children and people who have turned away from love (such as religious orders), there are still 3 billion potential people.
Assuming that there is a database listing these 3 billion people, and that the face alone can recognize a soul mate (on the logical basis of love at first sight), it would take 380 years to travel through the ‘set of targets, at a rate of 12 hours per day.
The likelihood of a soul mate being the first person viewed approaches that of winning the jackpot of a national lottery.
In reality, we only meet between 1000 and 10 people: the probability of meeting your soul mate is therefore tiny, especially since it must also be noted that we are constantly changing. An ideal person at the age of 000 may not seem at all complementary to us at the age of 20. It is therefore necessary that the meeting of the soul mate takes place at an extremely auspicious time or that the soul mate evolves in exactly the same way and at the same rate as us. When you know the importance of environmental factors on physical and mental changes, it seems quite impossible …
However, a belief does not have to be “possible” or “true” as long as it has positive virtues on others. Alas, there again, the concept of “soul mates” seems rather to harm those who have faith in it: it gives rise in them to the obsessive desire to find it, disenchantment, dissatisfaction, restraint in romantic relationships and , finally, loneliness.
Yves-Alexandre Thalmann, in a book devoted to the subject to be put in all hands, closes the subject in the most beautiful way: ” The real hope does not lie in the possible existence of a soul mate, but in the conviction that our commitment, our efforts and our good will, as long as they are reciprocal, are capable of making any romantic relationship enriching and pleasant over time ».
How to meet people?
Inspirational quotes
« People think a soul mate is their perfect match, and everyone is chasing after them. In fact, the real soul mate is a mirror, it is the person who shows you everything that gets in your way, who brings you to contemplate yourself so that you can change things in your life. . Elizabeth Gilbert
« We miss the soul mate if we meet it too early or too late. In another time, in another place, our story would have been different. » Film «2046»