The soul is a living part of the space of the inner life of man.
The soul is our inner feelings and experiences, desires and impulses, characters familiar to all of us who love to impersonate our Self. When and to what extent the body turns out to be the main acting element in the game of spiritual characters, we feel inside ourselves — warmth and energy, ability and desire move. We live with soul.
Interests, motives and aspirations are the motor that pulls a person forward, and at the same time the striving lines that determine the direction of his movement. In the spirit-mind-soul-body metaphor, motives, interests, and aspirations are a passionate soul. In the metaphor “Master, wagon and horses”, these are horses that rush, dragging a wagon (body) with a coachman (mind) sitting on the irradiation. See Passionate Soul: Interests, Motives, Aspirations
Sincere, especially sincere conversation — the conversation is always warm, never — not aggressive. To do with the soul — to do it carefully, with desire, not to be lazy.
When and to what extent the mind is active in this interaction of body and mind, we live with the mind, and our soul turns out to be rational. We know that feelings are educated and wild, but desires are not reasonable. One who is accustomed to live only by feelings, not including his head, cannot be sure of the reasonableness of his feelings.
Girls like to talk more about their soul, but when you hear something from a girl about her soul, you can almost accurately translate: we are talking about her body. When her soul longs for a young man, her body longs for a young man. When her soul asks for a cake — her body wants a cake …
The soul is the stage on which the characters of the Mind and the Body put on performances. Everything that we see and feel in our souls are inventions and compositions, in which we believe in the same way as in other well-composed works of art. But take it seriously…
“I felt ashamed of my actions, shame and guilt for a bad attitude towards my relatives painfully prick me in the sides” — You invent. Take a notebook and write down every 5 minutes: is it true that they prick, in what place, stronger or weaker than in the past 5 minutes. If you are going to write down, you will understand that these are fictions that you believe in only until you pay serious attention to it.
It happens that all the characters of our inner life, all our feelings and aspirations act together, in one direction. It is worse when disagreements arise between them, when each pulls in their own direction, when internal conflicts begin. If there is a Master in the soul — sometimes this is the strongest aspiration, sometimes the will — the inner life turns out to be more organized. (“Where is your soul?” is a question that you are really interested in, where you become alive, animated).
Sometimes, when this interaction of soul and body is supervised by the spirit, the soul becomes high. However, the spirit is not often present with us, and in the usual way the inner life goes on without its participation.
The space of the soul has its own structure. An attentive person will discern that there is an inner soul, there is an outer soul, and there is a face (sometimes a mask) for those around.
In the inner soul there can be perfect transparent calm and love, in the outer soul at the same time sympathy and anxiety, and on the face, in expressive movements, the demanding expectation of decisive action.
The soul body is a metaphor that describes well the basic procedures for organizing and maintaining soul life. Like the physical body, the mental body needs treatment (psychotherapy), development (developmental psychology), warm-up, nutrition, pumping, hygiene procedures …
The development of soulfulness is the development of the second position of perception, the ability to perceive what is happening from the point of view of the interlocutor, to see with his eyes and feel with his feelings. Sincerity, as an expression of the second position of perception, can and should be combined with other positions, but the incorrect development of the first and third positions interferes with sincerity.